extension CGPoint {
func distanceTo(_ other:CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(sqrt((pow(other.x - self.x, 2) + pow(other.y - self.y, 2))))
var pieces:[NSView]!//The Pieces on the board/screen
var SelectedPiece:NSView!//the piece you are holding, could also be an index.
override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
var spaces:[CGPoint] = []
for piece in pieces {
spaces.append(CGPoint(x: piece.frame.origin.x, y: piece.frame.origin.y + 20))//change 20 to whatever
spaces.append(CGPoint(x: piece.frame.origin.x, y: piece.frame.origin.y - 20))
//if you are actually making a puzzle you might want pieces on the sides.
var ClosestDist:CGFloat?
var ClosestIndex:Int?
for space in spaces {
let dist = space.distanceTo(SelectedPiece.frame.origin)
if closestDist != nil {
if dist < closestDist {
ClosestDist = dist
ClosestIndex = spaces.index(of:space)
}else {
ClosestDist = dist
ClosestIndex = spaces.index(of:space)
if ClosestDist! < 15 {
SelectedPiece.frame.origin = spaces[ClosestIndex]
を試すことができ、ユーザーのUI要素とのやりとりがCPUに課税されないためです。 – NRitH