2017-08-31 17 views


私はCythonを試しましたが、CythonはPython 2.xしかサポートしていません。私はPython 3.xを使用します。ここで


import sys 
from random import randint 
from datetime import datetime 

lc_alphabet = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" 
lc_vocal = "aeiou" 
uc_vocal = "AEIOU" 
univ_list = [] 
verbose = False 

def generator(): 
    name_words = randint(4, 8) 
    finished_name = "" 
    for i in range(name_words): 
     io = randint(0, 3) 
     lc_alp_rand = randint(0, 20) 
     lc_vcl_rand = randint(0, 4) 
     lc_alp_i = lc_alphabet[lc_alp_rand] 
     lc_vcl_i = lc_vocal[lc_vcl_rand] 
     if io == 0 or io == 1: 
      finished_name += lc_alp_i 
     if io == 2 or io == 3: 
      finished_name += lc_vcl_i 
    return finished_name 

def name_filtering(): 
     while True: 
      this_name = generator() 
      VOCAL_WRONG = False 
      CONSONANT_WRONG = False 
      univ_wrong_point = 0 
      wrong_point = 0 
      for y in this_name: 
       if y in lc_vocal: 
        wrong_point += 1 
       if wrong_point >= len(this_name): 
        univ_wrong_point += 1 
        if verbose is True: 
         print("ALL VOCAL DETECTED " + this_name) 
         VOCAL_WRONG = True 

      wrong_point_2 = 0 
      for z in range(len(this_name)): 
       if this_name[z] in lc_alphabet: 
        wrong_point_2 += 1 
       if wrong_point_2 == len(this_name): 
        univ_wrong_point += 1 
        if verbose is True: 
         print("ALL CONSONANT DETECTED " + this_name) 
         CONSONANT_WRONG = True 

      for v in range(len(this_name)-1): 
       if this_name[v] in lc_vocal and this_name[v+1] in lc_vocal: 
        univ_wrong_point += 1 
        if verbose is True and VOCAL_WRONG is False: 
         print("VOCAL SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 
         VOCAL_WRONG = True 

      if this_name[0] in lc_alphabet and this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet: 
       univ_wrong_point += 1 
       if verbose is True and CONSONANT_WRONG is False: 
        print("3 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 
        CONSONANT_WRONG = True 

      if this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and this_name[3] in lc_alphabet: 
       univ_wrong_point += 1 
       if verbose is True and CONSONANT_WRONG is False: 
        print("3 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 
        CONSONANT_WRONG = True 

      if this_name[0] in lc_alphabet and this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and \ 
       this_name[3] in lc_alphabet: 
       univ_wrong_point += 1 
       if verbose is True and CONSONANT_WRONG is False: 
        print("4 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 
        CONSONANT_WRONG = True 

      if len(this_name) > 5: 
       if this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and this_name[3] in lc_alphabet and this_name[4] in lc_alphabet and \ 
        this_name[5] in lc_alphabet: 
        univ_wrong_point += 1 
        if verbose is True and CONSONANT_WRONG is False: 
         print("4 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 
         CONSONANT_WRONG = True 

      if univ_wrong_point == 0: 
       return this_name 

def search_name(txt): 
    disDate = str(datetime.now()) 
    counter = 0 
    number = 0 
    while True: 
     name = name_filtering() 
     name_length = len(name) 
     std_space = 10 
     fin_space = std_space - name_length 
     the_space = " " * fin_space 
     if counter == 0: 
      print(str(number) + "| ", end="") 
     print(name + the_space, end="") 
     counter += 1 
     if counter == 10: 
      counter = 0 
      number += 1 
     if name == txt: 
      print("Name " + txt + " FOUNDED on Number " + str(number)) 

def check_name(this_name): 
    univ_wrong_point = 0 
    wrong_point = 0 
    for y in this_name: 
     if y in lc_vocal: 
      wrong_point += 1 
     if wrong_point >= len(this_name): 
      univ_wrong_point += 1 
      if verbose is True: 
       print("ALL VOCAL DETECTED " + this_name) 

    wrong_point_2 = 0 
    for z in range(len(this_name)): 
     if this_name[z] in lc_alphabet: 
      wrong_point_2 += 1 
     if wrong_point_2 == len(this_name): 
      univ_wrong_point += 1 
      if verbose is True: 
       print("ALL CONSONANT DETECTED " + this_name) 

    for v in range(len(this_name) - 1): 
     if this_name[v] in lc_vocal and this_name[v + 1] in lc_vocal: 
      univ_wrong_point += 1 
      if verbose is True: 
       print("VOCAL SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 

    if this_name[0] in lc_alphabet and this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet: 
     univ_wrong_point += 1 
     if verbose is True: 
      print("3 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 

    if this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and this_name[3] in lc_alphabet: 
     univ_wrong_point += 1 
     if verbose is True: 
      print("3 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 

    if this_name[0] in lc_alphabet and this_name[1] in lc_alphabet and this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and \ 
        this_name[3] in lc_alphabet: 
     univ_wrong_point += 1 
     if verbose is True: 
      print("4 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 

    if len(this_name) > 5: 
     if this_name[2] in lc_alphabet and this_name[3] in lc_alphabet and this_name[4] in lc_alphabet and \ 
         this_name[5] in lc_alphabet: 
      univ_wrong_point += 1 
      if verbose is True: 
       print("4 CONSONANT SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED " + this_name) 

    if len(this_name) > 8: 
     print("TOO LONG (more than 8 letter)") 
     univ_wrong_point += 1 

    if len(this_name) < 4: 
     print("TOO FEW (fewer than 4 letter)") 
     univ_wrong_point += 1 

    if univ_wrong_point == 0: 
     print("this name match criteria") 
     print("this name does not match criteria") 

check_name(str(input("Check Name Criteria : "))) 
search_name(str(input("Search Name in 4 words : "))) 



私はlc_alphabetはそう 'lc_alphabet = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" のような単なる変数で使用さ' – Wowotek


は 'set'のことを確認してください。少し改善することができ、それは簡単です。 –


@ Jean-FrançoisFabreそれは明らかにインデックス作成をサポートしていません。 – Wowotek



コードで実行できることがいくつかありました。次の例のように、二回check_nameのロジックを持っていた - 少しの変更で、私はこれにname_filteringを変更することができます:私もcheck_nameにロジックの一部を削減

def name_filtering(): 
    while True: 
     this_name = name_generator() 
     if check_name(this_name): 
      return this_name 

- 例えばあなたが、両方をチェックする必要はありません。 4のランがあれば3のランを見つけるでしょう。


import sys 
import random 
import itertools 
from datetime import datetime 

#strings that can use random.choice 
lc_consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" 
lc_vowel = "aeiou" 

#sets that support fast membership testing 
set_lc_consonants = set("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz") 
set_lc_vowel = set("aeiou") 

verbose = False 

#name generator which now always produces a valid name 
def name_generator(): 
    finished_name = [] 
    desired_characters = random.randrange(4, 9) 
    next_is_consonant = random.random() < 0.7 

    while len(finished_name) < desired_characters: 
     if next_is_consonant: 
      finished_name.extend(random.choice(lc_consonants) for _ in range(random.randrange(1, 3))) 

     next_is_consonant = not next_is_consonant 

    return ''.join(finished_name) 

#this is now redundant: 
def name_filtering(): 
    while True: 
     this_name = name_generator() 
     if check_name(this_name): 
      return this_name 

#shortened logic: if a run of 3 is not present, we know a run of more than 3 is also not present 
def check_name(this_name): 
    name_len = len(this_name) 
    VOWEL_WRONG = False 
    univ_wrong_point = 0 
    wrong_point = 0 
    wrong_point_2 = 0 

    for i in range(name_len - 1): 
     if all(this_name[i + j] in set_lc_vowel for j in range(2)): 
      if verbose and VOWEL_WRONG : 
       #str.format for interpolation from now on 
       print("VOWEL SIDE BY SIDE DETECTED {}".format(this_name)) 

      return False 

    for i in range(name_len - 2): 
     if all(this_name[i + j] in set_lc_consonants for j in range(3)): 
      if verbose: 
       print("3 consonants side by side in {}".format(consonant_run)) 

      return False 
    return True 

def search_name(txt): 
    #no need for str conversion 
    start_date = datetime.now() 
    std_space = 10 

    #counter is implemented by itertools 
    for counter in itertools.count(): 
     name = name_generator() 

     #use modular arithmetic rather than extra assignments 
     if counter % 10 == 0: 
      print("\n{}| ".format(counter // 10), end="") 

     #use str.format for space-filling rather than arithmetic 
     print("{: <{}}".format(name, std_space), end="") 

     if name == txt: 
      print("\n\nName {} FOUND on Number {}".format(txt, number)) 
      #print automatically converts a datetime to a string 

このコードはかなり速くなりました - 私はこのようにそれをテスト:あなたはsearchに名前を提供できるように、私はそれを修正のだ

$ time python name_generator.py izaak | head -10000 | wc -l 

こちら。私は自分の(無効なD :)名を提供し、10000行を検索させました。元のコードでは約11秒かかっていましたが、変更されたバージョンでは1秒かかりました。 `lc_alphabet =セット( "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz")`と、再びそれをテスト:


これは実際にはさらに進歩していますが、ここでも基本的なプログラミングを使用しています。私はアイデアを持って、これは天才ですありがとう! – Wowotek
