function largest_common_divider(num1, num2) {
var remainder;
var alpha = num1;
var beta = num2;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
/* we want to find an "n" such that
n * beta <= alpha < (n + 1) * beta
I initiated n at 1 so that I could use n = 0
as the end condition for my loop */
for (n = 1; n <= 0; n++) {
if (alpha > (n * beta)) {
//still didn't find the n
} else if (alpha == (n * beta)) {
//Hurray! our beta is the lcd
n = 0;
return beta;
} else {
// figure out the remainder
// and set n = 0 to terminate the loop
remainder = alpha - (n - 1) * beta;
n = 0;
//If we didn't find our lcd, than the previous beta
//become the new alpha (largest number) and the
//the remainder becomes the new beta (smaller number)
alpha = beta;
beta = remainder;
このプログラムでは、私は正の整数とnum1> numb2だけを期待しています。 15になるように、結果を期待
var a = 45; var b = 15;
var bloopidy = largest_common_divider(a,b);
console.log("The largest common divider between " + a + " and " + b + " is: " +
男://そのような愚かな間違い! :Pお返事ありがとうございます!乾杯、素晴らしい一日を持っている:) –