2017-09-18 11 views


方程式の解は、対応するベクトルにそれぞれ連続して入力されます。これは、両方の関数で行われます。中間式はm_new; h_new; n_newの場合、時間に対して最終的にプロットされる主ベクトルはVです。 (コードではないプロット)


ビルには、エラーを生成しません、私は実行時にデバッグエラーが発生します: "Abort()が呼び出されました"。 timevectorが空であるよう


#include "C:\Users\jenbe\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\std_lib_facilities.h" 
#include <math.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <tuple> 
#include <vector> 

using namespace std; 

vector<double> mvector; 
vector<double> hvector; 
vector<double> nvector; 
vector<double> V; // potential vector 
vector<double> timevector; 

//global constants 

double gL = 0.1; // mS/cm^2 
double gK = 9; 
double gNa = 35; 
double EL = -65; // mV 
double EK = -90; 
double ENa = 55; 
double phi = 5; // Coefficient increasing reaction speed of the alpha and beta constants which it multiplies. 
double Iapp = 5; // microAmpere values (as in Wang-Buzsaki) 
double runtime = 3000;// 3 Seconds 
double dt = 0.001; // Timestep = 1ms 
double V_init = -60; 

std::tuple<double> gate_probabilities(double v, double m, double h, double n) { 
    double am, bm, ah, bh, an, bn, dh, dn; 

    //first stage -> gate probabilities 

    am = -0.1*(v + 35)/(exp(-0.1*(v + 35)) - 1); //the probability of a closed gate to open 
    bm = 4 * exp(-(v + 60)/18); //the probability of an open gate to be closed. 
    ah = 0.07*exp(-(v + 58)/20); 
    bh = 1/(exp(-0.1*(v + 28)) + 1); 
    an = -0.01*(v + 34)/(exp(-0.1*(v + 34)) - 1); 
    bn = 0.125 * exp(-(v + 44)/80); 

    //second stage -> gate states 

    dh = phi * (ah*(1 - h) - bh*h); // inactivation variable h 
    dn = phi * (an*(1 - n) - bn*n); // inward recitifier 

    double m_new = am/(am + bm); //activation variable 
    double h_new = dh*dt + h; 
    double n_new = dn*dt + n; 


    // third stage -> currents 

    double IL = gL*(v - EL); 
    double INa = gNa * pow(m, 3) * h * (v - ENa); 
    double IK = gK * pow(n, 4) * (v - EK); // delayed recitifier 
    double currents = -INa - IK - IL + Iapp; 

    return std::make_tuple(currents); 

int main() { 

      //initialize vectors - later modify with function within function 
    double ami = -0.1*(V_init + 35)/(exp(-0.1*(V_init + 35)) - 1); 
    double bmi = 4 * exp(-(V_init + 60)/18); 
    double ahi = 0.07*exp(-(V_init + 58)/20); // 
    double bhi = 1/(exp(-0.1*(V_init + 28)) + 1); 
    double ani = -0.01*(V_init + 34)/(exp(-0.1*(V_init + 34)) - 1); 
    double bni = 0.125 * exp(-(V_init + 44)/80); 
    V.push_back(V_init); //V_init 
    double m_init = (ami/(ami + bmi)); 
    double h_init = (ahi/(ahi + bhi)); 
    double n_init = (ani/(ani + bni)); 


    for (int i{ 1 }; i <= runtime; ++i) { // 1ms iterations over 3000ms range 

     auto ret = gate_probabilities(V[i - 1], mvector[i - 1], hvector[i - 1], nvector[i - 1]); 
     double currents; 
     currents = std::get<0>(ret); 

     double potential = currents*dt + V[i - 1]; //calculate new V. 
     V.push_back(potential); //incorporates new V into a vector. 
     timevector.push_back(timevector[i - 1] + dt); 

「中断」の原因となる行が分かりますか?そうでない場合は、デバッガを使用して見つけてください。 – NathanOliver


Source1.exeの0x7407B832の処理されない例外:Microsoft C++例外:メモリ位置0x00AFFB9CのRange_error。 –


行1234ベクトルの添え字が範囲外にある –




timevector.push_back(timevector[i - 1] + dt); 



賢い鋭いミスターJodocusに感謝;)lifesaver –
