// d is the direction the ray is heading in
// o is the origin of the ray
// verts is the 3 vertices of the triangle
// faceNorm is the normal of the triangle surface
Triangle::intersect(Vector3 d, Vector3 o, Vector3* verts, Vector3 faceNorm)
// Check for line parallel to plane
float r_dot_n = (dot(d, faceNorm));
// If r_dot_n == 0, then the line and plane are parallel, but we need to
// do the range check due to floating point precision
if (r_dot_n > -0.001f && r_dot_n < 0.001f)
return false;
// Then we calculate the distance of the ray origin to the triangle plane
float t = (dot(faceNorm, (verts[0] - o))/r_dot_n);
if (t < 0.0)
return false;
// We can now calculate the barycentric coords of the intersection
Vector3 ba_ca = cross(verts[1]-verts[0], verts[2]-verts[0]);
float denom = dot(-d, ba_ca);
dist_out = dot(o-verts[0], ba_ca)/denom;
float b = dot(-d, cross(r.o-verts[0], verts[2]-verts[0]))/denom;
float c = dot(-d, cross(verts[1]-verts[0], o-verts[0]))/denom;
// Check if in tri or if b & c have NaN values
if ( b < 0 || c < 0 || b+c > 1 || b != b || c != c)
return false;
// Use barycentric coordinates to calculate the intersection point
Vector3 P = (1.f-b-c)*verts[0] + b*verts[1] + c*verts[2];
return true;
+1 - 技術を実装するのは非常に簡単で簡単です。ここではProcessing(Javaのようなもの)にもっと多くの情報とソースコードがあります - http://wiki.processing.org/w/Picking_with_a_color_buffer – cyriel
このトピックにはどのサンプルコードもありますか? –
レンダリングのためにテクスチャにレンダリングを検索します。そうすれば、色を見つけるのは簡単です。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439697/opengl-es-2-0-render-to-texture – codetiger