from __future__ import print_function
from openmdao.api import Component, Group, Problem, Newton, ScipyGMRES,NLGaussSeidel
class Line(Component):
"""Evaluates y = -2x + 4."""
def __init__(self):
super(Line, self).__init__()
self.add_param('x', 1.0)
self.add_output('y', 0.0)
# User can change these.
self.slope = -2.0
self.intercept = 4.0
def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
""" y = -2x + 4 """
x = params['x']
m = self.slope
b = self.intercept
unknowns['y'] = m*x + b
class Parabola(Component):
"""Evaluates y = 3x^2 - 5"""
def __init__(self):
super(Parabola, self).__init__()
self.add_param('x', 1.0)
self.add_output('y', 0.0)
# User can change these.
self.a = 3.0
self.b = 0.0
self.c = -5.0
def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
""" y = 3x^2 - 5 """
x = params['x']
a = self.a
b = self.b
c = self.c
unknowns['y'] = a*x**2 + b*x + c
class Balance(Component):
"""Evaluates the residual y1-y2"""
def __init__(self):
super(Balance, self).__init__()
self.add_param('y1', 0.0)
self.add_param('y2', 0.0)
self.add_state('x', 5.0)
def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
"""This component does no calculation on its own. It mainly holds the
initial value of the state. An OpenMDAO solver outside of this
component varies it to drive the residual to zero."""
def apply_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
""" Report the residual y1-y2 """
y1 = params['y1']
y2 = params['y2']
resids['x'] = y1 - y2
if __name__ == '__main__':
top = Problem()
root = top.root = Group()
root.add('line', Line())
root.add('parabola', Parabola())
root.add('bal', Balance())
root.connect('line.y', 'bal.y1')
root.connect('parabola.y', 'bal.y2')
root.connect('bal.x', 'line.x')
root.connect('bal.x', 'parabola.x')
root.deriv_options['type'] = 'fd'
root.nl_solver = NLGaussSeidel() #Newton()
root.ln_solver = ScipyGMRES()
root.nl_solver.options['iprint'] = 2
# Positive solution
top['bal.x'] = 7.0
print('Positive Solution x=%f, line.y=%f, parabola.y=%f' % (top['bal.x'], top['line.y'], top['parabola.y']))
# Negative solution
top['bal.x'] = -7.0
print('Negative Solution x=%f, line.y=%f, parabola.y=%f' % (top['bal.x'], top['line.y'], top['parabola.y']))
States in model:
Value: 7.0
Residual: 0.0
[root] NL: NLN_GS 1 | 152 1
[root] NL: NLN_GS 2 | 152 1
[root] NL: NLN_GS 2 | Converged in 2 iterations
Positive Solution x=7.000000, line.y=-10.000000, parabola.y=142.000000
States in model:
Value: -7.0
Residual: -152.0
[root] NL: NLN_GS 1 | 124 1
[root] NL: NLN_GS 2 | 124 1
[root] NL: NLN_GS 2 | Converged in 2 iterations
Negative Solution x=-7.000000, line.y=18.000000, parabola.y=142.000000
任意のヒントをいただければ幸いです。私はOSXでPython 2.7.13とOpenMDAO 1.7.3を使用しています。
私は 'root.deriv_options'は、すべてのコンポーネントに流れ落ちたと思っていたが、明らかに私が間違っていました。このヒントをありがとうございます。私の実装をもっときれいにするでしょう。乾杯。 – gbarter