2011-10-21 11 views



var1 var2 var3 var4 
10.39 73.32 2.02 28.26 
11.13 68.71 1.86 27.83 
12.71 74.27 1.89 28.26 
11.46 91.06 1.63 28.26 
11.72 85.38 1.51 28.26 
13.39 78.68 1.89 28.26 
13.02 68.02 2.01 28.26 
12.08 64.37 2.18 28.26 
11.58 60.71 2.28 28.26 
8.94 65.67 1.92 27.04 
11.61 59.57 2.32 27.52 
19.06 74.49 1.69 63.35 
17.52 73.62 1.73 63.51 
19.52 71.52 1.79 63.51 
18.76 67.55 1.86 63.51 
19.84 53.34 2.3  63.51 
20.19 59.82 1.97 63.51 
17.43 57.89 2.05 63.38 
17.9 59.95 1.89 63.51 
18.97 57.84 2  63.51 
19.22 57.74 2.05 63.51 
17.55 55.66 1.99 63.51 
19.22 101.31 6.76 94.29 
19.41 99.47 6.07 94.15 
18.99 94.01 7.32 94.08 
19.88 103.57 6.98 94.58 
19.08 95.38 5.66 94.14 
20.36 100.43 6.13 94.47 
20.13 98.78 7.37 94.47 
20.36 89.36 8.79 94.71 
20.96 84.48 8.33 94.01 
21.02 83.97 6.78 94.72 
19.6 95.64 6.56 94.57 

申し訳ありませんが、データが正しくフォーマットしませんでした。読み込みする必要があります。 – Chris


VAR1 10.39 11.13 12.71 11.46 11.72 13.39 13.02 12.08 11.58 8.94 11.61 19.06 17.52 19.52 18.76 19.84 20.19 17.43 17.9 18.97 19.22 17.55 19.22 19.41 18.99 1 9.88 19.08 20.36 20.13 20.36 20.96 21.02 19.6 – Chris


VAR2 73.32 68.71 74.27 91.06 85.38 78.68 68.02 64.37 60.71 65.67 59.57 74.49 73.62 71.52 67.55 53.34 59.82 57.89 59.95 57.84 57.74 55.66 101.31 99.47 94.01 103.57 95.38 100.43 98.78 89.36 84.48 83.97 95.64 – Chris



import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
from matplotlib import cm 

# create some fake data 
x = y = np.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.02) 
# here are the x,y and respective z values 
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) 
Z = np.sinc(np.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y)) 
# this is the value to use for the color 
V = np.sin(Y) 

# create the figure, add a 3d axis, set the viewing angle 
fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') 

# here we create the surface plot, but pass V through a colormap 
# to create a different color for each patch 
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=cm.Oranges(V)) 

enter image description here
