2016-07-25 9 views

OpenGL ESプロファイルを使用して、異なるデバイス、iOS、デスクトップnVidiaで同じシェーダを使用します。シェーダのコンパイルはエラーや警告なしでもうまくいきましたが、glGetAttribLocationを使用しようとしたとき、nVidiaドライバはiosが使用していなかった間に、 "a_color"属性を最適化したようです。私はglBindAttribLocationを使用してattribが存在することを確認していますが、なぜnVidiaドライバがそれをしたのかを知りたいだけです。シェーダのコンパイルによって異なる結果が発生する


#define IN_VERT attribute 
#define OUT_VERT varying 
#define IN_FRAG varying 
#define OUT_FRAG 

#define MAX_LIGHTS 3 

IN_VERT   vec4 a_position; 

IN_VERT   vec3 a_normal; 
IN_VERT lowp vec4 a_color; 

// Global State 
uniform bool  perPixelLightingEnabled; 
uniform lowp vec4 lightModelAmbientColor; 

uniform mat4 modelviewMatrix; 
uniform mat3 normalMatrix; 
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix; 

#define MAX_TEXTURES 3 
#define MAX_TEX_COORDS 3 
#define S    0 
#define T    1 
#define R    2 
#define STR    3 

#define GLKTexGenModeObjectLinear  0 
#define GLKTexGenModeEyeLinear   1 
#define GLKTexGenModeSphereMap   2 
#define GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap  3 

struct texGen_s 
    lowp int  mode; 
    highp vec4  plane; 
    highp vec4  eyePlaneByInvModelview; 

struct texture_s 
    mat4    matrix; 
    lowp vec4   envColor; 
    texGen_s   texGen[STR]; 

uniform texture_s  textures[MAX_TEXTURES]; 
uniform sampler2D  unit2d[3]; 
uniform samplerCube  unitCube[3]; 

uniform bool  light_enabled[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform vec4  light_position[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform vec4  light_positionEye[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_ambientColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_diffuseColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_specularColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform vec3  light_normalizedSpotDirectionEye[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_spotExponent[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_spotCutoffAngle[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_constantAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_linearAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_quadraticAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 

struct material_s 
    lowp vec4 ambientColor; 
    lowp vec4 diffuseColor; 
    lowp vec4 specularColor; 
    lowp vec4 emissiveColor; 
    float shininess; 

uniform material_s material; 

// FOG 
#define GLKFogModeExp   0 
#define GLKFogModeExp2   1 
#define GLKFogModeLinear  2 

struct fog_s 
    lowp int  mode; 
    lowp vec4 color; 
    float density; 
    float start; 
    float end; 

uniform fog_s fog; 

// Varyings 

OUT_VERT lowp vec4 v_color; 

// Temps 
highp vec3 normalEye; 

#define materialAmbientColor (material.ambientColor) 
#define materialDiffuseColor (material.diffuseColor) 
uniform lowp vec4 baseLightingColor; 
uniform vec4 ambientTerm[3]; 

void main(void) 
    // int currLight; 
    lowp vec4 tmpFrontColor, tmpBackColor; 
    vec3 normalizedNormal; 

    // Default value for eye space normal 
    normalEye = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 

    /* if(perVertexLightingEnabled == true || 
     perPixelLightingEnabled == true || 
     (textures[0].texGen[S].enabled == true && textures[0].texGen[S].mode == GLKTexGenModeSphereMap) || 
     (textures[0].texGen[T].enabled == true && textures[0].texGen[T].mode == GLKTexGenModeSphereMap) || 
     (textures[0].texGen[S].enabled == true && textures[0].texGen[S].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap) || 
     (textures[0].texGen[T].enabled == true && textures[0].texGen[T].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap) || 
     (textures[0].texGen[R].enabled == true && textures[0].texGen[R].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap) || 

     (textures[1].texGen[S].enabled == true && textures[1].texGen[S].mode == GLKTexGenModeSphereMap) || 
     (textures[1].texGen[T].enabled == true && textures[1].texGen[T].mode == GLKTexGenModeSphereMap) || 
     (textures[1].texGen[S].enabled == true && textures[1].texGen[S].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap) || 
     (textures[1].texGen[T].enabled == true && textures[1].texGen[T].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap) || 
     (textures[1].texGen[R].enabled == true && textures[1].texGen[R].mode == GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap)) */ 

     normalEye = normalize((normalMatrix * a_normal)); 

    vec4 specularTerm, diffuseTerm; 
    vec3 vertexToLightVec; 
    highp float attenuationFactor, spotFactor, nDotL; 

    // if(perVertexLightingEnabled == true) 

      // else 
      // materialAmbientColor = material.ambientColor; 
      // materialDiffuseColor = material.diffuseColor; 
      // baseLightingColor = material.emissiveColor + (materialAmbientColor * lightModelAmbientColor); 

     tmpFrontColor = baseLightingColor; 

     // for(0 = 0; 0 < numLights; 0++) 
      // if(light_enabled[0] == false) continue; 

      // For directional lights light_positionEye[0].xyz is normalized on the CPU side 
      vertexToLightVec = light_positionEye[0].xyz; 

      attenuationFactor = 1.0; 

      // Calculate diffuse and specular terms 
      nDotL = max(dot(normalEye, vertexToLightVec), 0.0); 

      diffuseTerm = nDotL * materialDiffuseColor * light_diffuseColor[0]; 

      specularTerm = vec4(0.0); 

      spotFactor = 1.0; 

      tmpFrontColor += attenuationFactor * spotFactor * (ambientTerm[0] + diffuseTerm + specularTerm); 



    v_color = a_color; 

    v_color = tmpFrontColor; 
    v_color.a = materialDiffuseColor.a; 

    v_color = clamp(v_color, 0.0, 1.0); 

    gl_Position = mvpMatrix * a_position; 



v_color = a_color; 
v_color = tmpFrontColor; 

#define MAX_LIGHTS  3 

#define MAX_TEXTURES 3 
#define MAX_TEX_COORDS 3 
#define S    0 
#define T    1 
#define R    2 
#define STR    3 

#define GLKTextureTarget2d    0 
#define GLKTextureTargetCubeMap   1 

#define GLKTextureEnvAttribReplace   0 
#define GLKTextureEnvAttribModulate  1 
#define GLKTextureEnvAttribDecal   2 

#define GLKTexGenModeObjectLinear  0 
#define GLKTexGenModeEyeLinear   1 
#define GLKTexGenModeSphereMap   2 
#define GLKTexGenModeReflectionMap  3 

#define IN_VERT attribute 
#define OUT_VERT varying 
#define IN_FRAG varying 
#define OUT_FRAG 

precision highp float; 
#define out_color gl_FragColor 

struct texGen_s 
    lowp int  mode; 
    highp vec4  plane; 
    highp vec4  eyePlaneByInvModelview; 

struct texture_s 
    mat4    matrix; 
    lowp vec4   envColor; 
    texGen_s   texGen[STR]; 

uniform lowp sampler2D   unit2d[3]; 
uniform lowp samplerCube  unitCube[3]; 

// Globals 
uniform lowp vec4 lightModelAmbientColor; 

uniform bool  light_enabled[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform vec4  light_positionEye[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_ambientColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_diffuseColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform lowp vec4 light_specularColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform vec3  light_normalizedSpotDirectionEye[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_spotExponent[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_spotCutoffAngle[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_constantAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_linearAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 
uniform float  light_quadraticAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS]; 

struct material_s 
    lowp vec4 ambientColor; 
    lowp vec4 diffuseColor; 
    lowp vec4 specularColor; 
    lowp vec4 emissiveColor; 
    float shininess; 

uniform material_s material; 

// FOG 
#define GLKFogModeExp   0 
#define GLKFogModeExp2   1 
#define GLKFogModeExpLinear  2 

struct fog_s 
    lowp int mode; 
    lowp vec4 color; 
    float  density; 
    float  start; 
    float  end; 

uniform texture_s textures[MAX_TEXTURES]; 
uniform fog_s  fog; 

// Reflection Mapping 
uniform highp mat3 reflectionMapMatrix; 

// Varyings 
IN_FRAG lowp vec4 v_color; 

// Temps 

#define materialAmbientColor (material.ambientColor) 
#define materialDiffuseColor (material.diffuseColor) 
uniform lowp vec4 baseLightingColor; 
uniform vec4 ambientTerm[3]; 

void main() 
    // int currLight; 
    lowp vec4 color; 

    color = v_color; 

    color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0); 

    out_color = color; 




Nvidiaは可能なので、a_colorを最適化しています。 iOSでは、a_colorを最適化しないため、a_colorを最適化しません。ドライバーがそれを超えて何をしているのかを分析しようとする価値はありません。
