tは、t = r/Rラジアンのように、球の中心で長さrの大きな円の円弧で囲まれた角度です。
KはC(すなわち、サークルの面がCと交差する場所)、「下」は、対応する点であるので、K = COS(T)C
S(すなわち3次元空間で測定された円の半径はありません球上の)は、S = SIN(T)
This answer
// Pseudo-code to calculate 20 points on the circle
for (a = 0; a != 360; a += 18)
// A point on the circle and the unit sphere
P = K + s * (U * sin(a) + V * cos(a))
using System;
namespace gpsCircle
struct Gps
// In degrees
public readonly double Latitude;
public readonly double Longtitude;
public Gps(double latitude, double longtitude)
Latitude = latitude;
Longtitude = longtitude;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0},{1})", Latitude, Longtitude);
public Vector ToUnitVector()
double lat = Latitude/180 * Math.PI;
double lng = Longtitude/180 * Math.PI;
// Z is North
// X points at the Greenwich meridian
return new Vector(Math.Cos(lng) * Math.Cos(lat), Math.Sin(lng) * Math.Cos(lat), Math.Sin(lat));
struct Vector
public readonly double X;
public readonly double Y;
public readonly double Z;
public Vector(double x, double y, double z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
public double MagnitudeSquared()
return X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z;
public double Magnitude()
return Math.Sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
public Vector ToUnit()
double m = Magnitude();
return new Vector(X/m, Y/m, Z/m);
public Gps ToGps()
Vector unit = ToUnit();
// Rounding errors
double z = unit.Z;
if (z > 1)
z = 1;
double lat = Math.Asin(z);
double lng = Math.Atan2(unit.Y, unit.X);
return new Gps(lat * 180/Math.PI, lng * 180/Math.PI);
public static Vector operator*(double m, Vector v)
return new Vector(m * v.X, m * v.Y, m * v.Z);
public static Vector operator-(Vector a, Vector b)
return new Vector(a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y, a.Z - b.Z);
public static Vector operator+(Vector a, Vector b)
return new Vector(a.X + b.X, a.Y + b.Y, a.Z + b.Z);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0},{1},{2})", X, Y, Z);
public double Dot(Vector that)
return X * that.X + Y * that.Y + Z * that.Z;
public Vector Cross(Vector that)
return new Vector(Y * that.Z - Z * that.Y, Z * that.X - X * that.Z, X * that.Y - Y * that.X);
// Pick a random orthogonal vector
public Vector Orthogonal()
double minNormal = Math.Abs(X);
int minIndex = 0;
if (Math.Abs(Y) < minNormal)
minNormal = Math.Abs(Y);
minIndex = 1;
if (Math.Abs(Z) < minNormal)
minNormal = Math.Abs(Z);
minIndex = 2;
Vector B;
switch (minIndex)
case 0:
B = new Vector(1, 0, 0);
case 1:
B = new Vector(0, 1, 0);
B = new Vector(0, 0, 1);
return (B - minNormal * this).ToUnit();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Phnom Penh
Gps centre = new Gps(11.55, 104.916667);
// In metres
double worldRadius = 6371000;
// In metres
double circleRadius = 1000;
// Points representing circle of radius circleRadius round centre.
Gps[] points = new Gps[20];
CirclePoints(points, centre, worldRadius, circleRadius);
static void CirclePoints(Gps[] points, Gps centre, double R, double r)
int count = points.Length;
Vector C = centre.ToUnitVector();
double t = r/R;
Vector K = Math.Cos(t) * C;
double s = Math.Sin(t);
Vector U = K.Orthogonal();
Vector V = K.Cross(U);
// Improve orthogonality
U = K.Cross(V);
for (int point = 0; point != count; ++point)
double a = 2 * Math.PI * point/count;
Vector P = K + s * (Math.Sin(a) * U + Math.Cos(a) * V);
points[point] = P.ToGps();
あなたのプログラムにはどのような言語を使用していますか? – arx