2017-02-10 7 views

私はPythonの新機能です。私はこのスクリプトを試しましたが、うまくいきません。それは私に、このエラーを与える :このデータをどのようにpltできますか?そのファイル拡張子は.xvgです

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "temp.py", line 11, in <module> 
    y = [row.split(' ')[1] for row in data] 
    File "temp.py", line 11, in <listcomp> 
    y = [row.split(' ')[1] for row in data] 
IndexError: list index out of range 


import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

with open("data.xvg") as f: 
    data = f.read() 
    data = data.split('\n') 

x = [row.split(' ')[0] for row in data] 
y = [row.split(' ')[1] for row in data] 

fig = plt.figure() 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) 
ax1.set_title("Plot title...")  
ax1.set_xlabel('your x label..') 
ax1.set_ylabel('your y label...') 
ax1.plot(x,y, c='r', label='the data') 
leg = ax1.legend() 


0.000000 299.526978 
    1.000000 4.849206 
    2.000000 0.975336 
    3.000000 0.853160 
    4.000000 0.767092 
    5.000000 0.995595 
    6.000000 0.976332 
    7.000000 1.111898 
    8.000000 1.251045 
    9.000000 1.346720 
    10.000000 1.522089 
    11.000000 1.705517 
    12.000000 1.822599 
    13.000000 1.988752 
    14.000000 2.073061 
    15.000000 2.242703 
    16.000000 2.370366 
    17.000000 2.530256 
    18.000000 2.714863 
    19.000000 2.849218 
    20.000000 3.033373 
    21.000000 3.185251 
    22.000000 3.282328 
    23.000000 3.431681 
    24.000000 3.668798 
    25.000000 3.788214 
    26.000000 3.877117 
    27.000000 4.032224 
    28.000000 4.138007 
    29.000000 4.315784 
    30.000000 4.504521 
    31.000000 4.668567 
    32.000000 4.787213 
    33.000000 4.973860 
    34.000000 5.128736 
    35.000000 5.240545 
    36.000000 5.392560 
    37.000000 5.556009 
    38.000000 5.709351 
    39.000000 5.793169 
    40.000000 5.987224 
    41.000000 6.096015 
    42.000000 6.158622 
    43.000000 6.402116 
    44.000000 6.533816 
    45.000000 6.711002 
    46.000000 6.876793 
    47.000000 7.104519 
    48.000000 7.237456 
    49.000000 7.299352 
    50.000000 7.471975 
    51.000000 7.691428 
    52.000000 7.792002 
    53.000000 7.928269 
    54.000000 8.014977 
    55.000000 8.211984 
    56.000000 8.330894 
    57.000000 8.530197 
    58.000000 8.690166 
    59.000000 8.808934 
    60.000000 8.996209 
    61.000000 9.104818 
    62.000000 9.325309 
    63.000000 9.389288 
    64.000000 9.576900 
    65.000000 9.761865 
    66.000000 9.807437 
    67.000000 10.027261 
    68.000000 10.129250 
    69.000000 10.392891 
    70.000000 10.497618 
    71.000000 10.627769 
    72.000000 10.811770 
    73.000000 11.119184 
    74.000000 11.181286 
    75.000000 11.156842 
    76.000000 11.350290 
    77.000000 11.493779 
    78.000000 11.720265 
    79.000000 11.700112 
    80.000000 11.939404 
    81.000000 12.293530 
    82.000000 12.267791 
    83.000000 12.394929 
    84.000000 12.545286 
    85.000000 12.784669 
    86.000000 12.754122 
    87.000000 13.129798 
    88.000000 13.166340 
    89.000000 13.389514 
    90.000000 13.436648 
    91.000000 13.647285 
    92.000000 13.722875 
    93.000000 13.992217 
    94.000000 14.167837 
    95.000000 14.320843 
    96.000000 14.450310 
    97.000000 14.515556 
    98.000000 14.598526 
    99.000000 14.807360 
    100.000000 14.982592 
    101.000000 15.312892 
    102.000000 15.280009 

https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.genfromtxt.html –




import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

x, y = [], [] 

with open("data.xvg") as f: 
    for line in f: 
     cols = line.split() 

     if len(cols) == 2: 

fig = plt.figure() 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) 
ax1.set_title("Plot title...")  
ax1.set_xlabel('your x label..') 
ax1.set_ylabel('your y label...') 
ax1.plot(x,y, c='r', label='the data') 
leg = ax1.legend() 

Graph screenshot



親愛なる皆さん、ありがとうございます。 – parash


あなたは大歓迎です!上下の矢印の下にある灰色のチェックマークをクリックすることを忘れないでください。 –
