2017-10-20 5 views


def user_choice(): 
    print("Choice must be Rock, Paper, or Scissors.") 
    users_choice = input("Enter your choice here: ") 

    if users_choice == "Rock": 
     print("You chose Rock") 
     player_choice = "Rock" 
    elif users_choice == "Paper": 
     print("You chose Paper") 
     player_choice = "Paper" 
    elif users_choice == "Scissors": 
     print("You chose Scissors") 
     player_choice = "Scissors" 
     print("Error: Choice must be one of the following: Rock, Paper, or Scissors") 

def computer_choice(player_choice): 
    #This is the program's randomly generated number, from here on out the programm will be refered to as Computer. 
    computer_generated_number = random.randint(1, 3) 
    player_choice = player_choice 

    if computer_generated_number == 1: 
     computer_choice = "Rock" 
     game(player_choice , computer_choice) 
    elif computer_generated_number == 2: 
     computer_choice = "Paper" 
     game(player_choice , computer_choice) 
    elif computer_generated_number == 3: 
     computer_choice = "Scissors" 
     game(player_choice , computer_choice) 

def game(player_choice , computer_choice): 
    wins = 0 
    losses = 0 
    draws = 0 

    if wins or losses or draws >= 1: 
     if player_choice == computer_choice: 
      print("It's a draw!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      draws = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Rock" and computer_choice == "Scissors": 
      print("Rock smashes scissors!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = wins + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Paper" and computer_choice == "Rock": 
      print("Paper covers rock!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = wins + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Scissors" and computer_choice == "Paper": 
      print("Scissors cut paper!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = wins + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Rock" and computer_choice == "Paper": 
      print("Paper covers rock!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = losses + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Paper" and computer_choice == "Scissors": 
      print("Scissors cuts paper!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = losses + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Scissors" and computer_choice == "Rock": 
      print("Rock smashes scissors!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = losses + 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

    if wins or losses or draws == 0: 
     if player_choice == computer_choice: 
      print("It's a draw!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      draws = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Rock" and computer_choice == "Scissors": 
      print("Rock smashes scissors!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Paper" and computer_choice == "Rock": 
      print("Paper covers rock!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Scissors" and computer_choice == "Paper": 
      print("Scissors cut paper!") 
      print("You won!") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      wins = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Rock" and computer_choice == "Paper": 
      print("Paper covers rock!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Paper" and computer_choice == "Scissors": 
      print("Scissors cuts paper!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

     elif player_choice == "Scissors" and computer_choice == "Rock": 
      print("Rock smashes scissors!") 
      print("You lost") 
      user_input = input("Would you like to play again? Answer must be a yes or no. ") 
      losses = 1 

      if user_input == "Yes" or user_input == "yes": 
      elif user_input == "No" or user_input == "no": 
       print("You've won" , wins , "times") 
       print("You've lost" , losses , "times") 
       print("And you've come to a draw" , draws, "times") 

これをデバッグするために何をしましたか? – astidham2003


この機能を複数回実行しようとしていますか? – BenT


私はwhileステートメントを試してみましたが、初期割り当て後に変数を巡回できるかどうかを確認しようとしました –




import random 

CHOICES = ('rock', 'paper', 'scissors') 

def get_user_choice(): 
    choice = input('Rock, paper, or scissors? ') 
    choice = choice.lower().strip() 
    if choice not in CHOICES: 
     print('Please select one of rock, paper, or scissors') 
     choice = get_user_choice() 
    return choice 

def get_computer_choice(): 
    return random.choice(CHOICES) 

def play_round(): 
    user_choice = get_user_choice() 
    computer_choice = get_computer_choice() 
    print('You selected', user_choice) 
    print('Computer selected', computer_choice) 
    # Compare choices here 
    # Return value indicating win, loss, or draw 

def play(): 
    wins = 0 
    losses = 0 
    draws = 0 
    result = play_round() 
    # Update wins, losses, or draws according to the result 
    # Prompt user to play again or quit 
    return wins, losses, draws 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    wins, losses, draws = play() 
    # Report wins, losses, and draws 