2017-01-28 4 views



# Sample data  
xval <- rnorm(12, mean = rep(1:3, each = 4), sd = 0.2) 
yval <- rnorm(12, mean = rep(c(1,2,1), each = 4), sd = 0.2) 

# Kmeans function 
kclus <- function(x, y, nclus) { 

    # start with random cluster centers 
    xcen <- runif(n = nclus, min = min(x), max = max(x)) 
    ycen <- runif(n = nclus, min = min(y), max = max(y)) 

    # data points and cluster assignment in "data" 
    # cluster coordinates in "clus" 
    data <- data.frame(xval = x, yval = y, clus = NA) 
    clus <- data.frame(name = 1:nclus, xcen = xcen, ycen = ycen) 

    finish <- FALSE 

    while(finish == FALSE) { 

     # assign cluster with minimum distance to each data point 
     for(i in 1:length(x)) { 
      dist <- sqrt((x[i]-clus$xcen)^2 + (y[i]-clus$ycen)^2) 
      data$clus[i] <- which.min(dist) 

     xcen_old <- clus$xcen 
     ycen_old <- clus$ycen 

     # calculate new cluster centers 
     for(i in 1:nclus) { 
      clus[i,2] <- mean(subset(data$xval, data$clus == i)) 
      clus[i,3] <- mean(subset(data$yval, data$clus == i)) 

     # stop the loop if there is no change in cluster coordinates 
     if(identical(xcen_old, clus$xcen) & identical(ycen_old, clus$ycen)) finish <- TRUE 

# apply kmeans function to sample data 
cluster <- kclus(xval, yval, 4) 

# plot the result 
ggplot(cluster, aes(xval, yval, color = as.factor(clus))) + geom_point() 




は 、そんなに作品を、kは、意味だけの方法であるマーカス




# Sample data  
xval <- rnorm(12, mean = rep(1:3, each = 4), sd = 0.2) 
yval <- rnorm(12, mean = rep(c(1,2,1), each = 4), sd = 0.2) 

# Kmeans function with random.seed for initialization 
kclus <- function(x, y, nclus, random.seed=123) { 

    # start with random cluster centers 
    xcen <- runif(n = nclus, min = min(x), max = max(x)) 
    ycen <- runif(n = nclus, min = min(y), max = max(y)) 

    # data points and cluster assignment in "data" 
    # cluster coordinates in "clus" 
    data <- data.frame(xval = x, yval = y, clus = NA) 
    clus <- data.frame(name = 1:nclus, xcen = xcen, ycen = ycen) 

    finish <- FALSE 

    while(finish == FALSE) { 

    # assign cluster with minimum distance to each data point 
    for(i in 1:length(x)) { 
     dist <- sqrt((x[i]-clus$xcen)^2 + (y[i]-clus$ycen)^2) 
     data$clus[i] <- which.min(dist) 

    xcen_old <- clus$xcen 
    ycen_old <- clus$ycen 

    # calculate new cluster centers 
    for(i in 1:nclus) { 
     clus[i,2] <- mean(subset(data$xval, data$clus == i)) 
     clus[i,3] <- mean(subset(data$yval, data$clus == i)) 

    # stop the loop if there is no change in cluster coordinates 
    if(identical(xcen_old, clus$xcen) & identical(ycen_old, clus$ycen)) finish <- TRUE 

# with default random seed 123, you should be able to reproduce the result 
# as you can see, in this case, no data points were assigned to the 4th cluster 
cluster <- kclus(xval, yval, 4) 
cluster.centers <- aggregate(.~clus, cluster, mean) 
ggplot(cluster, aes(xval, yval, color = as.factor(clus))) + 
    geom_point(size=5) + 
    geom_point(data=cluster.centers, aes(xval, yval, col=as.factor(clus)), pch=8, size=5) 

:ここでは、クラスタの出力の数は(ランダムに選択され、random.seedで制御することができる)、クラスタ重心の初期化に依存していることを見ることができるようにしなければならない、あなたのコードのわずかな変更がありますenter image description here

# run with a different random seed = 12 
# as you can see, in this case, the algorithm outputs 4 clusters, with the 2nd cluster having a single datapoint assigned to 
    cluster <- kclus(xval, yval, 4, 12) 
    cluster.centers <- aggregate(.~clus, cluster, mean) 
    ggplot(cluster, aes(xval, yval, color = as.factor(clus))) + 
     geom_point(size=5) + 
     geom_point(data=cluster.centers, aes(xval, yval, col=as.factor(clus)), pch=8, size=5) 

enter image description here

# run with a different random seed = 12345 
# as you can see, in this case, the algorithm outputs 2 clusters, with the all the datapoints assigned to the 1st and the 2nd cluster 
    cluster <- kclus(xval, yval, 4, 12345) 
    cluster.centers <- aggregate(.~clus, cluster, mean) 
    ggplot(cluster, aes(xval, yval, color = as.factor(clus))) + 
     geom_point(size=5) + 
     geom_point(data=cluster.centers, aes(xval, yval, col=as.factor(clus)), pch=8, size=5) 

enter image description here



  1. まずアルゴリズムを複数回ランダムに初期化したセンターで実行し、最高のクラスター品質(SSEなどで測定)の結果を選択できます。
  2. もう1つお試しできるのは、 Kmeans ++のスマートな初期化です。 A-それほど良くない-選択は、クラスタの再割り当ては、それが kのそれぞれは、(= 4)のクラスタがそれにasigned少なくとも1点を持っている(そうでない場合は、その後 ことを保証しながら、確実 にあなたのアルゴリズムを変更することができ
  3. 再割り当てしないでください)。
  4. 最後に、 階層型クラスタリングのような他のアルゴリズムを試すと、 樹枝図を使用してより多くの柔軟性を与え、必要な数のクラスタを選択できます。






