私はUnityでC#でターンベースのトップダウンの2Dダンジョンクローラーを作っています。私は現在、バットの敵がプレイヤーに従うようにコードをプログラミングしています。 1つの奇妙な動作を除いてうまくいきます。バットは1方向ではなく2方向に1ブロック移動しますが、それは最初の動きだけです。騎士がチェスの動きに似ています。これを理解するのを助けてください。すべての提案が高く評価されました。私のコードはおそらくひどくひどく複雑ですが、これは私の最初のゲームですので、優しくしてください。奇妙な動きの振る舞いUnity2D C#
Vector3 currentPosition;
Vector3 nextPosition;
public GameObject playerObject;
public Transform[] wallArray;
bool canMove;
public Player thePlayer;
void Update()
currentPosition = transform.position;
void Movement()
if (thePlayer.timeToMove == false)
if (playerObject.transform.position.x > currentPosition.x)
nextPosition.x = currentPosition.x + 1;
canMove = false;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
canMove = true;
if (canMove)
if (playerObject.transform.position.y > currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y + 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (playerObject.transform.position.y < currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y - 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (nextPosition == playerObject.transform.position)
nextPosition = currentPosition;
transform.position = nextPosition;
thePlayer.timeToMove = true;
Debug.Log("Leaving 'a'...");
if (playerObject.transform.position.x < currentPosition.x)
nextPosition.x = currentPosition.x - 1;
canMove = false;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
canMove = true;
if (canMove)
if (playerObject.transform.position.y > currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y + 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (playerObject.transform.position.y < currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y - 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (nextPosition == playerObject.transform.position)
nextPosition = currentPosition;
transform.position = nextPosition;
thePlayer.timeToMove = true;
Debug.Log("Leaving 'b'...");
if (playerObject.transform.position.x == currentPosition.x)
if (playerObject.transform.position.y > currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y + 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (playerObject.transform.position.y < currentPosition.y)
nextPosition.y = currentPosition.y - 1;
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
nextPosition = currentPosition;
if (nextPosition == playerObject.transform.position)
nextPosition = currentPosition;
transform.position = nextPosition;
thePlayer.timeToMove = true;
Debug.Log("Leaving 'c'...");
// Movement variables
public Vector3 playerCurrentPosition;
Vector3 nextPosition;
public Transform[] wallArray;
public bool timeToMove;
bool movingToWall;
void Start()
// When we start we can move
timeToMove = true;
void Update()
// Update current position variable
playerCurrentPosition = transform.position;
// Move
// Movement
void Movement()
// If it's time to move
if (timeToMove)
// If right arrow key pressed
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
// Set position to move to
nextPosition.x = playerCurrentPosition.x + 1;
// Check wall array
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
// If the wall we are checking is in the space we want to move to
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
// We are moving into a wall
movingToWall = true;
// If we are moving into a wall
if (movingToWall)
// Don't move
nextPosition = playerCurrentPosition;
// Set position
transform.position = nextPosition;
// It's time to move again
timeToMove = true;
// We're not moving into a wall anymore
movingToWall = false;
// If we're not moving into a wall
// Move
transform.position = nextPosition;
// It's no longer time to move
timeToMove = false;
// If left arrow key pressed
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
// Set position we want to move to
nextPosition.x = playerCurrentPosition.x - 1;
// Check wall array
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
// If the wall we are checking is in the space we want to move to
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
// We are moving into a wall
movingToWall = true;
// If we are moving into a wall
if (movingToWall)
// Don't move
nextPosition = playerCurrentPosition;
// Set position
transform.position = nextPosition;
// We can move again
timeToMove = true;
// We are no longer moving into a wall
movingToWall = false;
// If we are not moving into a wall
// Move
transform.position = nextPosition;
// It is no longer time to move
timeToMove = false;
// If up arrow pressed
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
// Set position to move to
nextPosition.y = playerCurrentPosition.y + 1;
// Check wall array
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
// If wall we are checking is in space we want to move to
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
// We are moving into a wall
movingToWall = true;
// If we are moving into a wall
if (movingToWall)
// Don't move
nextPosition = playerCurrentPosition;
// Set position
transform.position = nextPosition;
// We can move again
timeToMove = true;
// No longer moving into wall
movingToWall = false;
// If we are not moving into a wall
// Move
transform.position = nextPosition;
// It is no longer time to move
timeToMove = false;
// If down arrow pressed
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow))
// Set position to move to
nextPosition.y = playerCurrentPosition.y - 1;
// Check wall array
foreach (Transform wall in wallArray)
// If wall we are checking is in the space we want to move to
if (wall.transform.position.Equals(nextPosition))
// We are moving into a wall
movingToWall = true;
// If we are moving into a wall
if (movingToWall)
// Don't move
nextPosition = playerCurrentPosition;
// Set position
transform.position = nextPosition;
// We can move again
timeToMove = true;
// No longer moving into a wall
movingToWall = false;
// If we are not moving into a wall
// Move
transform.position = nextPosition;
// No longer time to move
timeToMove = false;
@JoeBlowは浮動小数点数を混乱させていましたが、私は私は整数を使用できるようにスプライトをスケールアップして以来。この質問は私が想定している貧弱なコーディングと関係がある。 – oscaro
@JoeBlowプレーヤーの動きは今すぐ完璧です – oscaro