2012-04-18 1 views

OpenGL、Cg、およびC++を使用した直接レイキャスティングボリュームレンダリング.MyコンピュータのシステムはWin7で、 nVidia GTX570Cgを使用したボリュームレンダリングエラー:コンパイルエラー:意味 "POSITION"はこのプロファイルには表示されません。

実際には、直射日光のボリュームレンダリングの基本的な機能を実装していますが、今は照明を追加したいので、ローカルイルミネーションモデルを使用します。 照明用のコードをいくつか追加した後、Cgコンパイラエラーが発生します。追加する前に、正常に動作します。私が使用


#define kNumberOfRaySteps 800 
// Define interface between the application and the vertex program 
struct app_vertex 
    float4 Position  : POSITION; 
    float4 TexCoord  : TEXCOORD1; 
    float4 Color  : COLOR0; 

// Define the interface between the vertex- and the fragment programs 
struct vertex_fragment 
    float4 Position : POSITION; // For the rasterizer 
    float4 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; 
    float4 Color  : TEXCOORD1; 
    float4 Pos   : TEXCOORD2; 

struct fragment_out 
    float4 Color  : COLOR0; 

//Blinn-Phong illumination 
float3 shading(float3 N, float3 V, float3 L) { 
    // material properties 
    float3 Ka = float3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); // ambient 
    float3 Kd = float3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); // diffuse 
    float3 Ks = float3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); // specular 
    float n = 100.0; // shininess 
    // light properties 
    float3 lightColor = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); 
    float3 ambientLight = float3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); 
    // Calculate halfway vector 
    float3 H= normalize(L + V); 
    // Compute ambient term 
    float3 ambient = Ka * ambientLight; 
    // Compute the diffuse term 
    float diffuseLight = max(dot(L, N), 0); 
    float3 diffuse = Kd * lightColor * diffuseLight; 
    // Compute the specular term 
    float specularLight = pow(max(dot(H, N), 0), n); 
    if (diffuseLight <= 0) specularLight = 0; 
    float3 specular = Ks * lightColor * specularLight; 
    return ambient + diffuse + specular; 

// Raycasting vertex program implementation 
vertex_fragment vertex_main(app_vertex IN) 
    vertex_fragment OUT; 

    // Get OpenGL state matrices 
    float4x4 ModelView = glstate.matrix.modelview[0];//model view matrix 0 
    float4x4 ModelViewProj = glstate.matrix.mvp;//modelview-projection matrix 

    // Transform vertex 
    OUT.Position = mul(ModelViewProj, IN.Position); 
    OUT.Pos = mul(ModelViewProj, IN.Position); 
    OUT.TexCoord = IN.TexCoord; 
    OUT.Color = IN.Color; 
    return OUT; 

// Raycasting fragment program implementation 
fragment_out fragment_main(vertex_fragment IN, 
          uniform sampler2D tex, //back face 
          uniform sampler2D preint_table,//pre-intergration classification 
          uniform sampler3D volume_tex, //volume data 
          uniform float stepsize, 
          //add local illumination 
          uniform float3 lightPosition,//the external light position 
          uniform float3 eyePosition,//the eye position 
          uniform sampler3D normal_vec//normal vectors 
    fragment_out OUT; 
    // find the right place to lookup in the backside buffer 
    //normalize the spatial position to range [0,1] 
    float2 texc = ((IN.Pos.xy/IN.Pos.w) + 1)/2; 
    // the start position of the ray is stored in the texturecoordinate 
    float4 start = IN.TexCoord; 
    float4 back_position = tex2D(tex, texc); 
    float3 dir = float3(0,0,0); 
    dir.x = back_position.x - start.x; 
    dir.y = back_position.y - start.y; 
    dir.z = back_position.z - start.z; 
    // the length from front to back is calculated and used to terminate the ray 
    float len = length(dir.xyz); 
    float3 norm_dir = normalize(dir); 
    float delta = stepsize; 
    float3 delta_dir = norm_dir * delta; 
    float delta_dir_len = length(delta_dir); 
    float3 vec1 = start.xyz;//position of back point 
    float3 vec2 = start.xyz;//position of front point 
    float4 col_acc = float4(0,0,0,0); 
    float alpha_acc = 0;//accumulation of alpha value(opacity) 
    float length_acc = 0; 
    float4 color_sample; 
    float alpha_sample; 
    float4 lookup = float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); 
    //set background color to blue 
    float4 backgroundColor = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0); 

    //loops:sample points 
    for(int i = 0; i < kNumberOfRaySteps; i++) 
     vec2 += delta_dir; 

     lookup.x = (tex3D(volume_tex,vec1)).x;//scalar value of back point 
     lookup.y = (tex3D(volume_tex,vec2)).x;//scalar value of front point 
     color_sample = tex2D(preint_table,lookup.xy); 
     alpha_sample = color_sample.a; 

    //add code for illumination 
    float3 N = tex3D(normal_vec,start.xyz).xyz;//normal vector 
    //calculate light and viewing directions 
    float3 L = normalize(lightPosition - IN.Position.xyz); 
    float3 V = normalize(eyePosition - IN.Position.xyz); 

     col_acc += (1.0 - alpha_acc) * color_sample * alpha_sample * 2; 

     //add ilumination color 
     col_acc += float4(shading(N,V,L),0.0); 

     alpha_acc += (1.0 - alpha_acc) * alpha_sample; 
     vec1 += delta_dir;//next sample point 
     length_acc += delta_dir_len;//accumulation of ray length in the cube 
     //change the background color from black to other color 
     if(length_acc >= len) 
      col_acc += (1.0 - alpha_acc) * backgroundColor; 
     // terminate if opacity > 1 or the ray is outside the volume 
     if(length_acc >= len || alpha_acc > 0.99) break; 

    OUT.Color = col_acc; 

    return OUT; 


今、私は自分のCgコード投稿 enter image description here


col_acc += float4(shading(N,V,L),0.0); 

を消去した場合、プログラムがうまく実行されることがわかりました、確かに私は照明効果を得ることができません。 それでは、照明効果を計算するの関数シェーディングに問題があると思います。

しかし、私はそれを理解することはできません。 誰かがこの問題を解決する方法を教えてもらえますか?

