# average_upcoming_5_days_predicted += predictions_df.loc[temp_date, 'prices']
# # Converting string to date time
# temp_date = datetime.strptime(temp_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
# # Adding one day from date time
# difference = temp_date + timedelta(days=1)
# # Converting again date time to string
# temp_date = difference.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# start_year = datetime.strptime(train_start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date().month
years = [2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016]
prediction_list = []
for year in years:
# Splitting the training and testing data
train_start_date = str(year) + '-01-01'
train_end_date = str(year) + '-10-31'
test_start_date = str(year) + '-11-01'
test_end_date = str(year) + '-12-31'
train = df.ix[train_start_date : train_end_date]
test = df.ix[test_start_date:test_end_date]
# Calculating the sentiment score
sentiment_score_list = []
for date, row in train.T.iteritems():
sentiment_score = np.asarray([df.loc[date, 'compound'],df.loc[date, 'neg'],df.loc[date, 'neu'],df.loc[date, 'pos']])
#sentiment_score = np.asarray([df.loc[date, 'neg'],df.loc[date, 'pos']])
numpy_df_train = np.asarray(sentiment_score_list)
sentiment_score_list = []
for date, row in test.T.iteritems():
sentiment_score = np.asarray([df.loc[date, 'compound'],df.loc[date, 'neg'],df.loc[date, 'neu'],df.loc[date, 'pos']])
#sentiment_score = np.asarray([df.loc[date, 'neg'],df.loc[date, 'pos']])
numpy_df_test = np.asarray(sentiment_score_list)
# Generating models
mlpc = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(100, 200, 100), activation='relu',
solver='lbfgs', alpha=0.005, learning_rate_init = 0.001, shuffle=False) # span = 20 # best 1
mlpc.fit(numpy_df_train, train['prices'])
prediction = mlpc.predict(numpy_df_test)
#print train_start_date + ' ' + train_end_date + ' ' + test_start_date + ' ' + test_end_date
idx = pd.date_range(test_start_date, test_end_date)
#print year
predictions_df_list = pd.DataFrame(data=prediction[0:], index = idx, columns=['prices'])
difference_test_predicted_prices = offset_value(test_start_date, test, predictions_df_list)
# Adding offset to all the advpredictions_df price values
predictions_df_list['prices'] = predictions_df_list['prices'] + difference_test_predicted_prices
# Smoothing the plot
predictions_df_list['ewma'] = pd.ewma(predictions_df_list["prices"], span=20, freq="D")
predictions_df_list['actual_value'] = test['prices']
predictions_df_list['actual_value_ewma'] = pd.ewma(predictions_df_list["actual_value"], span=20, freq="D")
# Changing column names
predictions_df_list.columns = ['predicted_price', 'average_predicted_price', 'actual_price', 'average_actual_price']
predictions_df_list_average = predictions_df_list[['average_predicted_price', 'average_actual_price']]
# predictions_df_list.show()
# checking the performance of training data itself
prediction, bias, contributions = ti.predict(rf, numpy_df_train)
idx = pd.date_range(train_start_date, train_end_date)
predictions_df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=prediction[0:], index = idx, columns=['prices'])
たとえば、MomentumとRNNまたはこのアルゴリズムを使用することをお勧めしますが、明日の株価のみを予測しますか? – wahtdbogh
@JohnSmith私は言うことができません - それは明日のために働くかもしれません、またはそうでないかもしれません。 17日には動作しないが、17日には動作しないかもしれない。 –
短期間で株式市場を予測するためにこのプロジェクトをどのように使うことができますか? – wahtdbogh