2017-03-07 47 views

MS SQLデータベースからOracleにデータをロードするETLジョブがあります。ジョブとパラメータはテーブルで定義されており、それらを1つずつ実行するラッパー・プロシージャがあります。同じビュー、非常に異なる実行時間(Oracleリンクされたサーバーは遅いですが2回目に限りあります)






insert into LINKEDORACLESERVER..SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME select * from spec.staging_tablename 




しかし、2つのジョブのパラメータが異なる場合、具体的にはSAP BPCのOLAPキューブから取得する必要がある為替レートのカテゴリはどうなりますか?彼らは同じソースから読み込み、同じ宛先テーブルに約24k行を書き込みますが、「レートA」の代わりに「レートB」を使用しています。

更新日2: 少し近づいています。したがって、両方のジョブは、データをXcelsiusダッシュボードのデータマートとなるテーブルにプッシュしています。それは私がMS SQLでビューを構築したかなり特殊な構造を持っています。したがって、同じビューから同じテーブルにデータをロードします。

View in job 1: returns 23,512 rows. Execution time: 00:01:03. 
View in job 2: returns 23,512 rows. Execution time: 00:18:54. 


select base.organisation, calc.mm_account, base.analysis, 
    case base.kpiref when -1 then calc.source_of_value else sv1.value end source_of_value, 
    base.account, base.[year], 'ACTUAL' category, 
    [currency] currency_code, ltrim(rtrim(right(jobs.name, len(jobs.name) - patindex('%@%', jobs.name)))) forex_rate_type, base.[month], 
    isnull(Y_0.v01, 0) v01, 
    case base.[month] when 1 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v02, 0) end v02, 
    case base.[month] when 2 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v03, 0) end v03, 
    case base.[month] when 3 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v04, 0) end v04, 
    case base.[month] when 4 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v05, 0) end v05, 
    case base.[month] when 5 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v06, 0) end v06, 
    case base.[month] when 6 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v07, 0) end v07, 
    case base.[month] when 7 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v08, 0) end v08, 
    case base.[month] when 8 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v09, 0) end v09, 
    case base.[month] when 9 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v10, 0) end v10, 
    case base.[month] when 10 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v11, 0) end v11, 
    case base.[month] when 11 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v12, 0) end v12, 
    isnull(Y_0.CMO, 0) CMO, (0) forecast_accuracy, isnull(Y_0.YTD, 0) YTD, (0) QTD, isnull(Y_0.FYR, 0) FYR, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v12, 0)) FYR_1, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v12, 0)) FYR_2, 
    0 FYR_NY, -- we don't need to calculate this one for actuals as there are no actuals for next year yet! this is why it's a hard-coded zero 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01,0)+isnull(Ym2.v02,0)+isnull(Ym2.v03,0)) q01, (isnull(Ym2.v04,0)+isnull(Ym2.v05,0)+isnull(Ym2.v06,0)) q02, (isnull(Ym2.v07,0)+isnull(Ym2.v08,0)+isnull(Ym2.v09,0)) q03, (isnull(Ym2.v10,0)+isnull(Ym2.v11,0)+isnull(Ym2.v12,0)) q04, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01,0)+isnull(Ym1.v02,0)+isnull(Ym1.v03,0)) q05, (isnull(Ym1.v04,0)+isnull(Ym1.v05,0)+isnull(Ym1.v06,0)) q06, (isnull(Ym1.v07,0)+isnull(Ym1.v08,0)+isnull(Ym1.v09,0)) q07, (isnull(Ym1.v10,0)+isnull(Ym1.v11,0)+isnull(Ym1.v12,0)) q08, 

    (          isnull(Y_0.v01,0)  + case base.[month] when 1 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v02,0) end + case base.[month] when 2 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v03,0) end) q09, 
    (case base.[month] when 3 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v04,0) end + case base.[month] when 4 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v05,0) end + case base.[month] when 5 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v06,0) end) q10, 
    (case base.[month] when 6 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v07,0) end + case base.[month] when 7 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v08,0) end + case base.[month] when 8 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v09,0) end) q11, 
    (case base.[month] when 9 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v10,0) end + case base.[month] when 10 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v11,0) end + case base.[month] when 11 then 0 else isnull(Y_0.v12,0) end) q12, 
    dbo.dateOnly(getdate()) date_uploaded, 'strata' data_source 
    (select organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref, min([month]) [month], min(jobID) jobID from staging_phase_4 
     where category in ('ACTUAL', 'ACTUAL-1', 'ACTUAL-2') 
     and jobID in (select id from dbo.jobs where (name in ('strata @ Actual Average', 'strata @ Plan'))) 
     group by organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref) base 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Y_0 on Y_0.organisation = base.organisation and Y_0.account = base.account and Y_0.analysis = base.analysis and Y_0.kpiref = base.kpiref and Y_0.category = 'ACTUAL' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym1 on Ym1.organisation = base.organisation and Ym1.account = base.account and Ym1.analysis = base.analysis and Ym1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym1.category = 'ACTUAL-1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym2 on Ym2.organisation = base.organisation and Ym2.account = base.account and Ym2.analysis = base.analysis and Ym2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym2.category = 'ACTUAL-2' 
    left outer join jobs_calculations_setvalues sv1 on base.kpiref = sv1.calcid 
    inner join jobs on base.jobID = jobs.id 
    cross apply spec.calculated_strategic_accounts(base.account) calc 


-- *** LAST YEAR *** 
select base.organisation, calc.mm_account, base.analysis, 
    case base.kpiref when -1 then calc.source_of_value else sv1.value end source_of_value, 
    base.account, base.[year], 'LAST YEAR' category, 
    [currency] currency_code, ltrim(rtrim(right(jobs.name, len(jobs.name) - patindex('%@%', jobs.name)))) forex_rate_type, base.[month], 
    isnull(Y_0.v01, 0) v01, isnull(Y_0.v02, 0) v02, isnull(Y_0.v03, 0) v03, isnull(Y_0.v04, 0) v04, isnull(Y_0.v05, 0) v05, isnull(Y_0.v06, 0) v06, 
    isnull(Y_0.v07, 0) v07, isnull(Y_0.v08, 0) v08, isnull(Y_0.v09, 0) v09, isnull(Y_0.v10, 0) v10, isnull(Y_0.v11, 0) v11, isnull(Y_0.v12, 0) v12, 
    isnull(Y_0.CMO, 0) CMO, (0) forecast_accuracy, isnull(Y_0.YTD, 0) YTD, (0) QTD, isnull(Y_0.FYR, 0) FYR, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v12, 0)) FYR_1, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v12, 0)) FYR_2, 
    (isnull(Yp1.v01, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v02, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v03, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v04, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v05, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v06, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v07, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v08, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v09, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v10, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v11, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v12, 0)) FYR_NY, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01,0)+isnull(Ym2.v02,0)+isnull(Ym2.v03,0)) q01, (isnull(Ym2.v04,0)+isnull(Ym2.v05,0)+isnull(Ym2.v06,0)) q02, (isnull(Ym2.v07,0)+isnull(Ym2.v08,0)+isnull(Ym2.v09,0)) q03, (isnull(Ym2.v10,0)+isnull(Ym2.v11,0)+isnull(Ym2.v12,0)) q04, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01,0)+isnull(Ym1.v02,0)+isnull(Ym1.v03,0)) q05, (isnull(Ym1.v04,0)+isnull(Ym1.v05,0)+isnull(Ym1.v06,0)) q06, (isnull(Ym1.v07,0)+isnull(Ym1.v08,0)+isnull(Ym1.v09,0)) q07, (isnull(Ym1.v10,0)+isnull(Ym1.v11,0)+isnull(Ym1.v12,0)) q08, 
    (isnull(Y_0.v01,0)+isnull(Y_0.v02,0)+isnull(Y_0.v03,0)) q09, (isnull(Y_0.v04,0)+isnull(Y_0.v05,0)+isnull(Y_0.v06,0)) q10, (isnull(Y_0.v07,0)+isnull(Y_0.v08,0)+isnull(Y_0.v09,0)) q11, (isnull(Y_0.v10,0)+isnull(Y_0.v11,0)+isnull(Y_0.v12,0)) q12, 
    dbo.dateOnly(getdate()) date_uploaded, 'strata' data_source 

    (select organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref, min([month]) [month], min(jobID) jobID from staging_phase_4 
     where category in ('LAST YEAR', 'ACTUAL-2', 'ACTUAL-3', 'ACTUAL') 
     and jobID in (select id from dbo.jobs where (name in ('strata @ Actual Average', 'strata @ Plan'))) 
     group by organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref) base 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Y_0 on Y_0.organisation = base.organisation and Y_0.account = base.account and Y_0.analysis = base.analysis and Y_0.kpiref = base.kpiref and Y_0.category = 'LAST YEAR' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym1 on Ym1.organisation = base.organisation and Ym1.account = base.account and Ym1.analysis = base.analysis and Ym1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym1.category = 'ACTUAL-2' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym2 on Ym2.organisation = base.organisation and Ym2.account = base.account and Ym2.analysis = base.analysis and Ym2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym2.category = 'ACTUAL-3' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Yp1 on Yp1.organisation = base.organisation and Yp1.account = base.account and Yp1.analysis = base.analysis and Yp1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Yp1.category = 'ACTUAL' 
    left outer join jobs_calculations_setvalues sv1 on base.kpiref = sv1.calcid 
    inner join jobs on base.jobID = jobs.id 
    cross apply spec.calculated_strategic_accounts(base.account) calc 


-- *** PLAN *** 
select base.organisation, calc.mm_account, base.analysis, 
    case base.kpiref when -1 then calc.source_of_value else sv1.value end source_of_value, 
    base.account, base.[year], 'PLAN' category, 
    [currency] currency_code, ltrim(rtrim(right(jobs.name, len(jobs.name) - patindex('%@%', jobs.name)))) forex_rate_type, base.[month], 
    isnull(Y_0.v01, 0) v01, isnull(Y_0.v02, 0) v02, isnull(Y_0.v03, 0) v03, isnull(Y_0.v04, 0) v04, isnull(Y_0.v05, 0) v05, isnull(Y_0.v06, 0) v06, 
    isnull(Y_0.v07, 0) v07, isnull(Y_0.v08, 0) v08, isnull(Y_0.v09, 0) v09, isnull(Y_0.v10, 0) v10, isnull(Y_0.v11, 0) v11, isnull(Y_0.v12, 0) v12, 
    isnull(Y_0.CMO, 0) CMO, (0) forecast_accuracy, isnull(Y_0.YTD, 0) YTD, (0) QTD, isnull(Y_0.FYR, 0) FYR, 
    (isnull(Am1.v01, 0) + isnull(Am1.v02, 0) + isnull(Am1.v03, 0) + isnull(Am1.v04, 0) + isnull(Am1.v05, 0) + isnull(Am1.v06, 0) + isnull(Am1.v07, 0) + isnull(Am1.v08, 0) + isnull(Am1.v09, 0) + isnull(Am1.v10, 0) + isnull(Am1.v11, 0) + isnull(Am1.v12, 0)) FYR_1, 
    (isnull(Am2.v01, 0) + isnull(Am2.v02, 0) + isnull(Am2.v03, 0) + isnull(Am2.v04, 0) + isnull(Am2.v05, 0) + isnull(Am2.v06, 0) + isnull(Am2.v07, 0) + isnull(Am2.v08, 0) + isnull(Am2.v09, 0) + isnull(Am2.v10, 0) + isnull(Am2.v11, 0) + isnull(Am2.v12, 0)) FYR_2, 
    (isnull(Yp1.v01, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v02, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v03, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v04, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v05, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v06, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v07, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v08, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v09, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v10, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v11, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v12, 0)) FYR_NY, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01,0)+isnull(Ym2.v02,0)+isnull(Ym2.v03,0)) q01, (isnull(Ym2.v04,0)+isnull(Ym2.v05,0)+isnull(Ym2.v06,0)) q02, (isnull(Ym2.v07,0)+isnull(Ym2.v08,0)+isnull(Ym2.v09,0)) q03, (isnull(Ym2.v10,0)+isnull(Ym2.v11,0)+isnull(Ym2.v12,0)) q04, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01,0)+isnull(Ym1.v02,0)+isnull(Ym1.v03,0)) q05, (isnull(Ym1.v04,0)+isnull(Ym1.v05,0)+isnull(Ym1.v06,0)) q06, (isnull(Ym1.v07,0)+isnull(Ym1.v08,0)+isnull(Ym1.v09,0)) q07, (isnull(Ym1.v10,0)+isnull(Ym1.v11,0)+isnull(Ym1.v12,0)) q08, 
    (isnull(Y_0.v01,0)+isnull(Y_0.v02,0)+isnull(Y_0.v03,0)) q09, (isnull(Y_0.v04,0)+isnull(Y_0.v05,0)+isnull(Y_0.v06,0)) q10, (isnull(Y_0.v07,0)+isnull(Y_0.v08,0)+isnull(Y_0.v09,0)) q11, (isnull(Y_0.v10,0)+isnull(Y_0.v11,0)+isnull(Y_0.v12,0)) q12, 
    dbo.dateOnly(getdate()) date_uploaded, 'strata' data_source 

    (select organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref, min([month]) [month], min(jobID) jobID from staging_phase_4 
     where category in ('PLAN', 'PLAN-1', 'PLAN-2', 'PLAN+1', 'ACTUAL-1', 'ACTUAL-2') 
     and jobID in (select id from dbo.jobs where (name in ('strata @ Actual Average', 'strata @ Plan'))) 
     group by organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref) base 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Y_0 on Y_0.organisation = base.organisation and Y_0.account = base.account and Y_0.analysis = base.analysis and Y_0.kpiref = base.kpiref and Y_0.category = 'PLAN' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym1 on Ym1.organisation = base.organisation and Ym1.account = base.account and Ym1.analysis = base.analysis and Ym1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym1.category = 'PLAN-1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym2 on Ym2.organisation = base.organisation and Ym2.account = base.account and Ym2.analysis = base.analysis and Ym2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym2.category = 'PLAN-2' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Yp1 on Yp1.organisation = base.organisation and Yp1.account = base.account and Yp1.analysis = base.analysis and Yp1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Yp1.category = 'PLAN+1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Am1 on Am1.organisation = base.organisation and Am1.account = base.account and Am1.analysis = base.analysis and Am1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Am1.category = 'ACTUAL-1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Am2 on Am2.organisation = base.organisation and Am2.account = base.account and Am2.analysis = base.analysis and Am2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Am2.category = 'ACTUAL-2' 
    left outer join jobs_calculations_setvalues sv1 on base.kpiref = sv1.calcid 
    inner join jobs on base.jobID = jobs.id 
    cross apply spec.calculated_strategic_accounts(base.account) calc 


-- *** CURRENT GFO *** 
select base.organisation, calc.mm_account, base.analysis, 
    case base.kpiref when -1 then calc.source_of_value else sv1.value end source_of_value, 
    base.account, base.[year], 'CURRENT GFO' category, 
    [currency] currency_code, ltrim(rtrim(right(jobs.name, len(jobs.name) - patindex('%@%', jobs.name)))) forex_rate_type, base.[month], 
    isnull(Y_0.v01, 0) v01, isnull(Y_0.v02, 0) v02, isnull(Y_0.v03, 0) v03, isnull(Y_0.v04, 0) v04, isnull(Y_0.v05, 0) v05, isnull(Y_0.v06, 0) v06, 
    isnull(Y_0.v07, 0) v07, isnull(Y_0.v08, 0) v08, isnull(Y_0.v09, 0) v09, isnull(Y_0.v10, 0) v10, isnull(Y_0.v11, 0) v11, isnull(Y_0.v12, 0) v12, 
    isnull(Y_0.CMO, 0) CMO, (0) forecast_accuracy, isnull(Y_0.YTD, 0) YTD, (0) QTD, isnull(Y_0.FYR, 0) FYR, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v12, 0)) FYR_1, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v12, 0)) FYR_2, 
    (isnull(Yp1.v01, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v02, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v03, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v04, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v05, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v06, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v07, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v08, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v09, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v10, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v11, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v12, 0)) FYR_NY, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01,0)+isnull(Ym2.v02,0)+isnull(Ym2.v03,0)) q01, (isnull(Ym2.v04,0)+isnull(Ym2.v05,0)+isnull(Ym2.v06,0)) q02, (isnull(Ym2.v07,0)+isnull(Ym2.v08,0)+isnull(Ym2.v09,0)) q03, (isnull(Ym2.v10,0)+isnull(Ym2.v11,0)+isnull(Ym2.v12,0)) q04, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01,0)+isnull(Ym1.v02,0)+isnull(Ym1.v03,0)) q05, (isnull(Ym1.v04,0)+isnull(Ym1.v05,0)+isnull(Ym1.v06,0)) q06, (isnull(Ym1.v07,0)+isnull(Ym1.v08,0)+isnull(Ym1.v09,0)) q07, (isnull(Ym1.v10,0)+isnull(Ym1.v11,0)+isnull(Ym1.v12,0)) q08, 
    (isnull(Y_0.v01,0)+isnull(Y_0.v02,0)+isnull(Y_0.v03,0)) q09, (isnull(Y_0.v04,0)+isnull(Y_0.v05,0)+isnull(Y_0.v06,0)) q10, (isnull(Y_0.v07,0)+isnull(Y_0.v08,0)+isnull(Y_0.v09,0)) q11, (isnull(Y_0.v10,0)+isnull(Y_0.v11,0)+isnull(Y_0.v12,0)) q12, 
    dbo.dateOnly(getdate()) date_uploaded, 'strata' data_source 

    (select organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref, min([month]) [month], min(jobID) jobID from staging_phase_4 
     where category in ('CURRENT GFO', 'ACTUAL-1', 'ACTUAL-2', 'CURRENT GFO+1') 
     and jobID in (select id from dbo.jobs where (name in ('strata @ Actual Average', 'strata @ Plan'))) 
     group by organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref) base 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Y_0 on Y_0.organisation = base.organisation and Y_0.account = base.account and Y_0.analysis = base.analysis and Y_0.kpiref = base.kpiref and Y_0.category = 'CURRENT GFO' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym1 on Ym1.organisation = base.organisation and Ym1.account = base.account and Ym1.analysis = base.analysis and Ym1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym1.category = 'ACTUAL-1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym2 on Ym2.organisation = base.organisation and Ym2.account = base.account and Ym2.analysis = base.analysis and Ym2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym2.category = 'ACTUAL-2' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Yp1 on Yp1.organisation = base.organisation and Yp1.account = base.account and Yp1.analysis = base.analysis and Yp1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Yp1.category = 'CURRENT GFO+1' 
    left outer join jobs_calculations_setvalues sv1 on base.kpiref = sv1.calcid 
    inner join jobs on base.jobID = jobs.id 
    cross apply spec.calculated_strategic_accounts(base.account) calc 


-- *** PREVIOUS RF *** 
select base.organisation, calc.mm_account, base.analysis, 
    case base.kpiref when -1 then calc.source_of_value else sv1.value end source_of_value, 
    base.account, base.[year], 'PREVIOUS RF' category, 
    [currency] currency_code, ltrim(rtrim(right(jobs.name, len(jobs.name) - patindex('%@%', jobs.name)))) forex_rate_type, base.[month], 
    isnull(Y_0.v01, 0) v01, isnull(Y_0.v02, 0) v02, isnull(Y_0.v03, 0) v03, isnull(Y_0.v04, 0) v04, isnull(Y_0.v05, 0) v05, isnull(Y_0.v06, 0) v06, 
    isnull(Y_0.v07, 0) v07, isnull(Y_0.v08, 0) v08, isnull(Y_0.v09, 0) v09, isnull(Y_0.v10, 0) v10, isnull(Y_0.v11, 0) v11, isnull(Y_0.v12, 0) v12, 
    isnull(Y_0.CMO, 0) CMO, (0) forecast_accuracy, isnull(Y_0.YTD, 0) YTD, (0) QTD, isnull(Y_0.FYR, 0) FYR, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym1.v12, 0)) FYR_1, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v02, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v03, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v04, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v05, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v06, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v07, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v08, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v09, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v10, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v11, 0) + isnull(Ym2.v12, 0)) FYR_2, 
    (isnull(Yp1.v01, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v02, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v03, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v04, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v05, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v06, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v07, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v08, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v09, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v10, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v11, 0) + isnull(Yp1.v12, 0)) FYR_NY, 
    (isnull(Ym2.v01,0)+isnull(Ym2.v02,0)+isnull(Ym2.v03,0)) q01, (isnull(Ym2.v04,0)+isnull(Ym2.v05,0)+isnull(Ym2.v06,0)) q02, (isnull(Ym2.v07,0)+isnull(Ym2.v08,0)+isnull(Ym2.v09,0)) q03, (isnull(Ym2.v10,0)+isnull(Ym2.v11,0)+isnull(Ym2.v12,0)) q04, 
    (isnull(Ym1.v01,0)+isnull(Ym1.v02,0)+isnull(Ym1.v03,0)) q05, (isnull(Ym1.v04,0)+isnull(Ym1.v05,0)+isnull(Ym1.v06,0)) q06, (isnull(Ym1.v07,0)+isnull(Ym1.v08,0)+isnull(Ym1.v09,0)) q07, (isnull(Ym1.v10,0)+isnull(Ym1.v11,0)+isnull(Ym1.v12,0)) q08, 
    (isnull(Y_0.v01,0)+isnull(Y_0.v02,0)+isnull(Y_0.v03,0)) q09, (isnull(Y_0.v04,0)+isnull(Y_0.v05,0)+isnull(Y_0.v06,0)) q10, (isnull(Y_0.v07,0)+isnull(Y_0.v08,0)+isnull(Y_0.v09,0)) q11, (isnull(Y_0.v10,0)+isnull(Y_0.v11,0)+isnull(Y_0.v12,0)) q12, 
    dbo.dateOnly(getdate()) date_uploaded, 'strata' data_source 

    (select organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref, min([month]) [month], min(jobID) jobID from staging_phase_4 
     where category in ('PREVIOUS RF', 'ACTUAL-1', 'ACTUAL-2', 'PREVIOUS RF+1') 
     and jobID in (select id from dbo.jobs where (name in ('strata @ Actual Average', 'strata @ Plan'))) 
     group by organisation, account, analysis, [year], kpiref) base 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Y_0 on Y_0.organisation = base.organisation and Y_0.account = base.account and Y_0.analysis = base.analysis and Y_0.kpiref = base.kpiref and Y_0.category = 'PREVIOUS RF' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym1 on Ym1.organisation = base.organisation and Ym1.account = base.account and Ym1.analysis = base.analysis and Ym1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym1.category = 'ACTUAL-1' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Ym2 on Ym2.organisation = base.organisation and Ym2.account = base.account and Ym2.analysis = base.analysis and Ym2.kpiref = base.kpiref and Ym2.category = 'ACTUAL-2' 
    left outer join staging_phase_4 Yp1 on Yp1.organisation = base.organisation and Yp1.account = base.account and Yp1.analysis = base.analysis and Yp1.kpiref = base.kpiref and Yp1.category = 'PREVIOUS RF+1' 
    left outer join jobs_calculations_setvalues sv1 on base.kpiref = sv1.calcid 
    inner join jobs on base.jobID = jobs.id 
    cross apply spec.calculated_strategic_accounts(base.account) calc 
のSQL Server以外のリンクサーバーにデータを挿入するための

転送の順序を変更できますか?最初に2番目のINSERTを実行するとどうなりますか? –


うわー、とてもシンプルですが、まだ試していません。 〜30分でお知らせします。 –


は、最初の挿入前に空の宛先テーブルですか? – dlatikay



はあなたからあなたのデータを選択するビューをチェックし、この問題はオラクル側にはありません。 (コメントを参照してください;-)


ここで学んだレッスン:devプラットフォーム上の他のものがかなり速く走っているからといって、他のプラットフォームが悪い/遅い/不十分であると仮定するのはあまり怠惰ではありません。 –



insert into openquery(LINKEDORACLESERVER,'select col1, col2, col3 from SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME') 
    select col1, col2, col3 from spec.staging_tablename; 

その逆です。 MS SQLからOracleへのロード。 –


これは、SQL Server(table spec.staging_tablename)からOracle(テーブルSCHEMANAME.TABLENAME)までのスクリプトの動作を示しています。すべての列のリストを覚えておいてください – Miyazawa


まず、OPENQUERY句を正しく使用する方法を確認するためにSELECT句だけを試してください。 select * from openquery(LINKEDORACLESERVER、 'select col1、col2、col3 from SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME') – Miyazawa
