2016-10-03 20 views



X = Y + 2 
Y = Z + R + 1 
R = 2 +  3 
Z = 1 

:LHSは、ちょうど変数名になります。 RHSはunsigned intと '+'演算子のみを持ちます。すべての未知数について解く。私は私のコードで取得


X = 2 
Y = 1 
R = 5 
Z = 1 


#include <vector> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <map> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <set> 
#include <regex> 

using namespace std; 
map<string, string> mymap; 

// Method to Parse a given expression based on given arg delimiter 
// ret: vector of parsed expression 
vector<string> parse_expr(string n, char *delims) 
    vector<string> v; 
    string cleanline; 
    char* char_line = (char*)n.c_str(); // Non-const cast required. 

    char* token = NULL; 
    char* context = NULL; 
    vector<string>::iterator it; 

    token = strtok_s(char_line, delims, &context); 

    while (token != NULL) 
     cleanline += token; 
     cleanline += ' '; 
     token = strtok_s(NULL, delims, &context); 
    return v; 

//Method to find sum for a given vector 
//retype: string 
//ret: sum of given vector 
string find_VctrSum(string key, vector<string> v) 
    int sum = 0; 
    string val; 
    vector<string>::iterator i; 
    for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) 
     val = *i; 
     //cout << "val is :" << val << endl; 
     sum += stoi(val); 
    return to_string(sum); 

//Method to check if arg is integer or string 
// ret: True if int 
bool isNumber(string x) { 
    regex e("^-?\\d+"); 
    if (regex_match(x, e)) return true; 
    else return false; 

//Recursive call to evaluate the set of expressions 
string evaluate_eq(string key) 
    string expr, var; 
    vector<string> items; 
    vector<string>::iterator i; 

    auto temp = mymap.find(key); 
    if (temp != mymap.end()) // check temp is pointing to underneath element of a map 
     //fetch lhs 
     var = temp->first; 
     //fetch rhs 
     expr = temp->second; 

    // remove whitespaces 
    expr.erase(remove_if(expr.begin(), expr.end(), isspace), expr.end()); 

    //Parse RHS by '+' sign 
    items = parse_expr(expr, "+"); 
    for (i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) 
     //cout << (*i) << endl; 

     if (isNumber(*i) == true) 
      //pass- do nothiing 
      //recursive call to evaluate unknown 
      string c = evaluate_eq(*i); 
      //now update the map and Find Sum vector 
      mymap[key] = c; 
      *i = c; 
    //find sum 
    return find_VctrSum(key, items); 

//main to parse input from text file and evaluate 
int main() 
    string line; 
    ifstream myfile("equation.txt"); 
    vector<string> v; 

    if (myfile.is_open()) 
     while (getline(myfile, line)) 
    else cout << "Unable to open file"; 

    //Create a map with key:variable and value: expression to solve 
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) 
     vector<string> token; 
     token = parse_expr(v[i], "="); 
     mymap.insert(pair<string, string>(token[0], token[1])); 

    cout << "Equation sets given:" << endl; 
    for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) 
     std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; 

    for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); it++) 
     //Also update the map 
     mymap[it->first] = evaluate_eq(it->first); 

    cout << "Equation sets solved:" << endl; 
    for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) 
     std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; 

    char ch; 
    cin >> ch; 

ロジックは、与えられた式を解決しながら、見つかった場合は、不明な(文字列)のために再帰的に呼び出して更新することです値付きのマップ。デバッグでは、再帰呼び出しが以下で失敗することがわかりましたが、 "mymap"が更新されています。理由は分かりません。

if (temp != mymap.end()) 

問題や論理的な経過を特定する際の助けがあれば幸いです。 ありがとう


。 – PaulMcKenzie


地図の返品状況を確認してください。マップに値が見つからない場合、map.end()を返します。 –


'//非constキャストが必要です.' - いいえ。 [strtokは破壊的である](http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/string/byte/strtok) - 小文字を読んでください。したがって 'c_str()'の戻り値は 'const'なので使用できません。 – PaulMcKenzie




//Create a map with key:variable and value: expression to solve 
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) 
     vector<string> token; 
     token = parse_expr(v[i], "="); 
     //Strip whitespaces 
     token[0].erase(remove_if(token[0].begin(), token[0].end(), isspace), token[0].end()); 
     token[1].erase(remove_if(token[1].begin(), token[1].end(), isspace), token[1].end()); 

     mymap.insert(pair<string, string>(token[0], token[1])); 



  1. 、これはマップ内のキー見つけるの私の問題解消 -

    if (temp != mymap.end()) 
    1. 私のfind_VctrSumが更新されました。私の以前のevaluate_eq()での更新とは異なり、ここでマップします。

    //Method to find sum for a given vector 
    //retype: string 
    //ret: sum of given vector 
    string find_VctrSum(string key, vector<string> v) 
        int sum = 0; 
        string val; 
        vector<string>::iterator i; 
        for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) 
         val = *i; 
         sum += stoi(val); 
        //Update the Map 

    mymapという[キー] = to_stringに(合計)。ここで

    return to_string(sum); 

    完全な作業コードである - `strtok_s`通話中に`)プログラムは(n.c_str `の返された内容を変更しようとするため、あなたに未定義の振る舞いを呼び出す

    #include <vector> 
    #include <string> 
    #include <sstream> 
    #include <iostream> 
    #include <map> 
    #include <fstream> 
    #include <set> 
    #include <regex> 
    using namespace std; 
    map<string, string> mymap; 
    // Method to Parse a given expression based on given arg delimiter 
    // ret: vector of parsed expression 
    vector<string> parse_expr(string n, char *delims) 
        vector<string> v; 
        string cleanline; 
        char* char_line = (char*)n.c_str(); // Non-const cast required. 
        char* token = NULL; 
        char* context = NULL; 
        vector<string>::iterator it; 
        token = strtok_s(char_line, delims, &context); 
        while (token != NULL) 
         cleanline += token; 
         cleanline += ' '; 
         token = strtok_s(NULL, delims, &context); 
        return v; 
    //Method to find sum for a given vector 
    //retype: string 
    //ret: sum of given vector 
    string find_VctrSum(string key, vector<string> v) 
        int sum = 0; 
        string val; 
        vector<string>::iterator i; 
        for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) 
         val = *i; 
         sum += stoi(val); 
        //Update the Map 
        mymap[key] = to_string(sum); 
        return to_string(sum); 
    //Method to check if arg is integer or string 
    // ret: True if int 
    bool isNumber(string x) { 
        regex e("^-?\\d+"); 
        if (regex_match(x, e)) return true; 
        else return false; 
    //Recursive call to evaluate the set of expressions 
    string evaluate_eq(string key) 
        string expr, var; 
        vector<string> items; 
        vector<string>::iterator i; 
        string currentkey = key; 
        auto temp = mymap.find(key); 
        if (temp != mymap.end()) // check temp is pointing to underneath element of a map 
         //fetch lhs 
         var = key; 
         //fetch rhs 
         expr = temp->second; 
        // remove whitespaces 
        expr.erase(remove_if(expr.begin(), expr.end(), isspace), expr.end()); 
        //Parse RHS by '+' sign 
        items = parse_expr(expr, "+"); 
        for (i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) 
         if (isNumber(*i) == true) 
          //pass- do nothiing 
          //recursive call to evaluate unknown 
          string c = evaluate_eq(*i); 
          //update the temp vector 
          *i = c; 
        //find sum 
        return find_VctrSum(key, items); 
    //main to parse input from text file and evaluate 
    int main() 
        string line; 
        ifstream myfile("equation.txt"); 
        vector<string> v; 
        if (myfile.is_open()) 
         while (getline(myfile, line)) 
        else cout << "Unable to open file"; 
        //Create a map with key:variable and value: expression to solve 
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) 
         vector<string> token; 
         token = parse_expr(v[i], "="); 
         //Strip whitespaces 
         token[0].erase(remove_if(token[0].begin(), token[0].end(), isspace), token[0].end()); 
         token[1].erase(remove_if(token[1].begin(), token[1].end(), isspace), token[1].end()); 
         mymap.insert(pair<string, string>(token[0], token[1])); 
        cout << "Equation sets given:" << endl; 
        for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) 
         std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; 
        for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); it++) 
         //Also update the map 
         mymap[it->first] = evaluate_eq(it->first); 
        cout << "Equation sets solved:" << endl; 
        for (map<string, string>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) 
         std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; 
        char ch; 
        cin >> ch; 