ある程度前に、OpenGL頂点で2D地形を作る方法についてthis questionに尋ねました。私は良い答えを得ましたが、試してみると何も描かれなかったし、何が間違っているのか、それを修正する方法を知ることはできません。OpenGLで2D地形を作成する際の問題
public class Terrain extends Actor {
Mesh mesh;
private final int LENGTH = 1500; //length of the whole terrain
public Terrain(int res) {
Random r = new Random();
//res (resolution) is the number of height-points
//minimum is 2, which will result in a box (under each height-point there is another vertex)
if (res < 2)
res = 2;
mesh = new Mesh(VertexDataType.VertexArray, true, 2 * res, 50, new VertexAttribute(Usage.Position, 2, "a_position"));
float x = 0f; //current position to put vertices
float med = 100f; //starting y
float y = med;
float slopeWidth = (float) (LENGTH/((float) (res - 1))); //horizontal distance between 2 heightpoints
float[] tempVer = new float[2*2*res]; //hold vertices before setting them to the mesh
int offset = 0; //offset to put it in tempVer
for (int i = 0; i<res; i++) {
tempVer[offset+0] = x; tempVer[offset+1] = 0f; // below height
tempVer[offset+2] = x; tempVer[offset+3] = y; // height
//next position:
x += slopeWidth;
y += (r.nextFloat() - 0.5f) * 50;
offset +=4;
short[] tempIn = new short[(res-1)*6];
offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<res; i+=2) {
tempIn[offset + 0] = (short) (i); // below height
tempIn[offset + 1] = (short) (i + 2); // below next height
tempIn[offset + 2] = (short) (i + 1); // height
tempIn[offset + 3] = (short) (i + 1); // height
tempIn[offset + 4] = (short) (i + 2); // below next height
tempIn[offset + 5] = (short) (i + 3); // next height
public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float delta) {
よ、あなたは何もレンダリングされていないことを確認しています?あなたのカメラの位置かもしれません。 – PaulG