pre-ARC ObjCの呼び出しに相当)を挿入します。だから、この:
func doSomething() -> Object {
let thing1 = Object(name: "foo")
var thing2 = Object(name: "bar")
thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
return thing2
func doSomething() -> Object {
let thing1 = Object(name: "foo")
__retain(thing1) // increment reference count so thing1 sticks around
var thing2 = Object(name: "bar")
__retain(thing2) // increment reference count so thing2 sticks around
let oldThing2 = thing2 // thing2 gets replaced on the next line
thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
__release(oldThing2) // get rid of the thing that got overwritten
__retain(thing2) // hold onto the new thing that replaced it
__release(thing1) // end of scope, so nothing else will use thing1
return __autorelease(thing2) // relinquish ownership of thing2,
// but only upon handing ownership over to our caller
ステートメントを介して)発信者に引き渡されることは、回線から回線へのプログラムセマンティクスを満たすための最低限の要件ですが、この分析レベルで停止するとメモリ管理が冗長になります。 (。thing1
func doSomething() -> Object {
_ = Object(name: "foo") // formerly thing1
// Object.init(name:) is called in case it has side effects,
// but the result is immediately discarded because it's not used
_ = Object(name: "bar") // formerly thing2
// again we call the initializer but discard the result,
// because the original thing2 is immediately overwritten
let thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
// no retain, because nothing happens between here and return
// that could affect the memory lifetime of thing2
return __magic_autorelease(thing2)
// and there's other voodoo we can do to ensure handoff to the caller
// without getting into retain count tracking or autorelease pools
明らかに非常に波状の概観 - ボンネットの下ではさらに多くのことが起こっているので、実際の実装はこの単純な2段階プロセスにはあまり合いませんが、概念的には非常に似ています。
これはお使いになりましたか? https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/AutomaticReferenceCounting.html – Santosh