2016-10-23 4 views




    \t <head> 
     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
     var degVal = true; 
     var Deux = false; 
     function toDegrees(angle, mode){ //This function converts radians to degrees, and vice versa 
\t \t if (degVal == true){ 
\t \t  mode = (Math.PI/180); //for some reason this incorrect conversion formula spits out the correct answers 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (degVal == false){ 
\t \t \t  mode = 1; 
\t \t } 
\t \t return angle * mode; 
\t \t } 
\t \t function BasicTrig(TrigFunc, TrigInv){ 
\t \t var val1 = toDegrees(parseFloat(document.getElementById("value1").value)); 
\t \t var ansD = document.getElementById("answer"); 
      if (Deux == false){ 
\t \t  ansD.value = TrigFunc(val1); 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (Deux == true){ 
      ansD.value = TrigInv(val1); //For some reason, doesn't work in degrees 
\t \t } 
\t  function MoreTrig(TrigEq, TrigEqInv){ // This function allows csc, sec, & cot to be performed 
\t \t var val1 = toDegrees(parseFloat(document.getElementById("value1").value)); 
\t \t var ansD = document.getElementById("answer"); 
\t \t if (Deux == false){ 
\t \t  ansD.value = 1/TrigEq(val1); 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (Deux == true){ 
      ansD.value = TrigEqInv(1/val1); //Also doesn't work in degrees 
\t \t } 
     function Deuxieme(){ //2nd function (Calculator) button 
      if (Deux == false){ 
      document.getElementById("LeDeux").style.backgroundColor = "orange"; 
\t \t \t Deux = true; 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("sinbutton").value = "sin⁻¹"; //changes sin to sin⁻¹ 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("cosbutton").value = "cos⁻¹"; //changes cos to cos⁻¹ 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("tanbutton").value = "tan⁻¹"; //changes tan to tan⁻¹ 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("cscbutton").value = "csc⁻¹"; //changes csc to csc⁻¹ csc being cosec for those who are used to that 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("secbutton").value = "sec⁻¹"; //changes sec to sec⁻¹ 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("cotbutton").value = "cot⁻¹"; //changes cot to cot⁻¹ 
\t \t else if (Deux == true){ 
      document.getElementById("LeDeux").style.backgroundColor = ""; 
\t \t  Deux = false; 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("sinbutton").value = "sin"; 
\t \t \t document.getElementById("cosbutton").value = "cos"; 
\t \t  document.getElementById("tanbutton").value = "tan"; 
\t \t  document.getElementById("cscbutton").value = "csc"; 
    \t \t  document.getElementById("secbutton").value = "sec"; \t \t \t document.getElementById("cotbutton").value = "cot"; 
\t \t } 
     function RadDegHighlight(){ //Switches between Radians and Degrees 
\t \t if (degVal == true){ 
\t \t  document.getElementById("drbutton").value = "rad"; 
\t \t \t degVal = false; 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (degVal == false){ 
\t \t  document.getElementById("drbutton").value = "deg"; 
\t \t  degVal = true; 
\t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t <input type="text" placeholder="x" style="width:48.5%" id="value1"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="LeDeux" style="width:23.5%" value="2nd" onclick="Deuxieme()"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="drbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="deg" onclick="RadDegHighlight()"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="sinbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="sin" onclick="BasicTrig(Math.sin, Math.asin)"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="cosbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="cos" onclick="BasicTrig(Math.cos, Math.acos)"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="tanbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="tan" onclick="BasicTrig(Math.tan, Math.atan)"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="cscbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="csc" onclick="MoreTrig(Math.sin, Math.asin)"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="secbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="sec" onclick="MoreTrig(Math.cos, Math.acos)"/> 
\t <input type="button" id="cotbutton" style="width:23.5%" value="cot" onclick="MoreTrig(Math.tan, Math.atan)"/> 
\t <input type="text" placeholder="Answer" style="width:100%" id="answer"/> 







「toDegrees(Math.asin(val1))」を意味するのであれば、私はすでにそれを試していますが(疑問に言及するつもりですが忘れてしまった)、まだ動作しません。たとえば、 'toDegrees(Math.asin(.5))= 0.009138522593601258'、ここでは30、' toDegrees(Math.acos(.5))= 0.018277045187202516'は60になります。 – Gnago


@Gnago:Your 'toDegrees'関数は度に変換されません。 '関数toDegrees(ラジアン){戻りラジアン* 180 /にMath.PIを書きます。 } ''と '' toRadians(degrees){return degrees * Math.PI/180; } '。 – Ryan


ええ、それは問題を解決しました、私はそれが他の場所で働いたので、全体を避けました。ああ、助けてくれてありがとう – Gnago
