def descriminant(a, b, c): #Setting input perameters for descriminant
if a>0 or a<0: #If a isnt equal to 0, find descriminant
disc = (b**2-4*a*c) #Defining what descriminant does with disc
if disc>0:
return disc1 #returns and allows to be used again instead of print which doesnt allow you to use it again
print("The discriminant must be greater than 0")
else: #if a is equal to 0
print ("A cannot equal 0") #Tell the user a cant equal 0
def quad_form(a, b, c): #Defining quad form w/ input a, b, c
disc2=float(descriminant(a, b, c))
quad_form1=((-1*b) + disc2/float((2*a))) #Defining + forumula for quad form
quad_form2=((-1*b) - disc2/float((2*a))) #Defining - forumula for quad form
return quad_form1, quad_form2
UI=input("Enter the coefficients of a quadratic separated by commas where A is not equal to zero: ") #User Input
print quad_form(a, b, c)
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