2017-09-17 5 views

私はメッセージングアプリケーションを構築していて、GUI用にTkinterを使用しています。私はいくつかのボタンを作成しようとしていますが、私はエラーメッセージが表示されます。NameError:名前 'Radiobutton'が定義されていません

Traceback (most recent call last): 

    File "/home/artur/Documents/MScProject/MSc Project/Task #179276/main_program.py", line 174, in <module> 
    app = Application(the_window) 

    File "/home/artur/Documents/MScProject/MSc Project/Task #179276/main_program.py", line 49, in __init__ 
    self.AES_radiobutton = Radiobutton(text = 'AES algorithm', bg = color, variable=self.var, value=0) 
NameError: name 'Radiobutton' is not defined 


import tkinter as tk 
from tkinter import IntVar 

from tkinter import messagebox 
from tkinter import Frame 

from tkinter import Frame 
from tkinter import Text 
from tkinter import Label 

from AESEncDec import * 
from MD5Hashing import * 
from RSAEncDec import * 

color = 'lightblue' #color our background 

class Application(Frame): 

    def __init__(self, root=None): 

     Frame.__init__(self, root) 
     self.frame_width = 700 
     self.frame_height = 400 

     # Set configuration our frame 
     self.config(width = self.frame_width, height = self.frame_height, bg = color) 

     # Create textBox for input data 
     self.textbox_one = Text() 
     self.textbox_one.place(x = 30, y = 170, height = 200, width = 300) 

     # Create textBox for result 
     self.textbox_two = Text() 
     self.textbox_two.place(x = 370, y = 170, height = 200, width = 300) 

     label_input_text = Label(text = "Input text: ", bg = color) 
     label_input_text.place(x = 30, y = 155, height = 10, width = 70) 

     label_output_text = Label(text = "Result: ", bg = color) 
     label_output_text.place(x = 370, y = 155, height = 10, width = 50) 

     # IntVar help to detect, what radioButton was chosen 
     self.var = IntVar() 

     # Create radioButton for AES 
     self.AES_radiobutton = Radiobutton(text = 'AES algorithm', bg = color, variable=self.var, value=0) 
     self.AES_radiobutton.place(x = 100, y = 20, height = 30, width = 100) 

     # Create radioButton for DSA 
     self.DSA_radiobutton = Radiobutton(text = 'DSA algorithm', bg = color, variable=self.var, value=1) 
     self.DSA_radiobutton.place(x = 100, y = 70, height = 30, width = 100) 

     # Create radioButton for Hash function 
     self.HF_radiobutton = Radiobutton(text = 'Hash function', bg = color, variable=self.var, value=2) 
     self.HF_radiobutton.place(x = 100, y = 120, height = 30, width = 100) 

     # Create label 
     self.lable_for_ask_bits = Label(text = 'Input size of bits:', bg = color) 
     self.lable_for_ask_bits.place(x = 210, y = 70, height = 30, width = 100) 

     # Create textBox for input bits 
     self.input_bits = Text() 
     self.input_bits.place(x = 310, y = 75, height = 20, width = 50) 
     self.input_bits.insert(INSERT, '16') 

     # Create button to encrypt text 
     self.encrypt_button = Button(root, text = "Encrypt text", command = self.encrypt_text) 
     self.encrypt_button.place(x = 420, y = 20, height = 80, width = 100) 

     # Create button to decrypt text 
     self.decrypt_button = Button(root, text = "Decrypt text", command = self.decrypt_text) 
     self.decrypt_button.place(x = 540, y = 20, height = 80, width = 100) 

     # Create button to hash 
     self.hash_button = Button(root, text = "Hash text", command = self.hashing) 
     self.hash_button.place(x = 420, y = 120, height = 30, width = 220) 

     # Create AES object, keyword "this is a very strong key" 
     # You can change keyword 
     self.AES = AESEncDec('this is a very strong key') 

     # Save bits 
     self.bit_length = 16 
     # Create RSA object 
     self.RSA = RSAEncDec(self.bit_length) 

    def encrypt_text(self): 
     self.textbox_two.delete("1.0", END) 
     # Get radioButton selection 
     selection = self.var.get() 
     # if chosen AES 
     if selection == 0: 
      # Read text from input 
      message = self.textbox_one.get("1.0", END) 
      encrypt_message = self.AES.encrypt(message) 
      # Output result 
      self.textbox_two.insert(INSERT, encrypt_message) 
     # if chosen RSA 
     elif selection == 1: 
       # Read number of bits 
       tmp_bits = int(self.input_bits.get("1.0", END)) 
       # if bits not in range from 4 to 32 print error message 
       if tmp_bits < 4 or tmp_bits > 32: 
        tkMessageBox.showerror(message ='Bits must be in range from 4 to 32') 
        # else, if tmp_bits not = self.bit_length: create new object 
        if tmp_bits != self.bit_length: 
         self.bit_length = tmp_bits 
         self.RSA = RSAEncDec(self.bit_length) 
       tkMessageBox.showerror(message ='You must input integer number') 

      # Find max number 
      max_number = self.RSA.get_max_value_to_encrypt() 

       # Read text from input (myst be number) 
       message = int(self.textbox_one.get("1.0", END)) 
       if message < 0 or message > max_number: 
        tkMessageBox.showerror(message ='Input text must be number in range from 0 to ' + str(max_number)) 
        encrypt_message = self.RSA.encrypt(message) 
        # Output result 
        self.textbox_two.insert(INSERT, encrypt_message) 
       tkMessageBox.showerror(message ='Input text must be number in range from 0 to ' + str(max_number)) 
      tkMessageBox.showinfo(message ='You must select "AES" or "RSA" radioButton') 

    def decrypt_text(self): 
     self.textbox_two.delete("1.0", END) 
     # Get radioButton selection 
     selection = self.var.get() 
     # if chosen AES 
     if selection == 0: 
      # Read text from input 
      message = self.textbox_one.get("1.0", END) 
      decrypt_message = self.AES.decrypt(message) 
      # Output result 
      self.textbox_two.insert(INSERT, decrypt_message) 
     elif selection == 1: 
      # Read text from input 
      message = int(self.textbox_one.get("1.0", END)) 
      decrypt_message = self.RSA.decrypt(message) 
      # Output result 
      self.textbox_two.insert(INSERT, decrypt_message) 
      tkMessageBox.showinfo(message ='You must select "AES" or "RSA" radioButton') 

    def hashing(self): 
     # Get radioButton selection 
     selection = self.var.get() 
     # if chosen Hash function 
     if selection == 2: 
      # Read text from input 
      message = self.textbox_one.get("1.0", END) 
      # Hashing 
      hashing_message = Hashing(message) 
      # Output result 
      self.textbox_two.insert(INSERT, hashing_message) 
      tkMessageBox.showinfo(message ='You must select "Hash function" radioButton') 

#create object TK class 
the_window = tk.Tk(className = " Cryptographic") 
#create object Application 
app = Application(the_window) 
#run our Application 



tkinterからRadiaButtonをインポートするだけでいいですか? –


同じ問題について多くの質問を投稿しました。なぜなら、モジュール構成要素を呼び出すために提案された構文を使用しないといけません。別名を定義した場合、 'tkinter.RadioButton'または' tk.RadioButton'ですか? – PRMoureu


私の試行がうまくいかないので、どの場所でこれを正確に呼び出すべきか、どのように見えるかを指定することは素晴らしいでしょう:( –





あなたは 'tkinter'モジュールしかし、あなたがそれらの多くを使っているならば、インポート文はあなたのコードと同じくらい長くなります。あなたは 'tkinter'をインポートしてから' tkinter.Label'または 'tkinter.RadioButton'を使うだけで、これらのインポートを避けることができます。必要なオブジェクトがどこにあるのかをPythonに伝える必要があるということです。 – PRMoureu
