2017-04-18 17 views



public class ServerClient 
    public int connectionId; 
    public string playerName; 

public class Server : MonoBehaviour { 

private const int MAX_CONNECTION = 4; 

private int port = 8888; 

private int hostId; 
private int webHostId; 

private int reliableChannel; 
private int unreliableChannel; 

private bool isStarted = false; 
private byte error; 

private List<ServerClient> clients = new List<ServerClient>(); 

private void Start() 
    ConnectionConfig cc = new ConnectionConfig(); 

    reliableChannel = cc.AddChannel (QosType.Reliable); 
    unreliableChannel = cc.AddChannel (QosType.Unreliable); 

    HostTopology topo = new HostTopology (cc, MAX_CONNECTION); 

    hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost (topo, port); // null 
    Debug.Log ("Socket Open. hostId is: " + hostId); 
    webHostId = NetworkTransport.AddWebsocketHost (topo, port, null); //, port, null 

    isStarted = true; 

private void Update() 
    if (!isStarted) 

    int recHostId; 
    int connectionId; 
    int channelId; 
    byte[] recBuffer = new byte[1024]; 
    int bufferSize = 1024; 
    int dataSize; 
    byte error; 
    NetworkEventType recData = NetworkTransport.Receive (out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBuffer, bufferSize, out dataSize, out error); 
    switch (recData) { 
    case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: //2 
     Debug.Log ("Player " + connectionId + "has connected"); 
     OnConnection (connectionId); 
    case NetworkEventType.DataEvent:  //3 
     string msg = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(recBuffer, 0, dataSize); 
     //Debug.Log("Player" + connectionId + " has sent : " + msg); 
     Debug.Log("Recieving from " + connectionId + " : " + msg); 

     string[] splitData = msg.Split ('|'); 

     switch (splitData[0]) 
     case "OnNameIs": 
      OnNameIs (connectionId, splitData [1]); 

       Debug.Log ("Invalid message: " + msg); 


     case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent:  // 4 
     Debug.Log("Player " + connectionId + "has disconnected"); 

private void OnConnection(int cnnId) 
    // This may add a thrid player 
    ServerClient c = new ServerClient(); 
    c.connectionId = cnnId; 
    c.playerName = "TEMP"; 
    //So you might want to change this later 

    string msg = "AskName|" + cnnId + "|"; 
    foreach (ServerClient sc in clients) 
     msg += sc.playerName + '%' + sc.connectionId + '|'; 

    msg = msg.Trim ('|'); 

    Send (msg, reliableChannel, cnnId); 

private void OnNameIs(int cnnId, string playerName) 
    clients.Find (x => x.connectionId == cnnId).playerName = playerName; 

    Send ("CNN|" + playerName + '|' + cnnId, reliableChannel, clients); 

private void Send(string message, int channelId, int cnnId) 
    List<ServerClient> c = new List<ServerClient>(); 
    c.Add (clients.Find (x => x.connectionId == cnnId)); 
    Send (message, channelId, c); 

private void Send(string message, int channelId, List<ServerClient> c) 
    Debug.Log ("Sending : " + message); 
    byte[] msg = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (message); 
    foreach (ServerClient sc in c) 
     NetworkTransport.Send (hostId, sc.connectionId, channelId, msg, message.Length * sizeof(char), out error); 



public class Player 
    public string playerName; 
    public GameObject avatar; 
    public int connectionId; 

public class Client : MonoBehaviour { 

private const int MAX_CONNECTION = 4; 

private int port = 8888; //5701 

private int hostId; 
private int webHostId; 

private int connectionId; 
private int ourClientId; 

private int reliableChannel; 
private int unreliableChannel; 

private float connectionTime; 
private bool isConnected = false; 
private bool isStarted = false; 
private byte error; 

private string playerName; 

public GameObject playerPrefab; 

public List<Player> players = new List<Player>(); 

public void Connect() 
    //Does the player have a name? 
    //take this part out 
    string pName = GameObject.Find("NameInput").GetComponent<InputField>().text; 

    if (pName == "") { 
     Debug.Log ("you must enter a name"); 

    playerName = pName; 


    // place this is the Start fuction 
    ConnectionConfig cc = new ConnectionConfig(); 

    reliableChannel = cc.AddChannel (QosType.Reliable); 
    unreliableChannel = cc.AddChannel (QosType.Unreliable); 

    HostTopology topo = new HostTopology (cc, MAX_CONNECTION); 

    hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost (topo, 0); 

    byte error; 
    connectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect (hostId, "", port, 0, out error); 
    Debug.Log ("Connection to server. ConnectionId: " + connectionId); 
    connectionTime = Time.time; 
    isConnected = true; 

private void Update() 
    if (!isConnected) 

    int recHostId; 
    int connectionId; 
    int channelId; 
    byte[] recBuffer = new byte[1024]; 
    int bufferSize = 1024; 
    int dataSize; 
    byte error; 
    NetworkEventType recData = NetworkTransport.Receive (out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBuffer, bufferSize, out dataSize, out error); 
    switch (recData) { 
    case NetworkEventType.DataEvent:  //1 
     string msg = Encoding.Unicode.GetString (recBuffer, 0, dataSize); 
     Debug.Log ("Recieving : " + msg); 
     string[] splitData = msg.Split ('|'); 

     switch (splitData[0]) 
     case "AskName": 
      OnAskName (splitData); 

     case "CNN": 
      SpawnPlayer (splitData[1], int.Parse(splitData[2])); 

     case "DC": 

      Debug.Log ("Invalid message: " + msg); 


private void OnAskName(string[] data) 
    ourClientId = int.Parse (data [1]); 

    Send ("OnNameis|" + playerName, reliableChannel); 

    for (int i = 2; i < data.Length - 1; i++) 
     string[] d = data[i].Split('%'); 
     SpawnPlayer(d[0], int.Parse(d[1])); 

private void SpawnPlayer(string playerName, int cnnId) 
    GameObject go = Instantiate (playerPrefab) as GameObject; 
    Debug.Log ("Object has been spawn", go); 

    if (cnnId == ourClientId) // the problem // 
     GameObject.Find("Canvas").SetActive (false); 
     isStarted = true; 

    Player p = new Player(); 
    p.avatar = go; 
    p.playerName = playerName; 
    p.connectionId = cnnId; 
    p.avatar.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = playerName; 
    players.Add (p); 

private void Send(string message, int channelId) 
    Debug.Log ("Sending : " + message); 
    byte[] msg = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (message); 
    NetworkTransport.Send (hostId, connectionId, channelId, msg, message.Length * sizeof(char), out error); 



ポートを別のものに変更しようとしましたか? – Iggy



茶にはあまりありません。 よく見ると、あなたはそれが表示されます:クライアントは名前OnNameis

  • にコマンドを送信し

    • をサーバーこれは、かなりの危険性を示してOnNameIs


  • 関連する問題