2017-11-21 8 views

私はシンプルであると判断されたスクリプトに問題がありますが、私はここにいます!実際のところ、ACTUALスクリプトでは問題はありませんが、Maya UIでは問題はありません。PYMEL Maya UIクレイジー

私は複数のウィンドウの作成を避けることも、deleteUI( "nemeOfUI")を使ってそれを削除することもできないようです。私は夢中になっている。私はラインを見上げて、それは私がそれをやっているようだと私はちょうど答えを見つけることができません。

コード全体がここにあります。行16 17 18 15、110に


Iはコードありえない」きれいが、その1.2 versinを知っています。一度それが働いている私は掃除を行うでしょう!ありがとうございました!

import pymel.core as pm 
from functools import partial 
import os.path 


global sizeChoice 

def drawUi(): 

    if (pm.window("ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2", query = True, exists = True)): 

    changeTexWindow = pm.window("ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2", 
          sizeable = False, 
          width = 300, 
          height = 175, 
          minimizeButton = False, 
          maximizeButton = False 

    uiTabs = pm.tabLayout(width = 300, 
         height = 175, 
         parent = changeTexWindow 

    uiColumn1 = pm.columnLayout("Change Texture Files", 
          rowSpacing = 5, 
          parent = changeTexWindow, 
          width = 300 

    uiColumn2 = pm.columnLayout("Help", 
          rowSpacing = 5, 
          parent = changeTexWindow, 
          width = 300 

    uiRowExtra = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 1, parent = uiColumn1, h = 2) 

    uiRow0 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15) 

    pm.separator(style = "none", height = 10, width = 2, horizontal = False) 

    pm.text("Change texture...") 

    uiRow1 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15) 
    uiRow2 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15) 
    uiRow3 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15) 

    options = pm.radioCollection(parent = uiRow1) 

    opt1 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow1, label = "From all objects in the scene", data=1) 
    opt2 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow2, label = "From only selected objects", data=2) 
    opt3 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow3, label = "From all objects in scene but selected", data=3) 
    options = cmds.radioCollection(options, edit=True, select=opt1) 

    uiRow4 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1) 

    uiRow5 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, parent = uiColumn1) 

    pm.text('Type the size of texture you want:', parent = uiRow5, annotation = "Enter values as '1,2 3...'. Check Help tab. ", width = 215) 
    sizeChoice = pm.textField(parent = uiRow5, width = 60, annotation = "Enter values as '1,2 3...'. Check Help tab. ") 

    uiRow6 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1) 

    allB = pm.button(label = "Apply", width = 115, command = partial(passValue, options, sizeChoice, 0)) 
    selB = pm.button(label = "Apply and close", width = 115, command = partial(passValue, options, sizeChoice, 1)) 
    otherB = pm.button(label = "Cancel", width = 54, command = "closeUi()") 

    helpTxt0 = pm.text("",parent= uiColumn2, height = 2) 
    helpTxt1 = pm.text("Created by Mendel Reis at", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt2 = pm.text("FACULDADE MELIES", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300,height = 12) 
    helpTxt3 = pm.text("www.melies.com.br", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt01 = pm.text(" ",parent= uiColumn2, height = 5) 
    helpTxt4 = pm.text("HOW TO USE:", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt5 = pm.text("Will change files thru naming convention:", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt6 = pm.text("file_name.SIZE.extension", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt7 = pm.text("Input the SIZE as you wish.", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 
    helpTxt8 = pm.text("Only use . (DOT) to isolate the SIZE tag.", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12) 


def passValue(options, sizeChoice, closeAfter, *args): 
radioCol = cmds.radioCollection(options, query=True, sl=True) 
selOption = cmds.radioButton(radioCol, query=True, data=True) 
newSize = pm.textField(sizeChoice, query = True, tx = True) 
print selOption 
print newSize 

    if (selOption == 1): 
    elif (selOption == 2): 
    elif (selOption == 3): 

    if (closeAfter): 
      del sizeChoice 

def changeAll(newSize): 

    allTex = pm.ls(type = "file") 
    notFound = [] #array for texture files without a size change match 

    for tex in allTex: #get info from texture file to be changed 

     path = tex.getAttr("fileTextureName") #get the full path of texture file 
     name = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file 
     size = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info 
     extension = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension 

     if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed 
      old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name 
      new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name 
      newTex = path.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName 
      if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists 
       tex.setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName 
       notFound.append(name+'.' + extension) #create a log with failed attempts 

def changeSelected(newSize): 

    objs = pm.selected() 

    for item in objs: 
     a = pm.listRelatives(item)[0] 
     b = pm.listConnections(a, type = "shadingEngine") 
     sgInfo = pm.listConnections(b, type='materialInfo') 
     fileNode = pm.listConnections(sgInfo[0], type='file') 
     textureFile = pm.getAttr(fileNode[0].fileTextureName) 

     name = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file 
     print "NAME", name 
     size = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info 
     print "SIZE", size 
     extension = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension 
     print "EXTENSION", extension 

     if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed 
      old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name 
      new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name 
      newTex = textureFile.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName 
      if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists 
       fileNode[0].setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName 
       print "Did not find a texture to replace. Check naming convention: enter size as '1K', '2K'..." 

def changeAllBut(newSize): 

    allObjs = pm.ls(type = "mesh") 

    selection = pm.selected() 
    selObjs = [] 

    for item in selection: 
     a = pm.listRelatives(item)[0] 

    for item in allObjs: 
     if item in selObjs: 

    for item in allObjs: 
      a = item 
      b = pm.listConnections(a, type = "shadingEngine") 
      sgInfo = pm.listConnections(b, type='materialInfo') 
      fileNode = pm.listConnections(sgInfo[0], type='file') 
      textureFile = pm.getAttr(fileNode[0].fileTextureName) 

      name = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file 
      print "NAME", name 
      size = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info 
      print "SIZE", size 
      extension = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension 
      print "EXTENSION", extension 

      if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed 
       old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name 
       new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name 
       newTex = textureFile.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName 
       if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists 
        fileNode[0].setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName 
        print "Did not find a texture to replace. Check naming convention: enter size as '1K', '2K'..."    

def closeUi(): 
     del sizeChoice 




この質問は少し日付ですが、多分答えはまだ便利です: 問題は、ウィンドウにある名前をオブジェクト:「ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2を」。 WindowsなどはMayaオブジェクトであり、スペースやポイントは使用できません。単にポリキューブを作成し、それを "polycube_v1.2"に名前を変更しようとすると、試してみることができます。 あなたの代わりにタイトルフラグを使用することができ、あなたの窓の場合:

changeTexWindow = pm.window(WINNAME, 
          title = "ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2", 
          sizeable = False, 
          width = 300, 
          height = 175, 
          minimizeButton = False, 
          maximizeButton = False 


if pm.window(WINNAME, exists = True): 

は説明をありがとう! –
