2016-11-16 10 views

私はPythonで1つのボールを4つのウィンドウのすべての辺から跳ね返させるプログラムを持っていますが、今は配列を使って10個のボールを作る必要があります。私はまだこれについて非常に新しく、これを実装する方法について混乱しています。あなたのコードでPython Zelle Graphicsを使用して円をボールで跳ね返させる

#create 10 balls bouncing off all 4 sides of the window (400 x 500) 
#The ball must start moving after a click, then stop after a given amount of time 
#After a second click, the program ends 


#create screen 400 x 500 
#create array of 10 circles in different starting points 

#wait for click anywhere on screen 
#click anywhere on screen 
#all 10 balls move in different directions bouncing off all 4 walls 
    #if ball hits left or right wall 
    #if ball hits top or bottom 

#ball moves for no more than 30 seconds 
#ball stops 
#wait for next click 
#program ends 


    from graphics import * 
    import time, random 

#create screen 
winWidth = 400; 
winHeight = 500; 
win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight); 
win.setCoords(0,0,winWidth, winHeight); 
numBalls= 10; 

#create 10 balls 
def makeBall(center, radius, win): 


    for i in range (0,numBalls): 
     aBall=Circle(center, radius); 

#animate 10 balls bouncing off edges of window 
def bounceInWin(shape, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh): 
    delay = .005 
    for x in range(900): 
     shape.move(dx, dy) 
     center = shape.getCenter() 
     x = center.getX() 
     y = center.getY() 
     if x < xLow: 
      dx = -dx 
     if x > xHigh: 
      dx = -dx 
     if y < yLow: 
      dy = -dy 
     if y > yHigh: 
      dy = -dy 

#get a random Point 
def getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh): 
    x = random.randrange(xLow, xHigh+1) 
    y = random.randrange(yLow, yHigh+1) 
    return Point(x, y) 

#make ball bounce 
def bounceBall(dx, dy):  
    winWidth = 400 
    winHeight = 500 
    win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight); 
    win.setCoords(0,0,winWidth, winHeight); 

    radius = 10 
    xLow = radius 
    xHigh = winWidth - radius 
    yLow = radius 
    yHigh = winHeight - radius 

    center = getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) 
    ball = makeBall(center, radius, win) 

    bounceInWin(ball, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) 

bounceBall(3, 5); 

#wait for another click to end program 
win.getMouse(); #close doesn't work, tried putting in loop 



固有の問題:私は、私がこれまでに以下の持っているもの投稿しますmakeBall()ballsを返すことに失敗しました。 makeBall()は、ランダムな開始点を生成する必要がありますが、すべて同じ場所から開始する必要はありません。 bounceInWin()には、ボールだけでなく、ボールごとに個別に更新されたdxとdyが必要です。コードはメインウィンドウを2回作成します。固定数の反復ではなく、動作を停止するための時間計算を追加する必要があります。 win.close()はメソッドなので括弧が必要です。セミコロン ";" Pythonコードで。

# Create 10 balls bouncing off all 4 sides of a window (400 x 500) 
# The ball must start moving after a click, then stop after a given 
# amount of time. After a second click, the program ends. 


# create screen 400 x 500 
# create array of 10 circles in different starting points 

# wait for click anywhere on screen 
# all 10 balls move in different directions bouncing off all 4 walls 
    # if ball hits left or right wall 
     # dx = -dx 
    # if ball hits top or bottom 
     # dy = -dy 

# balls move for no more than 30 seconds 
# balls stops 
# wait for next click 
# program ends 


import time 
import random 
from graphics import * 

winWidth, winHeight = 400, 500 
ballRadius = 10 
ballColor = 'red' 
numBalls = 10 
delay = .005 
runFor = 30 # in seconds 

# create 10 balls, randomly located 
def makeBalls(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh): 

    balls = [] 

    for _ in range(numBalls): 
     center = getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) 

     aBall = Circle(center, ballRadius) 

    return balls 

# animate 10 balls bouncing off edges of window 
def bounceInWin(shapes, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh): 
    movedShapes = [(getRandomDirection(dx, dy), shape) for shape in shapes] 

    start_time = time.time() 

    while time.time() < start_time + runFor: 
     shapes = movedShapes 
     movedShapes = [] 

     for (dx, dy), shape in shapes: 
      shape.move(dx, dy) 
      center = shape.getCenter() 

      x = center.getX() 
      if x < xLow or x > xHigh: 
       dx = -dx 

      y = center.getY() 
      if y < yLow or y > yHigh: 
       dy = -dy 

      # Could be so much simpler if Point had setX() and setY() methods 
      movedShapes.append(((dx, dy), shape)) 


# get a random direction 
def getRandomDirection(dx, dy): 
    x = random.randrange(-dx, dx) 
    y = random.randrange(-dy, dy) 

    return x, y 

# get a random Point 
def getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh): 
    x = random.randrange(xLow, xHigh + 1) 
    y = random.randrange(yLow, yHigh + 1) 

    return Point(x, y) 

# make balls bounce 
def bounceBalls(dx, dy): 

    xLow = ballRadius * 2 
    xHigh = winWidth - ballRadius * 2 
    yLow = ballRadius * 2 
    yHigh = winHeight - ballRadius * 2 

    balls = makeBalls(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) 


    bounceInWin(balls, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) 

# create screen 
win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight) 

bounceBalls(3, 5) 

# wait for another click to end program 

enter image description here

