私はカスタムセール注文レポートを作成しました。このレポートは、ユーザーが「メールで送信」をクリックしたときに使用されます。Odoo 10 - 販売注文メールテンプレート
<p>Dear ${object.partner_id.name}
% set access_action = object.with_context(force_website=True).get_access_action()
% set doc_name = 'quotation' if object.state in ('draft', 'sent') else 'order confirmation'
% set is_online = access_action and access_action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_url'
% set access_name = is_online and object.template_id and doc_name == 'quotation' and 'Accept and pay %s online' % doc_name or 'View %s' % doc_name
% set access_url = is_online and access_action['url'] or None
% if object.partner_id.parent_id:
% endif
Here is your ${doc_name} <strong>${object.name}</strong>
% if object.origin:
(with reference: ${object.origin})
% endif
amounting in <strong>${object.amount_total}
from ${object.company_id.name}.
% if is_online:
<a href="${access_url}" style="background-color: #1abc9c; padding: 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 16px;" class="o_default_snippet_text">${access_name}</a>
<span style="color:#888888">(or view attached PDF)</span>
% endif
<p>You can reply to this email if you have any questions.</p>
<p>Thank you,</p>
<p style="color:#eeeeee;">
% if object.user_id and object.user_id.signature:
${object.user_id.signature | safe}
% endif