最初はあなたがどこにいても、メインプロシージャでのみ実行できるようになりました。ストップ・スタート・ストップ・プログラムを書くのではなく、仕事を始めて別の仕事に分けてください。 「良い」名前の関数を使用すると、将来的にはより簡単になります。
int dividerPosition = restString.indexOf(searchString);
private static int indexOf(String restString, String searchString)
int dividerPosition = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < restString.length()-searchString.length(); i++)
// Debuging test:
System.out.println(String.format("search Pos %d in '%s' for length %d.", i, restString, searchString.length()));
if (restString.substring(i, i + searchString.length()).equals(searchString))
dividerPosition = i;
i = restString.length();
return dividerPosition;
int dividerPosition = indexOf(restString, searchString);
private static int getIndexOfWord(String word, String[] foundwords)
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
if (word.equals(foundwords[i]))
return i;
return -1;
サードタスを知られているいずれかを見つけるために関数を使用します。 kは分割され、見つかった位置の単語を数えます。私の意見では、見つかった単語を文字列から切り取るだけです - 検索された単語を配列に "保存"する関数を書きます。見つかりました。
この最も重要なことは重要です。検索する文字列の位置を調べるだけです。 変数に見つかった単語(見つかった文字列の前の部分)を保存し、「カウントするか新しい単語を作成する」ということを行います。そして、私たちは単語とSeach-Stringの文字列を返します。
原点の文字列を最初の単語を入れずに置き換え、原点の文字列が ""になるまでこれを繰り返すので、カットオフは重要です。 最後の単語については、dividerPositionをRestStringの長さに変更することで関数が ""を返すことを保証します。これは最後の単語だけです - "searchString.length()"を差し引いて "restString"という戻り値に収まるようにします。サブストリング(dividerPosition + searchString.length()); " (「
/// Index Of Search (better)
//int dividerPosition = restString.indexOf(searchString);
/// Manual Search (why make it more difficuilt - you should learn to make your work as easy as possible)
int dividerPosition = indexOf(restString, searchString);
ルック」」戻ります:今、すべて一緒に - 文字列が空になるまで
public class repeat
public static void main(String[] args)
String s = "Hello a world a this is a very good test to a a a a world just that contains just more words than just hello";
String w = " ";
while (!(s = getNextW(s, w)).equals(""))
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
// Debuging test:
System.out.println(String.format("Found word '%s' %d times.", foundwords[i], wordcount[i]));
private static String[] foundwords = new String[0];
private static int[] wordcount = new int[0];
private static String getNextW(String restString, String searchString)
/// Index Of Search (better)
//int dividerPosition = restString.indexOf(searchString);
/// Manual Search (why make it more difficuilt - you should learn to make your work as easy as possible)
int dividerPosition = indexOf(restString, searchString);
String foundWord;
if (dividerPosition > 0)
foundWord = restString.substring(0, dividerPosition);
foundWord = restString;
dividerPosition = restString.length()-searchString.length();
int IndexOfWord = getIndexOfWord(foundWord, foundwords);
if (IndexOfWord < 0)
String[] foundwordsTemp = new String[foundwords.length + 1];
int[] wordcountTemp = new int[foundwords.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(foundwords, 0, foundwordsTemp, 0, foundwords.length);
System.arraycopy(wordcount, 0, wordcountTemp, 0, foundwords.length);
foundwords = new String[foundwords.length + 1];
wordcount = new int[wordcount.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(foundwordsTemp, 0, foundwords, 0, foundwordsTemp.length);
System.arraycopy(wordcountTemp, 0, wordcount, 0, foundwordsTemp.length);
foundwords[foundwords.length-1] = foundWord;
wordcount[foundwords.length-1] = 1;
// Debuging test:
System.out.println(String.format("Rest of String is '%s' positionnext is %d.", restString, dividerPosition));
return restString.substring(dividerPosition+searchString.length());
private static int getIndexOfWord(String word, String[] foundwords)
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
if (word.equals(foundwords[i]))
return i;
return -1;
private static int indexOf(String restString, String searchString)
int dividerPosition = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < restString.length()-searchString.length(); i++)
// Debuging test:
System.out.println(String.format("search Pos %d in '%s' for length %d.", i, restString, searchString.length()));
if (restString.substring(i, i + searchString.length()).equals(searchString))
dividerPosition = i;
i = restString.length();
return dividerPosition;
public class repeat
private static String[] foundwords;
private static int[] wordcount;
private static int counter;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "Hello a world a this is a very good test to a a a a world just that contains just more words than just hello";
String w = " ";
int tempPos = 0;
counter = 1; // counting total w-strings+1 for dim
while ((tempPos = findnext(s, w, tempPos)) >= 0)
tempPos = tempPos + w.length();
foundwords = new String[counter];
wordcount = new int[counter];
counter = 0;
while ((tempPos = findnext(s, w, 0)) >= 0)
String foundWord = s.substring(0, tempPos);
s = s.substring(tempPos + w.length());
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
System.out.println(String.format("Found word '%s' %d times.", foundwords[i], wordcount[i]));
public static int findnext(String haystack, String needle, int startPos)
int hpos, npos;
for (hpos = startPos; hpos < haystack.length()-needle.length(); hpos++)
for (npos = 0; npos < needle.length(); npos++)
if (haystack.charAt(hpos+npos)!=needle.charAt(npos))
npos = needle.length()+1;
if (npos == needle.length())
return hpos;
return -1;
private static int getIndexOfWord(String word, String[] foundwords)
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
if (word.equals(foundwords[i]))
return i;
return -1;
private static void foundWordToArray(String foundWord)
int IndexOfWord = getIndexOfWord(foundWord, foundwords);
if (IndexOfWord < 0)
foundwords[counter] = foundWord;
wordcount[counter] = 1;
public class repeat
private static String[] foundwords = new String[0];
private static int[] wordcount = new int[0];
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "Hello a world a this is a very good test to a a a a world just that contains just more words than just hello";
String w = " ";
int tempPos;
while ((tempPos = findnext(s, w, 0)) >= 0)
String foundWord = s.substring(0, tempPos);
s = s.substring(tempPos + w.length());
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
System.out.println(String.format("Found word '%s' %d times.", foundwords[i], wordcount[i]));
private static void foundWordToArray(String foundWord)
int IndexOfWord = getIndexOfWord(foundWord, foundwords);
if (IndexOfWord < 0)
String[] foundwordsTemp = new String[foundwords.length + 1];
int[] wordcountTemp = new int[foundwords.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(foundwords, 0, foundwordsTemp, 0, foundwords.length);
System.arraycopy(wordcount, 0, wordcountTemp, 0, foundwords.length);
foundwords = new String[foundwords.length + 1];
wordcount = new int[wordcount.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(foundwordsTemp, 0, foundwords, 0, foundwordsTemp.length);
System.arraycopy(wordcountTemp, 0, wordcount, 0, foundwordsTemp.length);
foundwords[foundwords.length-1] = foundWord;
wordcount[foundwords.length-1] = 1;
public static int findnext(String haystack, String needle, int startPos)
int hpos, npos;
for (hpos = startPos; hpos < haystack.length()-needle.length(); hpos++)
for (npos = 0; npos < needle.length(); npos++)
if (haystack.charAt(hpos+npos)!=needle.charAt(npos))
npos = needle.length()+1;
if (npos == needle.length())
return hpos;
return -1;
private static int getIndexOfWord(String word, String[] foundwords)
for (int i = 0; i < foundwords.length; i++)
if (word.equals(foundwords[i]))
return i;
return -1;
Prototypeでは、1文字の変数名は使用しないでください。物事が密集してアルゴリズム的になると、常にコメントします。あなたはどんなエラーを出していますか? – DejaVuSansMono
入力は何ですか、出力は何ですか?あなたは緊急にデバッグを試みましたか? – SMA
私はちょうど一週間前にJavaを学び始め、私は自分のコードをデバッグする方法を知りません!私は例外エラーを受け取ります –