2012-03-22 7 views

私はBlackBerry用に開発しており、ビデオカメラアプリを起動するだけではなく、ビデオを録画しようとしています。BlackBerry Recording Video 0KBのファイルを保存します。


private void displayVideoRecorder() 

    if (mTimeLeft == null) 
     mTimeLeft = UIFactory.createLabel("Time left: " + (mMaxVideoDuration - mCurrVideoDuration)); 

    // Create a stop recording button and a listener for the saving video functionality 
    if (mStopRecording == null) 
     mStopRecording = UIFactory.createButtonField("Begin recording"); 
     mStopRecording.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() 
      public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) 
       if (mRecordingVideo) 
        // Stop the messages 
        if (mHandlerID != -1) 
         mHandlerID = -1; 

        new Runnable() 
         public void run() 
          // Save the video 

          // Reset the flag 
          mRecordingVideo = false; 

        // Return to the main page 
        // Start recording 
        new Runnable() 
         public void run() 
          mRecordingVideo = true; 

          // Queue a message for however long the maximum time for a video is 
          mHandlerID = UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(mHandler, 1000, true); 

        // Set a flag and change the text of the button 
        mStopRecording.setLabel("Stop recording"); 

    mCurrVideoDuration = 0; 
    mStopRecording.setLabel("Begin recording"); 
    mTimeLeft.setText("Time left: " + (mMaxVideoDuration - mCurrVideoDuration)); 

    // Add the video & a button to go back 

     // Show what the camera can see 
    catch (Exception e) 
     Out.p("Failed to begin video player"); 

* Stops recording the video and saves the file to the file system. If a video is not recording this call is ignored 
private void stopRecordingVideo() 
    if (mRecordingVideo) 
      mRecordingVideo = false; 

      // Stop recording and save the file name 

     catch (Exception e) 

private void initVideoRecorder() 
     Out.p("Beginning initialise of recorder"); 
     mPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video?" + getEncodings()[0]);// "capture://video?encoding=video/3gpp"); 

     mPlayer.addPlayerListener(new PlayerListener() 
      public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object eventData) 
       Out.p("Player " + player.hashCode() + " got event " + event + ": " + eventData); 


     mVideoControl = (VideoControl) mPlayer.getControl("VideoControl"); 
     mRecordControl = (RecordControl) mPlayer.getControl("RecordControl"); 

     Out.p("Record Control: " + mRecordControl); 

     // Set where the video will record to 

     mVideoField = (Field) mVideoControl.initDisplayMode(GUIControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field"); 
     // add(mVideoField); 

     Out.p("Video Field: " + mVideoField); 
    catch (Exception e) 
     Out.p("Failed to start recording"); 




これを試してみてください -

public class VideoRecordingApplication extends UiApplication 



    * working constants hard coded to create video files on the SD media card 


    private static final String VIDEO_FILE = "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/videos/mmapi_rimlet.3GP"; 

    private static final String STREAM_VIDEO_FILE = "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/videos/mmapi_stream.sbv"; 


    * video recording screen object used in several places within 


    private static VideoRecordingScreen _vrs; 


    * constructor 


    private VideoRecordingApplication() 



     * to select the video encoding 


     pushScreen(new ChooseEncodingScreen()); 



    * main() entry point 


    public static void main(String[] args) 



     * fire up the event dispatcher loop 


     new VideoRecordingApplication().enterEventDispatcher(); 



    * select video encoding screen 

    * called by the VideoRecordingApplication class constructor 


    private static final class ChooseEncodingScreen extends MainScreen 


     private static ObjectChoiceField _encodings; 


     * constructor 


     public ChooseEncodingScreen() 



      setTitle("Choose an encoding"); 


      * load String[] array with all MMAPI video encoding system property values 


      String[] encodings = getEncodings(); 


      * prep for display 


      _encodings = new ObjectChoiceField("Encoding:", encodings, 0); 


      * add field to this screen's manager 




      * create a menu item to start recording using the selected encoding scheme 


      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Go", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 



        * create and display the video recording screen, passing the selected video encoding scheme 


        _vrs = new VideoRecordingScreen((String)_encodings.getChoice(_encodings.getSelectedIndex())); 






     * returns all MMAPI video encoding system property values 


     private String[] getEncodings() 


      String[] encodings = new String[0]; 


      * load String with all video.encodings property values 

      * each value is separated by a space 


      String encodingsString = System.getProperty("video.encodings"); 


      * determine where the first value ends 


      int space = encodingsString.indexOf(' '); 


      * loop through values, end when a new field separator is not found 


      while(space != -1) 



       * add a new String array element that contains the system property value 


       Arrays.add(encodings, encodingsString.substring(0, space)); 


       * remove the last property value from the encoding string 


       encodingsString = encodingsString.substring(space + 1); 


       * determine where the first value ends 


       space = encodingsString.indexOf(' '); 



      * add a new String array element that contains the final system property value 


      Arrays.add(encodings, encodingsString); 


      * return the resulting String[] array 


      return encodings; 




    * video recording screen displayed after the user selects "Go" from the menu 


    private static final class VideoRecordingScreen extends MainScreen 


     private static Player _player; 

     private static VideoControl _vc; 

     private static RecordControl _rc; 

     private static boolean _visible = true; 

     private static boolean _locationSet = false; 

     private static RichTextField _status; 

     private static CheckboxField _stream; 

     private static OutputStream _out; 

     private static FileConnection _fc; 

     private static RichTextField _flashIndicator; 


     * constructor passed the chosen video encoding property value 


     public VideoRecordingScreen(String encoding) 



      try { 


       * create a video media player to capture video using the passed encoding value 


       _player = javax.microedition.media.Manager.createPlayer("capture://video?" + encoding); 


       * try to start the player 



       _vc = (VideoControl)_player.getControl("VideoControl"); 

       _rc = (RecordControl)_player.getControl("RecordControl"); 


       * Initialize the mode on how the video is displayed. 

       * This method must be called before the video can be displayed. 


       * USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE defines a mode on how the GUI is displayed. 

       * It is used in conjunction with initDisplayMode(int, java.lang.Object). 


       Field videoField = (Field)_vc.initDisplayMode(GUIControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field"); 


       * add field to this screen's manager 



       _status = new RichTextField("Idle"); 


       _stream = new CheckboxField("Use OutputStream", false); 


      } catch (Exception e) { 

       System.out.println("Exception in VideoScreen constructor"); 


      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Start Record", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 





      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Stop Record", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 





      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Commit Record", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 





      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Toggle Visibility", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 





      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Play Recording", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 


        //InputStream recording = _stream.getChecked() ? new ByteArrayInputStream(_out.toByteArray()) : null; 

        Application.getApplication().invokeLater(new ShowVideoRunnable(null)); 




      * this loads the streamed video into memory then does nothing with it 


      addMenuItem(new MenuItem("Analyze Recording Stream", 0, 0) 


       public void run() 


        try { 


         * get a handle to the streaming video file located on the SDCard (declared near the start of this file) 


         _fc = (FileConnection)Connector.open(STREAM_VIDEO_FILE); 


         * determine the file size 


         long size = _fc.fileSize(); 


         * declare a block of ram to store the file 


         byte[] file = new byte[(int)size]; 


         * open the stream for read 


         InputStream in = _fc.openInputStream(); 


         * load the file into memory 



        } catch (Exception e) { 






     * decipher and act upon shortcut keys 


     protected boolean keyChar(char c, int status, int time) 


      switch(c) { 

       case 's': 


        return true; 

       case 'x': 


        return true; 

       case 'c': 


        return true; 

       case 'v': 


        return true; 

       case 'r': 


        return true; 


        return false; 




     * record captured video 


     private void startRecord() 


      try { 


       * _locationSet == false by default 





        * test if "Use OutputStream" CheckboxField is set 




         try { 

          _fc = (FileConnection)Connector.open(VIDEO_FILE); 


          * create streaming file if it does not exist 







          * zap the file 




          * ready to write video stream 


          _out = _fc.openOutputStream(); 

         } catch (Exception e) { 




        } else { 


         * FileConnection: Set the output stream where the data will be recorded. 

         * The locator specifying where the recorded media will be saved. 

         * The locator must be specified as a URL. 




        _locationSet = true; 



       * Start recording the media. 




      } catch (Exception e) { 



     private void stopRecord() 


      try { 


       * Stop recording the media. 

       * stopRecord will not automatically stop the Player. 

       * It only stops the recording, putting the Player in "standby" mode 



       _status.setText("Recording stopped"); 

      } catch (Exception e) { 



     private void commit() 


      try { 


       * Complete the current recording. 

       * If the recording is in progress, commit will implicitly call stopRecord. 




       _locationSet = false; 



       * video stream was recorded 





        * close the stream 


        try { 



        } catch (Exception e) { 



      } catch (Exception e) { 




     * toggle video visibility 


     private void toggleVisibility() 


      try { 

       _visible = !_visible; 


       * show or hide the video 



      } catch (Exception e) { 




     * Erase the current recording 


     private void reset() 


      try { 


       _status.setText("Reset called, idle"); 

      } catch (Exception e) { 




     * hide the video 


     public void hide() 


      try { 

       _visible = false; 


      } catch (Exception e) { 




     * show the video 


     public void show() 


      try { 

       _visible = true; 


      } catch (Exception e) { 





    * ShowVideoRunnable() called within VideoRecordingScreen() through the "Play Recording" menu 


    private static final class VideoPlaybackScreen extends MainScreen 


     private Player _video; 

     private VideoControl _vc; 

     public VideoPlaybackScreen(InputStream vid) 



      try { 


       * existing video stream passed 


       if(vid != null) 



        * Create a Player to play back media from an InputStream (streamed video) 


        _video = javax.microedition.media.Manager.createPlayer(vid, "video/x-rim"); 

       } else { 


        * Create a Player from an input locator (a standard video file in .3GP format) 


        _video = javax.microedition.media.Manager.createPlayer(VIDEO_FILE); 



       * Constructs portions of the Player without acquiring the scarce and exclusive resources. 




       * Obtain the object that implements the specified Control interface. 


       _vc = (VideoControl)_video.getControl("VideoControl"); 


       * Initialize the mode on how the video is displayed 


       Field vField = (Field)_vc.initDisplayMode(GUIControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field"); 


       VolumeControl vol = (VolumeControl)_video.getControl("VolumeControl"); 


      } catch (Exception e) { 

       System.out.println("Exception while showing video"); 



     protected void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible) 


      if(visible) { 

       try { 


        * Starts the Player as soon as possible. 



       } catch (Exception e) { 




     public boolean onClose() { 

      try { 


       * Close the Player and release its resources. 



      } catch (Exception e) { 



      return super.onClose(); 




    * called within VideoRecordingScreen() through the "Play Recording" menu 


    private static final class ShowVideoRunnable implements Runnable 


     private InputStream _in; 

     public ShowVideoRunnable(InputStream in) 


      _in = in; 


     public void run() 



      * hide the VideoRecordingScreen 




      * Retrieves this UI application object. 


      UiApplication ui = UiApplication.getUiApplication(); 


      * handle video playback 


      ui.pushScreen(new VideoPlaybackScreen(_in)); 


