2016-05-20 16 views


私はSoap WebサービスプロバイダにSOA​​Pサービスを書いているとの問題があります。そのため、PHP-CLIENTクラスでは多くの検証エラーが発生します。いずれにせよ、彼らのSOAPは "機能する"ものであり、そうではありません。


このクラス(SoapClient)から拡張しようとしていたときに、メソッドにコードが全くないことに気がつきましたが、その理由を見つけることができませんでした。私は、これらのメソッドが "C"環境下で動作するか、すでに高速化されているので、多分考えていました。これが当てはまらない場合は、このクラスのコードを見て、私のニーズに合わせて変更することが大好きです。


class SoapClient { 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* SoapClient constructor 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.soapclient.php 
* @param mixed $wsdl <p> 
* URI of the WSDL file or <b>NULL</b> if working in 
* non-WSDL mode. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* During development, WSDL caching may be disabled by the 
* use of the soap.wsdl_cache_ttl <i>php.ini</i> setting 
* otherwise changes made to the WSDL file will have no effect until 
* soap.wsdl_cache_ttl is expired. 
* </p> 
* @param array $options [optional] <p> 
* An array of options. If working in WSDL mode, this parameter is optional. 
* If working in non-WSDL mode, the location and 
* uri options must be set, where location 
* is the URL of the SOAP server to send the request to, and uri 
* is the target namespace of the SOAP service. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The style and use options only work in 
* non-WSDL mode. In WSDL mode, they come from the WSDL file. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The soap_version option should be one of either 
* <b>SOAP_1_1</b> or <b>SOAP_1_2</b> to 
* select SOAP 1.1 or 1.2, respectively. If omitted, 1.1 is used. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* For HTTP authentication, the login and 
* password options can be used to supply credentials. 
* For making an HTTP connection through 
* a proxy server, the options proxy_host, 
* proxy_port, proxy_login 
* and proxy_password are also available. 
* For HTTPS client certificate authentication use 
* local_cert and passphrase options. An 
* authentication may be supplied in the authentication 
* option. The authentication method may be either 
* <b>SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_BASIC</b> (default) or 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The compression option allows to use compression 
* of HTTP SOAP requests and responses. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The encoding option defines internal character 
* encoding. This option does not change the encoding of SOAP requests (it is 
* always utf-8), but converts strings into it. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The trace option enables tracing of request so faults 
* can be backtraced. This defaults to <b>FALSE</b> 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The classmap option can be used to map some WSDL 
* types to PHP classes. This option must be an array with WSDL types 
* as keys and names of PHP classes as values. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* Setting the boolean trace option enables use of the 
* methods 
* SoapClient->__getLastRequest, 
* SoapClient->__getLastRequestHeaders, 
* SoapClient->__getLastResponse and 
* SoapClient->__getLastResponseHeaders. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The exceptions option is a boolean value defining whether 
* soap errors throw exceptions of type 
* SoapFault. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The connection_timeout option defines a timeout in seconds 
* for the connection to the SOAP service. This option does not define a timeout 
* for services with slow responses. To limit the time to wait for calls to finish the 
* default_socket_timeout setting 
* is available. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The typemap option is an array of type mappings. 
* Type mapping is an array with keys type_name, 
* type_ns (namespace URI), from_xml 
* (callback accepting one string parameter) and to_xml 
* (callback accepting one object parameter). 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The cache_wsdl option is one of 
* <b>WSDL_CACHE_NONE</b>, 
* <b>WSDL_CACHE_DISK</b>, 
* <b>WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY</b> or 
* <b>WSDL_CACHE_BOTH</b>. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The user_agent option specifies string to use in 
* User-Agent header. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The stream_context option is a resource 
* for context. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The features option is a bitmask of 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The keep_alive option is a boolean value defining whether 
* to send the Connection: Keep-Alive header or 
* Connection: close. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The ssl_method option is one of 
* <b>SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv2</b>, 
* <b>SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3</b> or 
* <b>SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv23</b>. 
* </p> 
public function SoapClient ($wsdl, array $options = null) {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Calls a SOAP function (deprecated) 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.call.php 
* @param string $function_name 
* @param string $arguments 
* @return mixed 
public function __call ($function_name, $arguments) {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Calls a SOAP function 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.soapcall.php 
* @param string $function_name <p> 
* The name of the SOAP function to call. 
* </p> 
* @param array $arguments <p> 
* An array of the arguments to pass to the function. This can be either 
* an ordered or an associative array. Note that most SOAP servers require 
* parameter names to be provided, in which case this must be an 
* associative array. 
* </p> 
* @param array $options [optional] <p> 
* An associative array of options to pass to the client. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The location option is the URL of the remote Web service. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The uri option is the target namespace of the SOAP service. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* The soapaction option is the action to call. 
* </p> 
* @param mixed $input_headers [optional] <p> 
* An array of headers to be sent along with the SOAP request. 
* </p> 
* @param array $output_headers [optional] <p> 
* If supplied, this array will be filled with the headers from the SOAP response. 
* </p> 
* @return mixed SOAP functions may return one, or multiple values. If only one value is returned 
* by the SOAP function, the return value of __soapCall will be 
* a simple value (e.g. an integer, a string, etc). If multiple values are 
* returned, __soapCall will return 
* an associative array of named output parameters. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* On error, if the SoapClient object was constructed with the exceptions 
* option set to <b>FALSE</b>, a SoapFault object will be returned. 
public function __soapCall ($function_name, array $arguments, array $options = null, $input_headers = null, array &$output_headers = null) {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns last SOAP request 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.getlastrequest.php 
* @return string The last SOAP request, as an XML string. 
public function __getLastRequest() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns last SOAP response 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.getlastresponse.php 
* @return string The last SOAP response, as an XML string. 
public function __getLastResponse() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns the SOAP headers from the last request 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.getlastrequestheaders.php 
* @return string The last SOAP request headers. 
public function __getLastRequestHeaders() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns the SOAP headers from the last response 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.getlastresponseheaders.php 
* @return string The last SOAP response headers. 
public function __getLastResponseHeaders() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns list of available SOAP functions 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.getfunctions.php 
* @return array The array of SOAP function prototypes, detailing the return type, 
* the function name and type-hinted paramaters. 
public function __getFunctions() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Returns a list of SOAP types 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.gettypes.php 
* @return array The array of SOAP types, detailing all structures and types. 
public function __getTypes() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Performs a SOAP request 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.dorequest.php 
* @param string $request <p> 
* The XML SOAP request. 
* </p> 
* @param string $location <p> 
* The URL to request. 
* </p> 
* @param string $action <p> 
* The SOAP action. 
* </p> 
* @param int $version <p> 
* The SOAP version. 
* </p> 
* @param int $one_way [optional] <p> 
* If one_way is set to 1, this method returns nothing. 
* Use this where a response is not expected. 
* </p> 
* @return string The XML SOAP response. 
public function __doRequest ($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.4)<br/> 
* The __setCookie purpose 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.setcookie.php 
* @param string $name <p> 
* The name of the cookie. 
* </p> 
* @param string $value [optional] <p> 
* The value of the cookie. If not specified, the cookie will be deleted. 
* </p> 
* @return void No value is returned. 
public function __setCookie ($name, $value = null) {} 

public function __getCookies() {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.1)<br/> 
* Sets the location of the Web service to use 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.setlocation.php 
* @param string $new_location [optional] <p> 
* The new endpoint URL. 
* </p> 
* @return string The old endpoint URL. 
public function __setLocation ($new_location = null) {} 

* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.5)<br/> 
* Sets SOAP headers for subsequent calls 
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.setsoapheaders.php 
* @param mixed $soapheaders [optional] <p> 
* The headers to be set. It could be <b>SoapHeader</b> 
* object or array of <b>SoapHeader</b> objects. 
* If not specified or set to <b>NULL</b>, the headers will be deleted. 
* </p> 
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure. 
public function __setSoapHeaders ($soapheaders = null) {} 



クラスを拡張して、これは単なるドキュメントです。 – anwerj


私はちょうどそれを拡張することができることを知っていますが、私は検証プロセスを変更する必要があり、この理由から、それがどのように行われるかを知る必要があります。 – CTala







$urlXML = "FIXEDXML.xml"; 
    $cliente = new SoapClient($urlXML, array(
     "trace" => true, 
     'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 
     'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE 


    echo "<h1> FUNCIONES DISPONIBLES </h1>"; 
    echo '<pre>'; 
    $functiones = $cliente->__getFunctions(); 
    echo '</pre>'; 
} catch (Exception $exc) { 
    echo $exc->getTraceAsString(); 




class mySoapClient extends SoapClient { 
    //override parent function 
    public function nativeFunction() { 
      //...some logic ... 



私はそれを理解しています。しかし、私はそれを変更するためにコードを知る必要があります:) – CTala


幸運:https://github.com/php/php-src:D –
