2016-09-22 6 views

私は、私のユニティプロジェクトでgoogle vr sdkをセットアップしました。カメラを動かすと完全に動作します。しかし、どのようにプレイヤーをコントロールするためにvrの向きを使うことができますか? たとえば、頭を左右に回すと、プレーヤーは左右に移動します。私のコードでボールボードの向きでプレーヤーを移動するにはどうすればよいですか?


float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); 
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); 
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, moveVertical + motion_cont.getVertical(), 1f); 
rb.velocity = movement * motion_cont.getSpeed(); 

たぶん、あなたは[この](https://developers.google.com/vr/unity/reference/class/gvr-head)で何かを買う余裕ができ – MadJlzz




// This script moves your player automatically in the direction he is looking at. You can 
// activate the autowalk function by pull the cardboard trigger, by define a threshold angle 
// or combine both by selecting both of these options. 
// The threshold is an value in degree between 0° and 90°. So for example the threshold is 
// 30°, the player will move when he is looking 31° down to the bottom and he will not move 
// when the player is looking 29° down to the bottom. This script can easally be configured 
// in the Unity Inspector.Attach this Script to your CardboardMain-GameObject. If you 
// haven't the Cardboard Unity SDK, download it from https://developers.google.com/cardboard/unity/download 

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class Autowalk : MonoBehaviour 
    private const int RIGHT_ANGLE = 90; 

    // This variable determinates if the player will move or not 
    private bool isWalking = false; 

    CardboardHead head = null; 

    //This is the variable for the player speed 
    [Tooltip("With this speed the player will move.")] 
    public float speed; 

    [Tooltip("Activate this checkbox if the player shall move when the Cardboard trigger is pulled.")] 
    public bool walkWhenTriggered; 

    [Tooltip("Activate this checkbox if the player shall move when he looks below the threshold.")] 
    public bool walkWhenLookDown; 

    [Tooltip("This has to be an angle from 0° to 90°")] 
    public double thresholdAngle; 

    [Tooltip("Activate this Checkbox if you want to freeze the y-coordiante for the player. " + 
      "For example in the case of you have no collider attached to your CardboardMain-GameObject" + 
      "and you want to stay in a fixed level.")] 
    public bool freezeYPosition; 

    [Tooltip("This is the fixed y-coordinate.")] 
    public float yOffset; 

    void Start() 
     head = Camera.main.GetComponent<StereoController>().Head; 

    void Update() 
     // Walk when the Cardboard Trigger is used 
     if (walkWhenTriggered && !walkWhenLookDown && !isWalking && Cardboard.SDK.Triggered) 
      isWalking = true; 
     else if (walkWhenTriggered && !walkWhenLookDown && isWalking && Cardboard.SDK.Triggered) 
      isWalking = false; 

     // Walk when player looks below the threshold angle 
     if (walkWhenLookDown && !walkWhenTriggered && !isWalking && 
      head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle && 
      head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= RIGHT_ANGLE) 
      isWalking = true; 
     else if (walkWhenLookDown && !walkWhenTriggered && isWalking && 
       (head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= thresholdAngle || 
       head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= RIGHT_ANGLE)) 
      isWalking = false; 

     // Walk when the Cardboard trigger is used and the player looks down below the threshold angle 
     if (walkWhenLookDown && walkWhenTriggered && !isWalking && 
      head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle && 
      Cardboard.SDK.Triggered && 
      head.transform.eulerAngles.x <= RIGHT_ANGLE) 
      isWalking = true; 
     else if (walkWhenLookDown && walkWhenTriggered && isWalking && 
       head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= thresholdAngle && 
       (Cardboard.SDK.Triggered || 
       head.transform.eulerAngles.x >= RIGHT_ANGLE)) 
      isWalking = false; 

     if (isWalking) 
      Vector3 direction = new Vector3(head.transform.forward.x, 0, head.transform.forward.z).normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime; 
      Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, -transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0)); 
      transform.Translate(rotation * direction); 

      transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, yOffset, transform.position.z); 

