2016-06-13 13 views

私は現在、プロジェクトのタンゴの開発キットをシンプルなARシーンに使用しています。 基本として、私はSDKに付属しているARデモを使用しました。 私が実現したことは、デバイスをあまりにも速く動かすかオブジェクトに近づけると、アプリケーションがちょうどクラッシュすることです(純粋なサンプルアプリケーションにもこの問題があります)。 一方、クラッシュする代わりに、画面上部にエラーメッセージが表示される、多くのタンゴ+ユニティアプリケーションが市場に出ていました。 どのようなアイデア、どのように私のアプリで同じにするには?プロジェクトTango + Unityサンプルがクラッシュする


  1. が団結
  2. のためのタンゴOkulをインポートする新しいユニティ・プロジェクトがSDK
  3. からサンプルシーン拡張現実を開く作成
  4. 振るデバイス
  • 上で実行します



    W/TangoConsumer(32004): [ProCamera::mCpuConsumer] Max buffers have been locked (16), cannot lock anymore. 
    D/NvOsDebugPrintf(18410): routeResultFromCAM: WARNING: only 0 requests in flight on sensor 0, frame drops likely 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 8000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 40 1F 00 00 74 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    I/WindowState( 895): WIN DEATH: Window{6580c378 u0 com.tango.sample/com.google.unity.GoogleUnityActivity} 
    W/InputDispatcher( 895): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '6580c378 com.tango.sample/com.google.unity.GoogleUnityActivity (server)' 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 36 0C 00 74 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    I/WindowState( 895): WIN DEATH: Window{64923f78 u0 SurfaceView} 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 31 0C 00 74 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/tango (32004): tango-image-callback.cc:72 Could not promote most recent fisheye image 
    W/MediaFocusControl( 895): AudioFocus audio focus client died 
    I/MediaFocusControl( 895): AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for [email protected] 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 10000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0B 04 10 27 00 00 74 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 8000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 40 1F 00 00 74 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 1.87951 seconds, skip current frame. 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 1.76053 seconds, skip current frame. 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 10000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0B 04 10 27 00 00 74 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 1.5368 seconds, skip current frame. 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 8000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 40 1F 00 00 74 
    W/st-log (32004): Final features: 0 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 1.30901 seconds, skip current frame. 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 36 0B 00 74 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 1.07433 seconds, skip current frame. 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 31 0B 00 74 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 0.846438 seconds, skip current frame. 
    I/art  ( 164): Process 2786 terminated by signal (11) 
    I/tango (32004): vio-fault-detector.cc:131 Stop recording last good pose. 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 0.585513 seconds, skip current frame. 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 0.40689 seconds, skip current frame. 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 0.344115 seconds, skip current frame. 
    I/tango (32004): data-manager.cc:1141 Behind by: 0.259456 seconds, skip current frame. 
    E/tango (32004): filter-update-inl.h:70 Temporary visual feature update failed when computing its residual and Jacobian. 
    I/tango (32004): vio-fault-detector.cc:131 Stop recording last good pose. 
    E/tango (32004): manager.cc:266 VioCallback queue time = 0.060062 seconds. Skipping packet. 
    E/tango (32004): manager.cc:266 VioCallback queue time = 0.050133 seconds. Skipping packet. 
    E/tango (32004): manager.cc:266 VioCallback queue time = 0.037234 seconds. Skipping packet. 
    E/tango (32004): manager.cc:266 VioCallback queue time = 0.02806 seconds. Skipping packet. 
    E/tango (32004): manager.cc:266 VioCallback queue time = 0.023363 seconds. Skipping packet. 
    W/tango (32004): tango-xyzij-callback.cc:125 No points in point cloud. 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 10000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 10 27 00 00 74 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): Exception thrown during pause 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): android.os.DeadObjectException 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at android.app.ApplicationThreadProxy.schedulePauseActivity(ApplicationThreadNative.java:660) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityStack.startPausingLocked(ActivityStack.java:768) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityStack.finishActivityLocked(ActivityStack.java:2473) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityStack.finishTopRunningActivityLocked(ActivityStack.java:2347) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.finishTopRunningActivityLocked(ActivityStackSupervisor.java:2045) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.handleAppCrashLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:9569) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.makeAppCrashingLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:9462) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.crashApplication(ActivityManagerService.java:10107) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.handleApplicationCrashInner(ActivityManagerService.java:9658) 
    W/ActivityManager( 895): at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener$NativeCrashReporter.run(NativeCrashListener.java:86) 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 36 10 00 74 
    I/ActivityManager( 895): Process com.tango.sample (pid 2786) has died. 
    W/JavaBinder( 895): Binder has been finalized when calling linkToDeath() with recip=0x47663aa8) 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 31 10 00 74 
    I/art  ( 895): Heap trim of managed (duration=10.891083ms, advised=2MB) and native (duration=2.739167ms, advised=1092KB) heaps. Managed heap utilization of 73%. 
    D/DropBoxEntryAddedChimeraService(1352): User is not opted-in to Usage & Diagnostics. 
    D/DropBoxEntryAddedChimeraService(1352): User is not opted-in to Usage & Diagnostics. 
    D/NvOsDebugPrintf(18410): routeResultFromCAM: WARNING: only 0 requests in flight on sensor 0, frame drops likely 
    D/NvOsDebugPrintf(18410): routeResultFromCAM: WARNING: only 0 requests in flight on sensor 1, frame drops likely 
    D/NvOsDebugPrintf(18410): NvCamScaler_OutputThread-- (error 0x0) 
    D/NvOsDebugPrintf(18410): SensorBayer_SetPowerLevel 1 
    E/Sensors ( 895): [nosae] setDelay: 10000000 sec 
    D/Sensors ( 895): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 10 27 00 00 74 
    I/tango (32004): tango-service-application.cc:357 TangoServiceApplication: Joined successfully. 
    I/tango (32004): manager.cc:132 IMU average latency 0.712673ms variance 2.2942 max 22.4214ms hz 100.275 
    I/tango (32004): manager.cc:138 VIO average latency 42.1586ms variance 10062.1 max 749.343ms hz 6.54341 
    I/tango (32004): tango-hal-interface.cc:88 Average feature detection frequency: 8.50136 
  • 答えて





    プラグイン/アンドロイド/タンゴ-US-サポート・ライブラリー/ SRC/COM /グーグル/ ATAP /タンゴ/ uxの内側にそれを見つける:P
