2016-10-11 22 views






name  position rating cost BA PM SA 
Matt  SA  95 9500 0 0 1  
Aaron  BA  85 4700 1 0 0  
Stephanie SA  95 9200 0 0 1  
Molly  PM  88 5500 0 1 0  
Jake  SA  74 5300 0 0 1 


#load libraries 

# create data.frame 
name = c("Steve", "Jeremy", "Matt", "Aaron", "Stephanie", "Molly", "Jake", "Tony", "Jay", "Katy", "Alison") 
position = c("BA", "PM", "SA", "BA", "SA", "PM", "SA", "SA", "PM", "BA", "SA") 
rating = c(75, 90, 95, 85, 95, 88, 74, 81, 55, 65, 68) 
cost = c(5000, 8000, 9500, 4700, 9200, 5500, 5300, 7300, 3300, 4100, 4400) 
df = data.frame(name, position, rating, cost) 

# create restrictions 
num_ba = 1 
num_pm = 1 
num_sa = 2 
max_cost = 35000 

# create vectors to constrain by position 
df$BA = ifelse(df$position == "BA", 1, 0) 
df$PM = ifelse(df$position == "PM", 1, 0) 
df$SA = ifelse(df$position == "SA", 1, 0) 

# vector to optimize against 
objective = df$rating 

# constraint directions 
const_dir <- c("=", "=", "=", "<=") 

# matrix 
const_mat = matrix(c(df$BA, df$PM, df$SA, df$cost), 4, byrow=TRUE) 
const_rhs = c(num_ba, num_pm, num_sa, max_cost) 

x = lp("max", objective, const_mat, const_dir, const_rhs, all.bin=TRUE, all.int=TRUE) 
print(df[which(x$solution==1), ]) 

あなたが出力として持ちたいことは本当に明確ではありません。あなたは最終目標が何であるかを教えてください。 – gented


希望の出力を追加しました。私の意図をクリアする希望。 – M3SSYM4RV1N


Ramの答えを見てください。http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19250787/either-or-constraints-in-lpsolveapi –





# create data.frame 
name = c("Steve", "Jeremy", "Matt", "Aaron", "Stephanie", "Molly", "Jake", "Tony", "Jay", "Katy", "Alison") 
position = c("BA", "PM", "SA", "BA", "SA", "PM", "SA", "SA", "PM", "BA", "SA") 
rating = c(75, 90, 95, 85, 95, 88, 74, 81, 55, 65, 68) 
cost = c(5000, 8000, 9500, 4700, 9200, 5500, 5300, 7300, 3300, 4100, 4400) 

df = data.frame(name, position, rating, cost) 

# create restrictions 
num_pm = 1 
min_num_ba = 1 
min_num_sa = 2 
tot_saba = 4 
max_cost = 35000 

# create vectors to constrain by position 
df$PM = ifelse(df$position == "PM", 1, 0) 
df$minBA = ifelse(df$position == "BA", 1, 0) 
df$minSA = ifelse(df$position == "SA", 1, 0) 
df$SABA = ifelse(df$position %in% c("SA","BA"), 1, 0) 

# vector to optimize against 
objective = df$rating 

# constraint directions 
const_dir <- c("==", ">=", "<=", "==", "<=") 

# matrix 
const_mat = matrix(c(df$PM, df$minBA, df$minSA, df$SABA, df$cost), 5, byrow=TRUE) 
const_rhs = c(num_pm, min_num_ba,min_num_sa, tot_saba, max_cost) 

x = lp("max", objective, const_mat, const_dir, const_rhs, all.bin=TRUE, all.int=TRUE) 
print(df[which(x$solution==1), ]) 

私がやっているが、いくつかの制約を変更し、新しいものを追加することです: SAの数> = 2、および BAとSAの合計でなければなりません。いつも5人を選択してください。


 name position rating cost PM minBA minSA SABA 
1  Steve  BA  75 5000 0  1  0 1 
3  Matt  SA  95 9500 0  0  1 1 
4  Aaron  BA  85 4700 0  1  0 1 
5 Stephanie  SA  95 9200 0  0  1 1 
6  Molly  PM  88 5500 1  0  0 0 




mmm、私はあなたが恐らく二つの制約を避けることができると見ています:あなたは実際には4つだけ必要です:PM = 1、BA> = 1、SA> = 2、BA + SA == 4です。 – lbusett


ありがとう、これは理にかなっています!また、練習のために制約をオフラインで最適化する作業も行います。 – M3SSYM4RV1N


喜んでお手伝いします - ここでは改良されたよりシンプルなバージョンです。 – lbusett
