Kerasを使用してRNNを構築しました。 RNNは、回帰問題を解決するために使用されます。Keras RNNの損失がエポックで減少しない
def RNN_keras(feat_num, timestep_num=100):
model = Sequential()
model.add(BatchNormalization(input_shape=(timestep_num, feat_num)))
model.add(LSTM(input_shape=(timestep_num, feat_num), output_dim=512, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(output_dim=128, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(output_dim=1, activation='relu'))) # sequence labeling
rmsprop = RMSprop(lr=0.00001, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-08)
return model
61267 in the training set
6808 in the test set
Building training input vectors ...
888 unique feature names
The length of each vector will be 888
Using TensorFlow backend.
Build model...
# Each batch has 1280 examples
# The training data are shuffled at the beginning of each epoch.
****** Iterating over each batch of the training data ******
Epoch 1/3 : Batch 1/48 | loss = 11011073.000000 | root_mean_squared_error = 3318.232910
Epoch 1/3 : Batch 2/48 | loss = 620.271667 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.904161
Epoch 1/3 : Batch 3/48 | loss = 620.068665 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.900017
Epoch 1/3 : Batch 47/48 | loss = 618.046448 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.859678
Epoch 1/3 : Batch 48/48 | loss = 652.977051 | root_mean_squared_error = 25.552946
****** Epoch 1: RMSD(training) = 24.897174
Epoch 2/3 : Batch 1/48 | loss = 607.372620 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.644049
Epoch 2/3 : Batch 2/48 | loss = 599.667786 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.487448
Epoch 2/3 : Batch 3/48 | loss = 621.368103 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.926300
Epoch 2/3 : Batch 47/48 | loss = 620.133667 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.901398
Epoch 2/3 : Batch 48/48 | loss = 639.971924 | root_mean_squared_error = 25.297264
****** Epoch 2: RMSD(training) = 24.897174
Epoch 3/3 : Batch 1/48 | loss = 651.519836 | root_mean_squared_error = 25.523636
Epoch 3/3 : Batch 2/48 | loss = 673.582581 | root_mean_squared_error = 25.952084
Epoch 3/3 : Batch 3/48 | loss = 613.930054 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.776562
Epoch 3/3 : Batch 47/48 | loss = 624.460327 | root_mean_squared_error = 24.988203
Epoch 3/3 : Batch 48/48 | loss = 629.544250 | root_mean_squared_error = 25.090448
****** Epoch 3: RMSD(training) = 24.897174
UPDATE: 私は、すべての予測は常にすべてのエポックの後にゼロであることを見つけます。これは、すべてのRMSDがすべて同じである、つまり0であるため、すべてのRMSDがすべて同じ理由です。つまり、トレーニングyを確認しました。わずか数個のゼロしか含まれていません。したがって、データの不均衡によるものではありません。