2016-05-12 47 views


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    int Food = runMenu(); 
    int Price = retrievePrice(Food); 
    int change = moneyInserted(Price); 

public static int runMenu(){ 
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 
    int choice = 0 ; 
    System.out.println("\n\nPlease enter your selection:" 
       + "\n1: Snickers \t 125" 
       + "\n2: Reeses Cup \t 130" 
       + "\n3: Doritoes \t 150" 
       + "\n4: Pepsi \t 185" 
       + "\n5: Exit "); 
    choice = keyboard.nextInt(); 
    return choice;   

public static int retrievePrice(int menuChoice){ 
    if (menuChoice == 1) 
     return 125; 
    if (menuChoice == 2) 
     return 130; 
    if (menuChoice == 3) 
     return 150; 
    if (menuChoice == 4) 
     return 185; 
    else return 0; 

public static int moneyInserted(int Price){ 
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 
    int money = 0; 
    System.out.println("Your item costs: " + Price + " Please enter the amount of money:"); 
    money = keyboard.nextInt(); 
    while (money < Price){ 
     System.out.println("Please insert sufficient funds"); 
     money = money + keyboard.nextInt(); 
    return money - Price ; 

public static void changeOut(int change){ 
    int quarters = 0; 
    int dimes = 0; 
    int nickels = 0; 
    while (change >= 25){ 
     quarters = quarters + 1; 
     change = change - 25; 
    while (change >= 10){ 
     nickels = dimes + 1; 
     change = change - 10; 
     while (change >= 5){ 
      nickels = nickels + 1; 
      change = change - 5; 

デバッグを試しましたか? – user3707125


ここでchangeOutを呼び出していますか?私はそれを見ていないよ –


あなたのコードを正しくフォーマットすることをお勧めします。 – MikeCAT





  1. した後、あなたのコードに変更計算を行っているあなたのchangeOut()メソッドに渡します。これを行うには、main()メソッドの最後に次の行を追加します



public static void changeOut(int change){ 
    int quarters = 0; 
    int dimes = 0; 
    int nickels = 0; 
    while (change >= 25){ 
     quarters = quarters + 1; 
     change = change - 25; 
    while (change >= 10){ 
     dimes = dimes + 1; 
     change = change - 10; 
    while (change >= 5){ 
     nickels = nickels + 1; 
     change = change - 5; 

    // to see the change, print it to the console perhaps 
    System.out.printf("\nHere's your change:\n%d quarters, %d dimes, %d nickels and %d pennies!", 
     quarters, dimes, nickels, change); 