私は核に触れることを試みるために流域アルゴリズムを使用しています。 またはこの:一般的なイメージは次のようになります。私はこのコードで流域アルゴリズムを適用しようとしている黒い画像につながるWatershedアルゴリズムの負の値
%Convert to grayscale image
I = rgb2gray(RGB_img);
%Take structuring element of a disk of size 10, for the morphological transformations
%Attempt to subtract the background from the image: top hat is the
%subtraction of the open image from the original
%Morphological transformation to subtract background noise from the image
%Tophat is the subtraction of an opened image from the original. Remove all
%images smaller than the structuring element of 10
I1 = imtophat(I, strel('disk', 10));
%Increases contrast
I2 = imadjust(I1);
%Assume we have background and foreground and assess thresh as such
level = graythresh(I2);
%Convert to binary image based on graythreshold
BW = im2bw(I2,level);
BW = bwareaopen(BW,8);
BW = bwdist(BW) <= 1;
%Complement because we want image to be black and background white
C = ~BW;
%Use distance tranform to find nearest nonzero values from every pixel
D = -bwdist(C);
%Assign Minus infinity values to the values of C inside of the D image
% Modify the image so that the background pixels and the extended maxima
% pixels are forced to be the only local minima in the image (So you could
% hypothetically fill in water on the image
D(C) = -Inf;
%Gets 0 for all watershed lines and integers for each object (basins)
L = watershed(D);
%Takes the labels and converts to an RGB (Using hot colormap)
fin = label2rgb(L,'hot','w');
% show(fin,'fin');
im = I;
%Superimpose ridgelines,L has all of them as 0 -> so mark these as 0(black)
clean_img = L;
C = ~BW;
'show'コマンドは何をしますか?私はそれを認識しません。それは2016aのことですか? –
@tasosPapastylianouショーは、私が書いた小さな機能です。実際には、「figure」、「imshow」をカプセル化し、図にラベルを追加するだけです。 'imshow'と同じディスプレイでなければなりません – Sam