このグラフの作成時点では、カテゴリ変数に一致するプレーンに合わせて行列を作成する必要があります(plane_new =条件はnew、plane_used = conditionが使用されます)。問題は、私が入力として使用した2つのデータセット(2つのレベルの状態に対応する)は、観測数が異なることです。私はこれらの行列をどのように匹敵するようにすることができないのか分からないように思えます。そのため、飛行機は図の幾何学的オブジェクトとして正しくフィットします。
# libraries
library(openintro) #exemplary datasets
library(modelr) #multivariate methods
library(broom) #tidy
library(ggplot2) #visualizing data
library(plotly) #visualizing models in 3D
## Fit the model
lm_ext <- lm(totalPr ~ duration + startPr + cond, # Interpretation: With every 1 unit increase of auction duration (unit = day), the price of the game decreases with .51 units in the response variable (total price), when keeping startPr constant. The eventual value of the predicted value also depends on condition (categorical), for which the y-intercept is different
data = marioKart)
## Visualize the model (including predictions)
marioKart_ss_new <- subset(marioKart, cond == "new") # To visualize planes in a 3D graph in plotly, the dataframe needs to be split in the number of levels of the categorical variable
marioKart_ss_used <- subset(marioKart, cond == "used")
duration_new <- as.vector(marioKart_ss_new$duration) # These vectors represent the linear model for condition = new
startPr_new <- as.vector(marioKart_ss_new$startPr)
duration_used <- as.vector(marioKart_ss_used$duration) # These vectors represent the linear model for condition = used
startPr_used <- as.vector(marioKart_ss_used$startPr)
lm_new <- lm(totalPr ~ duration + startPr, # Create two linear models
data = marioKart_ss_new)
lm_used <- lm(totalPr ~ duration + startPr,
data = marioKart_ss_used)
grid_new <- marioKart_ss_new %>% # Make two grids with all combinations of the levels of the two numerical explanatory variables
data_grid(duration =
seq_range(duration, by = 1),
startPr =
seq_range(startPr, by = 1))
grid_used <- marioKart_ss_used %>%
data_grid(duration =
seq_range(duration, by = 1),
startPr =
seq_range(startPr, by = 1))
lm_new <- lm(totalPr ~ duration + startPr, # Make two seperate models based on the two levels of the categorical explanatory variable
data = marioKart_ss_new)
lm_used <- lm(totalPr ~ duration + startPr,
data = marioKart_ss_used)
pred_new <- augment(lm_new, newdata = grid_new) # Predictions
pred_used <- augment(lm_used, newdata = grid_used)
plane_new <- matrix(pred_new$.fitted, # Matrix of preditions as input for planes
nrow = 70,
ncol = 70)
plane_used <- matrix(pred_used$.fitted,
nrow = 55,
ncol = 55)
plot <- plot_ly(data = marioKart, # 3D plot of datapoints
z = ~totalPr,
x = ~duration,
y = ~startPr,
opacity = 0.6) %>%
add_markers(color = ~cond)
plot %>% # Add planes
add_surface(x = ~duration_new, ### NOT WORKING, WAIT FOR DATACAMP
y = ~startPr_new,
z = ~plane_new,
showscale = FALSE) %>%
add_surface(x = ~duration_used,
y = ~duration_used,
z = ~plane_used,
showscale = FALSE)
うん、それはそれです!ベンジャミンありがとう – SHW