2017-06-08 10 views

k-meansを使用してデータセットをクラスタ化しようとしています。アルゴリズムを1回だけ実行すると、ランダムクラスタが返されますが、複数の繰り返しを試すと0だけが返されます。私が使用している行列は、50k x 140の2進行列です。各行はユーザーを表し、各列は項目を表します。k-は、Pythonでクラスタリングが正しくないことを意味します。

def clusterizator(matriz, nDeClusters, it=10): # matrix, number of clusters, number of iterations 

    nOfLines = matriz.shape[0] # number of lines (users) 
    nOfColumns = matriz.shape[1] # number of columns (items) 
    clusterCurrently = np.zeros((nOfLines, 1)) # currently cluster assigned to each user 
    listOfCurrentlyAssigneds = [] # list with numberOfClusters size, each element is a list of currently elements assigned to this cluster 
    clusterCentroid = [] # centroid of each cluster 

    clusterCentroid = np.random.randint(2, size=(nDeClusters, nOfColumns)) # starts with randoms centroids 

    for repeat in xrange(it): # number of iterations 
     listOfCurrentlyAssigneds = [[] for i in xrange(nDeClusters)] # create empty lists for each cluster 

     for i in xrange(nOfLines): # for each user 
      closestCentroid = clusterMaisProximo(matriz[i], clusterCentroid) # calculates the closest centroid 
      clusterCurrently[i] = closestCentroid       # assign the user to closest centroid 
      listOfCurrentlyAssigneds[closestCentroid].append(matriz[i])  # put user on that centroid list 

     for i in xrange(nDeClusters): # for each cluster 
      if listOfCurrentlyAssigneds[i] != []: # if the list is not empty 
       clusterCentroid[i] = centeroidnp(listOfCurrentlyAssigneds[i]) # calculates the new centroid 

    return clusterCurrently # return 1-column matrix with user x cluster 

def distanciaEucl(elemento1, elemento2): 
    return np.linalg.norm(elemento2-elemento1) #calculates the distance between to items (or one user and one cluster) 

def clusterMaisProximo(elemento, listaDeClusters): # receive one user and the cluster's centroids list, return the closest one 
    closest = 0 
    closestDist = distanciaEucl(elemento, listaDeClusters[0]) # starts with the cluster[0] 

    for i in xrange(len(listaDeClusters)-1): # for each cluster 
     dist = distanciaEucl(elemento, listaDeClusters[i+1]) # get the distance to currently cluster's centroid 
     if dist < closestDist: # if it is closer to the element 
      closest = i+1 # update new closest element 
      closestDist = dist # update new closest distance 

    return closest # return closest 

# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23020659/fastest-way-to-calculate-the-centroid-of-a-set-of-coordinate-tuples-in-python-wi 
# by Retozi (adapted) 
def centeroidnp(lista): # get a list of elements (number of elements x items) 
    shape = list(lista[0].shape) 
    shape[:0] = [len(lista)] 
    arr = np.concatenate(lista).reshape(shape) # get an array from the list 
    length = arr.shape[0] 
    somas = np.zeros(arr.shape[1]) 
    for i in xrange(arr.shape[1]): # for each item (dimension) 
     somas[i] = (np.sum(arr[:, i]))/length # sum all elements and divide by number of elements 
    return somas # return array that will be the new centroid position 



clust = clusterizator(train, 10, 2) 


train = [[0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0]] 

「kNNクラスタリング」はありません。あなたはおそらくk-meansを実装しようとしています。 (kNN分類もあります) –




新しい重心を見てください。それらはおそらくすべてゼロですか? これは、プログラミング(Python 3を除く)では整数計算のために1/2 = 0であるためです。



申し訳ありませんが、名前が混ざりました。私は 'somas [i] =(np.sum(arr [:, i]))/ float(length)'に変更しましたが、結果はまだゼロです。セントロイドはゼロではありませんが、何らかの理由でそれらがすべて同じ値を得ています。 – Lauro
