2017-03-12 11 views

3Dワイヤフレーム球をHTML5キャンバスにプロットするためのJSコードを記述しました。HTML5 Canvas + JavaScriptワイヤフレーム球体変換の問題

私はthis postから開始し、Qt3D vertices generationを球形メッシュに使用して改良しました。 JSコードは、最初にリングを表示し、2番目にスライスを表示するために頂点上を2回通過します。通常、OpenGLはすべての頂点を自動的に三角形で接続します。



enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here





var sphere = new Sphere3D(); 
var rotation = new Point3D(); 
var distance = 1000; 
var lastX = -1; 
var lastY = -1; 

function Point3D() { 
    this.x = 0; 
    this.y = 0; 
    this.z = 0; 

function Sphere3D(radius) { 
    this.vertices = new Array(); 
    this.radius = (typeof(radius) == "undefined" || typeof(radius) != "number") ? 20.0 : radius; 
    this.rings = 10; 
    this.slices = 10; 
    this.numberOfVertices = 0; 

    var M_PI_2 = Math.PI/2; 
    var dTheta = (Math.PI * 2)/this.slices; 
    var dPhi = Math.PI/this.rings; 

    // Iterate over latitudes (rings) 
    for (var lat = 0; lat < this.rings + 1; ++lat) { 
    var phi = M_PI_2 - lat * dPhi; 
    var cosPhi = Math.cos(phi); 
    var sinPhi = Math.sin(phi); 

    // Iterate over longitudes (slices) 
    for (var lon = 0; lon < this.slices + 1; ++lon) { 
     var theta = lon * dTheta; 
     var cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); 
     var sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); 
     p = this.vertices[this.numberOfVertices] = new Point3D(); 

     p.x = this.radius * cosTheta * cosPhi; 
     p.y = this.radius * sinPhi; 
     p.z = this.radius * sinTheta * cosPhi; 

function rotateX(point, radians) { 
    var y = point.y; 
    point.y = (y * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (y * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateY(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateZ(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.y * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.y = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.y * Math.cos(radians)); 

function projection(xy, z, xyOffset, zOffset, distance) { 
    return ((distance * xy)/(z - zOffset)) + xyOffset; 

function strokeSegment(index, ctx, width, height) { 
    var x, y; 
    var p = sphere.vertices[index]; 

    rotateX(p, rotation.x); 
    rotateY(p, rotation.y); 
    rotateZ(p, rotation.z); 

    x = projection(p.x, p.z, width/2.0, 100.0, distance); 
    y = projection(p.y, p.z, height/2.0, 100.0, distance); 

    if (lastX == -1 && lastY == -1) { 
    lastX = x; 
    lastY = y; 

    if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) { 
    if (p.z < 0) { 
     ctx.strokeStyle = "gray"; 
    } else { 
     ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; 
    ctx.moveTo(lastX, lastY); 
    ctx.lineTo(x, y); 
    lastX = x; 
    lastY = y; 

function render() { 
    var canvas = document.getElementById("sphere3d"); 
    var width = canvas.getAttribute("width"); 
    var height = canvas.getAttribute("height"); 
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 

    var p = new Point3D(); 
    ctx.fillStyle = "black"; 

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); 

    // draw each vertex to get the first sphere skeleton 
    for (i = 0; i < sphere.numberOfVertices; i++) { 
    strokeSegment(i, ctx, width, height); 

    // now walk through rings to draw the slices 
    for (i = 0; i < sphere.slices + 1; i++) { 
    for (var j = 0; j < sphere.rings + 1; j++) { 
     strokeSegment(i + (j * (sphere.slices + 1)), ctx, width, height); 

function init() { 
    rotation.x = Math.PI/6; 
canvas { 
    background: black; 
    display: block; 
<body onLoad="init();"> 
    <canvas id="sphere3d" width="500" height="500"> 
    Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas. 




var p = sphere.vertices[index]; 



function strokeSegment(index, ctx, width, height) { 
    var x, y; 
    var p = sphere.vertices[index]; 

    rotateX(p, rotation.x); 
    rotateY(p, rotation.y); 
    rotateZ(p, rotation.z); 


function strokeSegment(index, ctx, width, height) { 
    var x, y; 
    var p0 = sphere.vertices[index]; 
    var p = new Point3D(); 
    p.x = p0.x; 
    p.y = p0.y; 
    p.z = p0.z; 

    rotateX(p, rotation.x); 
    rotateY(p, rotation.y); 
    rotateZ(p, rotation.z); 




var sphere = new Sphere3D(); 
var rotation = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); 
var distance = 1000; 


function Point3D(x, y, z) { 
    if (arguments.length == 3) { 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 
     this.z = z; 
    else if (arguments.length == 1) { 
     fillPointFromPoint(this, x); // 1 argument means point 
    else { 
     clearPoint(this); // no arguments mean creat empty 

function fillPointFromPoint(target, src) { 
    target.x = src.x; 
    target.y = src.y; 
    target.z = src.z; 

function clearPoint(p) { 
    p.x = EMPTY_VALUE; 
    p.y = EMPTY_VALUE; 
    p.z = EMPTY_VALUE; 

function Sphere3D(radius) { 
    this.radius = (typeof(radius) == "undefined" || typeof(radius) != "number") ? 20.0 : radius; 
    this.innerRingsCount = 9; // better be odd so we have explicit Equator 
    this.slicesCount = 8; 

    var M_PI_2 = Math.PI/2; 
    var dTheta = (Math.PI * 2)/this.slicesCount; 
    var dPhi = Math.PI/this.innerRingsCount; 

    this.rings = []; 
    // always add both poles 
    this.rings.push([new Point3D(0, this.radius, 0)]); 

    // Iterate over latitudes (rings) 
    for (var lat = 0; lat < this.innerRingsCount; ++lat) { 
     var phi = M_PI_2 - lat * dPhi - dPhi/2; 
     var cosPhi = Math.cos(phi); 
     var sinPhi = Math.sin(phi); 
     console.log("lat = " + lat + " phi = " + (phi/Math.PI) + " sinPhi = " + sinPhi); 

     var vertices = []; 
     // Iterate over longitudes (slices) 
     for (var lon = 0; lon < this.slicesCount; ++lon) { 
      var theta = lon * dTheta; 
      var cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); 
      var sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); 
      var p = new Point3D(); 
      p.x = this.radius * cosTheta * cosPhi; 
      p.y = this.radius * sinPhi; 
      p.z = this.radius * sinTheta * cosPhi; 

    // always add both poles 
    this.rings.push([new Point3D(0, -this.radius, 0)]); 

function rotateX(point, radians) { 
    var y = point.y; 
    point.y = (y * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (y * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateY(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateZ(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.y * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.y = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.y * Math.cos(radians)); 

function projection(xy, z, xyOffset, zOffset, distance) { 
    return ((distance * xy)/(z - zOffset)) + xyOffset; 

var lastP = new Point3D(); 
var firstP = new Point3D(); 

function startRenderingPortion() { 

function closeRenderingPortion(ctx, width, height) { 
    strokeSegmentImpl(ctx, firstP.x, firstP.y, firstP.z, width, height); 

function strokeSegmentImpl(ctx, x, y, z, width, height) { 
    if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) { 
     // as we work with floating point numbers, there might near zero that != 0 
     // choose gray if one of two points is definitely (z < 0) and other has (z <= 0) 
     // Note also that in term of visibility this is a wrong logic! Line is invisible 
     // only if it is shadowed by another polygon and this depends on relative "Z" not 
     // absolute values 
     var eps = 0.01; 
     if (((z < -eps) && (lastP.z < eps)) 
      || ((z < eps) && (lastP.z < -eps))) { 
      ctx.strokeStyle = "gray"; 
     } else { 
      ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; 

     if ((x === lastP.x) && (y == lastP.y)) { 
      // draw single point 
      ctx.moveTo(x, y); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1); 
     } else { 
      ctx.moveTo(lastP.x, lastP.y); 
      ctx.lineTo(x, y); 
     lastP.x = x; 
     lastP.y = y; 
     lastP.z = z; 

function strokeSegment(p0, ctx, width, height) { 
    var p = new Point3D(p0); // clone original point to not mess it up with rotation! 
    rotateX(p, rotation.x); 
    rotateY(p, rotation.y); 
    rotateZ(p, rotation.z); 

    var x, y; 
    x = projection(p.x, p.z, width/2.0, 100.0, distance); 
    y = projection(p.y, p.z, height/2.0, 100.0, distance); 

    if (lastP.x === EMPTY_VALUE && lastP.y === EMPTY_VALUE) { 
     lastP = new Point3D(x, y, p.z); 
     fillPointFromPoint(firstP, lastP); 
    strokeSegmentImpl(ctx, x, y, p.z, width, height); 

function renderSphere(ctx, width, height, sphere) { 
    var i, j; 
    var vertices; 
    // draw each vertex to get the first sphere skeleton 
    for (i = 0; i < sphere.rings.length; i++) { 
     vertices = sphere.rings[i]; 
     for (j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) { 
      strokeSegment(vertices[j], ctx, width, height); 
     closeRenderingPortion(ctx, width, height); 

    // now walk through rings to draw the slices 

    for (i = 0; i < sphere.slicesCount; i++) { 
     for (j = 0; j < sphere.rings.length; j++) { 
      vertices = sphere.rings[j]; 
      var p = vertices[i % vertices.length];// for top and bottom vertices.length = 1 
      strokeSegment(p, ctx, width, height); 
     //closeRenderingPortion(ctx, width, height); // don't close back! 

function render() { 
    var canvas = document.getElementById("sphere3d"); 
    var width = canvas.getAttribute("width"); 
    var height = canvas.getAttribute("height"); 
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 

    ctx.fillStyle = "black"; 

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); 

    renderSphere(ctx, width, height, sphere); 

function init() { 
    rotation.x = Math.PI/6; 
    //rotation.y = Math.PI/6; 
    rotation.z = Math.PI/6; 


  • 私は明示的に配列ringsの配列でプレーンな配列verticesを分離し、また、明示的に両極を追加します。
  • ringsの分離は、startRenderingPortionを導入することによって、いくつかの偽の行を避けるためにより多くの場合lastX/Yをクリアすることを可能にしました。
  • また、closePathと論理的に似ているcloseRenderingPortionも紹介しました。この方法を使用して、必要なポイントの重複を取り除くことができました。
  • 一般的に私はあなたのコード(renderSphereまたはclearPointを参照)でやっているようにOOP-ishスタイルを避けようとしましたが、Point3Dコンストラクタを3つのモード(x、y、z)、ポイント、空をサポートするように変更しました。
  • 空のlastX/Yのマーカー値をより明示的に使用するvar EMPTY_VALUE = Number.MIN_VALUE;-1は可能な値です

私が修正しなかった灰色/白色の選択に潜在的なバグがあることにも注意してください。私はあなたの色が "不可視"の線を反映する必要があり、単純な論理Z > 0Z < 0はこの問題を正しく解決しないと仮定します。実際には、シーン内の他のものによって隠されている場合、部分的にしか見えないかもしれません。


すばらしい答え、ありがとう。私はC/C++開発者であることを認めなければなりません。ポインタと参照の概念はJavaScriptではあまり明確ではありません。このコードは、私のQt/QMLプロジェクトのQML Canvasに描画するためのショートカットです。 –


@MassimoCallegari、JavaScriptではすべてが値渡されますが(これは非常に重要な "but"です)、プリミティブ型を除くすべてが参照であり、それらの "スタック"バージョンを取得できません。したがって、オブジェクトまたは配列をあるメソッドに渡して引数を変更すると、値が変更されます。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6605640/javascript-by-reference-vs-by-valueも参照してください。これらのルールは、QWidgetをポインタとして作成するQtルールと実際に似ています – SergGr



var p = new Point3D(); 

p.x = sphere.vertices[index].x; 
p.y = sphere.vertices[index].y; 
p.z = sphere.vertices[index].z; 


var sphere = new Sphere3D(); 
var rotation = new Point3D(); 
var distance = 1000; 
var lastX = -1; 
var lastY = -1; 

function Point3D() { 
    this.x = 0; 
    this.y = 0; 
    this.z = 0; 

function Sphere3D(radius) { 
    this.vertices = new Array(); 
    this.radius = (typeof(radius) == "undefined" || typeof(radius) != "number") ? 20.0 : radius; 
    this.rings = 10; 
    this.slices = 10; 
    this.numberOfVertices = 0; 

    var M_PI_2 = Math.PI/2; 
    var dTheta = (Math.PI * 2)/this.slices; 
    var dPhi = Math.PI/this.rings; 

    // Iterate over latitudes (rings) 
    for (var lat = 0; lat < this.rings + 1; ++lat) { 
    var phi = M_PI_2 - lat * dPhi; 
    var cosPhi = Math.cos(phi); 
    var sinPhi = Math.sin(phi); 

    // Iterate over longitudes (slices) 
    for (var lon = 0; lon < this.slices + 1; ++lon) { 
     var theta = lon * dTheta; 
     var cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); 
     var sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); 
     p = this.vertices[this.numberOfVertices] = new Point3D(); 

     p.x = this.radius * cosTheta * cosPhi; 
     p.y = this.radius * sinPhi; 
     p.z = this.radius * sinTheta * cosPhi; 

function rotateX(point, radians) { 
    var y = point.y; 
    point.y = (y * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (y * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateY(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.z * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.z = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.z * Math.cos(radians)); 

function rotateZ(point, radians) { 
    var x = point.x; 
    point.x = (x * Math.cos(radians)) + (point.y * Math.sin(radians) * -1.0); 
    point.y = (x * Math.sin(radians)) + (point.y * Math.cos(radians)); 

function projection(xy, z, xyOffset, zOffset, distance) { 
    return ((distance * xy)/(z - zOffset)) + xyOffset; 

function strokeSegment(index, ctx, width, height) { 
    var x, y; 
    var p = new Point3D(); 

    p.x = sphere.vertices[index].x; 
    p.y = sphere.vertices[index].y; 
    p.z = sphere.vertices[index].z; 

    rotateX(p, rotation.x); 
    rotateY(p, rotation.y); 
    rotateZ(p, rotation.z); 

    x = projection(p.x, p.z, width/2.0, 100.0, distance); 
    y = projection(p.y, p.z, height/2.0, 100.0, distance); 

    if (lastX == -1 && lastY == -1) { 
    lastX = x; 
    lastY = y; 

    if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) { 
    if (p.z < 0) { 
     ctx.strokeStyle = "gray"; 
    } else { 
     ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; 
    ctx.moveTo(lastX, lastY); 
    ctx.lineTo(x, y); 
    lastX = x; 
    lastY = y; 

function render() { 
    var canvas = document.getElementById("sphere3d"); 
    var width = canvas.getAttribute("width"); 
    var height = canvas.getAttribute("height"); 
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 

    var p = new Point3D(); 
    ctx.fillStyle = "black"; 

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); 

    // draw each vertex to get the first sphere skeleton 
    for (i = 0; i < sphere.numberOfVertices; i++) { 
    strokeSegment(i, ctx, width, height); 

    // now walk through rings to draw the slices 
    for (i = 0; i < sphere.slices + 1; i++) { 
    for (var j = 0; j < sphere.rings + 1; j++) { 
     strokeSegment(i + (j * (sphere.slices + 1)), ctx, width, height); 

function init() { 
    rotation.x = Math.PI/3; 
canvas { 
    background: black; 
    display: block; 
<body onLoad="init();"> 
    <canvas id="sphere3d" width="500" height="500"> 
    Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas. 