children_left : array of int, shape [node_count]
children_left[i] holds the node id of the left child of node i.
For leaves, children_left[i] == TREE_LEAF. Otherwise,
children_left[i] > i. This child handles the case where
X[:, feature[i]] <= threshold[i].
children_right : array of int, shape [node_count]
children_right[i] holds the node id of the right child of node i.
For leaves, children_right[i] == TREE_LEAF. Otherwise,
children_right[i] > i. This child handles the case where
X[:, feature[i]] > threshold[i].
feature : array of int, shape [node_count]
feature[i] holds the feature to split on, for the internal node i.
threshold : array of double, shape [node_count]
threshold[i] holds the threshold for the internal node i.
DecisionTreeをノード内の観測数で整理するには、この関数を使用します。 TREE_LEAF定数が-1であることを知る必要があります。この男のための
[from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor as DTR
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz as export
bunch = load_diabetes()
data = bunch.data
target = bunch.target
dtr = DTR(max_depth = 4)
export(decision_tree=dtr.tree_, out_file='before.dot')
prune(dtr, min_samples_leaf = 100)
export(decision_tree=dtr.tree_, out_file='after.dot')][1]
は前と後graphvizの出力を発生する例です。 –