
私は機械学習のためにPythonを使用することに全く新しいです。私はFortranでのプログラミングの背景から来ています。あなたが想像しているように、Pythonはかなりの飛躍です。私は化学で働き、化学(化学にデータ科学技術を適用する)に携わるようになりました。そのため、パイソン大規模な機械学習ライブラリのアプリケーションが重要です。私もコードを効率的にする必要があります。私は実行し、OKを動作するように見えるコードを書いている。私が知りたいことは:Pythonランダムフォレストとマシンの学習 - 改善





import scipy 
import math 
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import plotly.plotly as py 
import os.path 
import sys 

from time import time 
from sklearn import preprocessing, metrics, cross_validation 
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split 
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor 
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV 
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold 

fname = str(raw_input('Please enter the input file name containing total dataset and descriptors (assumes csv file, column headings and first column are labels\n')) 
if os.path.isfile(fname) : 
    SubFeAll = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=",") 
    sys.exit("ERROR: input file does not exist") 

#SubFeAll = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=",") 
SubFeAll = SubFeAll.fillna(SubFeAll.mean()) # replace the NA values with the mean of the descriptor 
header = SubFeAll.columns.values # Use the column headers as the descriptor labels 

# Set the numpy global random number seed (similar effect to random_state) 

# Random Forest results initialised 
RFr2 = [] 
RFmse = [] 
RFrmse = [] 

# Predictions results initialised 
RFpredictions = [] 

metcount = 0 

# Give the array from pandas to numpy 
npArray = np.array(SubFeAll) 
print header.shape 
npheader = np.array(header[1:-1]) 
print("Array shape X = %d, Y = %d " % (npArray.shape)) 
datax, datay = npArray.shape 

# Print specific nparray values to check the data 
print("The first element of the input data set, as a minial check please ensure this is as expected = %s" % npArray[0,0]) 

# Split the data into: names labels of the molecules ; y the True results ; X the descriptors for each data point 
names = npArray[:,0] 
X = npArray[:,1:-1].astype(float) 
y = npArray[:,-1] .astype(float) 
X = preprocessing.scale(X) 
print X.shape 

# Open output files 
train_name = "Training.csv" 
test_name = "Predictions.csv" 
fi_name = "Feature_importance.csv" 

with open(train_name,'w') as ftrain, open(test_name,'w') as fpred, open(fi_name,'w') as ffeatimp: 
     ftrain.write("This file contains the training information for the Random Forest models\n") 
     ftrain.write("The code use a ten fold cross validation 90% training 10% test at each fold so ten training sets are used here,\n") 
     ftrain.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1)) 

     fpred.write("This file contains the prediction information for the Random Forest models\n") 
     fpred.write("Predictions are made over a ten fold cross validation hence training on 90% test on 10%. The final prediction are return iteratively over this ten fold cros validation once,\n") 
     fpred.write("optimised parameters are located via a grid search at each fold,\n") 
     fpred.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1)) 

     ffeatimp.write("This file contains the feature importance information for the Random Forest model,\n") 
     ffeatimp.write("Interation %d ,\n" %(metcount+1)) 

     # Begin the K-fold cross validation over ten folds 
     kf = KFold(datax, n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=0) 
     print "------------------- Begining Ten Fold Cross Validation -------------------" 
     for train, test in kf: 
      XTrain, XTest, yTrain, yTest = X[train], X[test], y[train], y[test] 
      ytestdim = yTest.shape[0] 
       print("The test set values are : ") 
       i = 0 
       if ytestdim%5 == 0: 
         while i < ytestdim: 
           print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+3],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+4],2) 
           ftrain.write(str(round(yTest[i],2))+','+ str(round(yTest[i+1],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+2],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+3],2))+','+str(round(yTest[i+4],2))+',\n') 
           i += 5 
       elif ytestdim%4 == 0: 
         while i < ytestdim: 
           print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+3],2) 
           i += 4 
       elif ytestdim%3 == 0 : 
         while i < ytestdim : 
           print round(yTest[i],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+1],2),'\t', round(yTest[i+2],2) 
           i += 3 
       elif ytestdim%2 == 0 : 
         while i < ytestdim : 
           print round(yTest[i],2), '\t', round(yTest[i+1],2) 
           i += 2 
         else : 
           while i< ytestdim : 
             print round(yTest[i],2) 
             i += 1   

       print "\n" 
       # random forest grid search parameters 
      print "------------------- Begining Random Forest Grid Search -------------------" 
       rfparamgrid = {"n_estimators": [10], "max_features": ["auto", "sqrt", "log2"], "max_depth": [5,7]} 
       rf = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0,n_jobs=2) 
       RfGridSearch = GridSearchCV(rf,param_grid=rfparamgrid,scoring='mean_squared_error',cv=10) 
       start = time() 

       # Get best random forest parameters 
       print("GridSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidate parameter settings" %(time() - start,len(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_))) 
       RFtime = time() - start,len(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_) 
       #print(RfGridSearch.grid_scores_) # Diagnos 
       print("n_estimators = %d " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['n_estimators']) 
       ne = RfGridSearch.best_params_['n_estimators'] 
       print("max_features = %s " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_features']) 
       mf = RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_features'] 
       print("max_depth = %d " % RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_depth']) 
       md = RfGridSearch.best_params_['max_depth'] 

       ftrain.write("Random Forest") 
       ftrain.write("RF search time, %s ,\n" % (str(RFtime))) 
       ftrain.write("Number of Trees, %s ,\n" % str(ne)) 
       ftrain.write("Number of feature at split, %s ,\n" % str(mf)) 
       ftrain.write("Max depth of tree, %s ,\n" % str(md)) 

       # Train random forest and predict with optimised parameters 
       print("\n\n------------------- Starting opitimised RF training -------------------") 
       optRF = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = ne, max_features = mf, max_depth = md, random_state=0) 
       optRF.fit(XTrain, yTrain)  # Train the model 
       RFfeatimp = optRF.feature_importances_ 
       indices = np.argsort(RFfeatimp)[::-1] 
       print("Training R2 = %5.2f" % optRF.score(XTrain,yTrain)) 
       print("Starting optimised RF prediction") 
       RFpreds = optRF.predict(XTest) 
       print("The predicted values now follow :") 
       RFpredsdim = RFpreds.shape[0] 
       i = 0 
       if RFpredsdim%5 == 0: 
         while i < RFpredsdim: 
           print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+3],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+4],2) 
           i += 5 
       elif RFpredsdim%4 == 0: 
         while i < RFpredsdim: 
           print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+3],2) 
           i += 4 
       elif RFpredsdim%3 == 0 : 
         while i < RFpredsdim : 
           print round(RFpreds[i],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2),'\t', round(RFpreds[i+2],2) 
           i += 3 
       elif RFpredsdim%2 == 0 : 
         while i < RFpredsdim : 
           print round(RFpreds[i],2), '\t', round(RFpreds[i+1],2) 
           i += 2 
       else : 
         while i< RFpredsdim : 
           print round(RFpreds[i],2) 
       i += 1 
       print "\n" 
       RFr2.append(optRF.score(XTest, yTest)) 
       print ("Random Forest prediction statistics for fold %d are; MSE = %5.2f RMSE = %5.2f R2 = %5.2f\n\n" % (metcount+1, RFmse[metcount], RFrmse[metcount],RFr2[metcount])) 

       ftrain.write("Random Forest prediction statistics for fold %d are, MSE =, %5.2f, RMSE =, %5.2f, R2 =, %5.2f,\n\n" % (metcount+1, RFmse[metcount], RFrmse[metcount],RFr2[metcount])) 

       ffeatimp.write("Feature importance rankings from random forest,\n") 
       for i in range(RFfeatimp.shape[0]) : 
         ffeatimp.write("%d. , feature %d , %s, (%f),\n" % (i + 1, indices[i], npheader[indices[i]], RFfeatimp[indices[i]])) 

       # Store prediction in original order of data (itest) whilst following through the current test set order (j) 
      metcount += 1 

       ftrain.write("Fold %d, \n" %(metcount)) 

      print "------------------- Next Fold %d -------------------" %(metcount+1) 
      j = 0 
      for itest in test : 
       j += 1 

     lennames = names.shape[0] 
     lenpredictions = len(RFpredictions) 
     lentrue = y.shape[0] 
     if lennames == lenpredictions == lentrue : 
       fpred.write("Names/Label,, Prediction Random Forest,, True Value,\n") 
       for i in range(0,lennames) : 
     else : 
       fpred.write("ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch. Dumping arrays for manual inspection in predictions.csv\n") 
       fpred.write("Array printed in the order names/Labels, predictions RF and true values\n") 
       sys.exit("ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch. Dumping arrays for manual inspection in predictions.csv") 

     print "Final averaged Random Forest metrics : " 
     RFamse = sum(RFmse)/10 
     RFmse_sd = np.std(RFmse) 
     RFarmse = sum(RFrmse)/10 
     RFrmse_sd = np.std(RFrmse) 
     RFslope, RFintercept, RFr_value, RFp_value, RFstd_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RFpredictions, y) 
     RFR2 = RFr_value**2 
     print "Average Mean Squared Error = ", RFamse, " +/- ", RFmse_sd 
     print "Average Root Mean Squared Error = ", RFarmse, " +/- ", RFrmse_sd 
     print "R2 Final prediction against True values = ", RFR2 

     fpred.write("FINAL PREDICTION STATISTICS,\n") 
     fpred.write("Random Forest average MSE, %s, +/-, %s,\n" %(str(RFamse), str(RFmse_sd))) 
     fpred.write("Random Forest average RMSE, %s, +/-, %s,\n" %(str(RFarmse), str(RFrmse_sd))) 
    fpred.write("Random Forest slope, %s, Random Forest intercept, %s,\n" %(str(RFslope), str(RFintercept))) 
     fpred.write("Random Forest standard error, %s,\n" %(str(RFstd_err))) 
    fpred.write("Random Forest R, %s,\n" %(str(RFr_value))) 
     fpred.write("Random Forest R2, %s,\n" %(str(RFR2))) 


これが改善されると思われる** working code **の場合は、[codereview.se]を参照してください。そうでない場合は、[mcve]で問題を説明してください。 – jonrsharpe


こんにちは - 一般的にいいコードです。ちょっとしたヒント:stdoutのprint文ごとに別々の 'write'を作成する必要はありません。あなたの人生を楽にするために 'heredoc'を探してください;)ここでは(三重引用符で囲みます)http://lofic.github.io/tips/python-heredoc.html – javadba


私はあなたのコードを調べませんでした。 RandomForestを使用している場合、一般的な提案として、SkLearnのExtraTreesにもショットを付ける必要があります。彼らはランダムな森林にもう一つのランダムな層を加え、[抄録](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=を導入した彼らは、一般により良いです。 –



sickit learn feature selection



あなたの提案をお寄せいただきありがとうございます。 – James
