Haskellを学んでいる間に、より良い結果を得るために、 私は奇妙なエラーに遭遇しました。すべてのdo-blockでType不一致エラーが発生します(最初のものを除く)。より正確にするために、コンパイラは何かのリストを期待しているようです。私はそれがIO操作とは何かを持っていると思うdoブロックのHaskellタイプの不一致
-- chaos.hs
import System.IO
main :: IO()
main = do -- no error
inl <- openFile "dictionary.txt" ReadMode
let lang = extractLang (inl)
hClose inl
extractLang :: Handle -> String
extractLang file = do --error
eof <- hIsEOF file
if eof
then do hClose file --error
else do line <- hGetLine file --error
if length (words line) == 1
then line
else extractLang file
Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘[]’
Expected type: [Bool]
Actual type: IO Bool
In a stmt of a 'do' block: eof <- hIsEOF file
In the expression:
do { eof <- hIsEOF file;
if eof then
do { hClose file;
.... }
do { line <- hGetLine file;
.... } }
Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘[]’
Expected type: [()]
Actual type: IO()
In a stmt of a 'do' block: hClose file
In the expression:
do { hClose file;
"none" }
Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘[]’
Expected type: [String]
Actual type: IO String
In a stmt of a 'do' block: line <- hGetLine file
In the expression:
do { line <- hGetLine file;
if length (words line) == 1 then line else extractLang file