public double calculate(int size, int count) {
int matches = 0;//initializing an integer variable
boolean out = false;
List<Integer> days=new ArrayList<Integer>();// creating arraylist name days of type int
for (int j = 0; j <count; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {// initializing for loop till less than size
Random rand = new Random(); // creating an object of random function
int Brday = rand.nextInt(364) + 0;//initializing the limit of randomc number chozen
days.add(Brday); //adding values to arraylist
for (int l = 0; l < size; l++) {
int temp = l;//assigning value of l to a variable
for (int k = l + 1; k < size; k++) {
if (days.get(k) == temp) {// check statement to check values are same
matches++;//incrementing variable
out = true;
mOut.print("Count does have same birthday" + matches);
} else {
mOut.print("does not have same birthday");
if (out) {
out = false;
double prob = (double) matches/count;
mOut.print("The probability for two students to share a birthday is " + prob*100 + ".");
return prob;//returning double value of the function
@RC。 OPは==をオブジェクトと共に使用していないので、==を 'Integer'と' int'と一緒に使用しています。その結果、自動アンボクシングが行われます。 –
@ErwinBolwidtあなたは正しく、私の悪いです。 –
[formula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem)を使用できませんか? –