2016-09-09 10 views


index[0] = mesh.mFaces[i].mIndices[0]; 
index[2] = mesh.mFaces[i].mIndices[1]; 
index[4] = mesh.mFaces[i].mIndices[2]; 
index[1] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[0], index[2], index[4]); 
index[3] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[0], index[2], index[4]); 
index[5] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[0], index[2], index[4]); 


unsigned int Mesh::findAdjacentIndex(const aiMesh& mesh, const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const unsigned int index3) { 
    std::vector<unsigned int> indexMap[2]; 

    // first pass: find all faces that use the first index 
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh.mNumFaces; ++i) { 
     unsigned int*& indices = mesh.mFaces[i].mIndices; 
     if(indices[0] == index1 || indices[1] == index1 || indices[2] == index1) { 

    // second pass: find the two faces that share the second index 
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<indexMap[0].size(); ++i) { 
     unsigned int*& indices = mesh.mFaces[indexMap[0][i]].mIndices; 
     if(indices[0] == index2 || indices[1] == index2 || indices[2] == index2) { 

    // third pass: find the face that does NOT use the third index and return its third index 
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<indexMap[1].size(); ++i) { 
     unsigned int*& indices = mesh.mFaces[indexMap[1][i]].mIndices; 
     if(indices[0] != index3 && indices[1] != index3 && indices[2] != index3) { 
      if(indices[0] != index1 && indices[0] != index2) { 
       return indices[0]; 
      if(indices[1] != index1 && indices[1] != index2) { 
       return indices[1]; 
      if(indices[2] != index1 && indices[2] != index2) { 
       return indices[2]; 

    // no third index was found, this means there is no face adjacent to this one. 
    // return primitive restart index 
    return restartIndex; 


Triangle Adjacency Example






for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh.mNumFaces; ++i) { 
    unsigned int*& indices = mesh.mFaces[i].mIndices; 
    for(int edge = 0; edge < 3; ++edge) { //iterate all edges of the face 
     unsigned int v1 = indices[edge]; //first edge index 
     unsigned int v2 = indices[(edge + 1) % 3]; //second edge index 
     unsigned int vOpp = indices[(edge + 2) % 3]; //index of opposite vertex 
     //if the edge matches the search edge and the opposite vertex does not match 
     if(((v1 == index1 && v2 == index2) || (v2 == index1 && v1 == index2)) && vOpp != index3) 
      return vOpp; //we have found the adjacent vertex 
return -1; 


index[1] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[0], index[2], index[4]); 
index[3] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[2], index[4], index[0]); 
index[5] = findAdjacentIndex(mesh, index[4], index[0], index[2]); 

ありがとう、私はあなたの単純化された関数を試してみます。私のサンプルコードでは間違いがありました。私の実際のコードでは、同じ関数呼び出しを3回連続して実行しません。私はあなたの機能を発揮し、それが機能するかどうかを報告します。 –


ちょうど試してみました。わずかな変更で、あなたのソリューションは完璧に動作しました!何らかの理由で、glPrimitiveRestartIndex()はまったく動作しませんでしたが、失敗のケースでindex3を返すと残りの成果物が解決されました。あなたの助けをありがとう、私は大いに感謝します! –