私は非常に興味深い、遺伝的アルゴリズムのTSP、特に部分的にマッピングされたクロスオーバーを調べています。コードのバックグラウンドについては、関連する都市に対応するint型の2つの配列を受け取ります。たとえば、1,2,3,4,5,6,7および2,3,4,5、 2,4,3。次に何が起こるかは、重複することなく都市を越えようとしていますが、whileループを実行すると、無限ループに陥っても問題は解決できないようです。遺伝的アルゴリズム - 部分的にマップされたクロスオーバー - Java
コードの背景 SIZE =配列内の都市のサイズ、親1と親2にサイズSIZEのランダムな都市が含まれています。
private int[][] partiallyMappedCrossover(int first, int second){
//Used to return an array of type int
int[][] tempArray = new int[2][SIZE];
//Used to represent the selected individuals
ArrayList<Integer> parentOne = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> parentTwo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> parentOneExchange = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> parentTwoExchange = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Used to generate crossOverPoints
ArrayList<Integer> crossOverPoints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Used for checking the parents contents
int currentCity = 0;
int arrayIndex = 0;
int newCity = 0;
//Assign the contents of the selected parents to my parentArrays
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
//used to gather cities from tours and swap between randomly selected crossoverpoints
for(int k = crossOverPoints.get(0) ; k < crossOverPoints.get(1) ; k++){
//declare ints to store the city value
int a = parentOne.get(k);
int b = parentTwo.get(k);
//excahnge cities between the two crossOverPoints
for(int i = 0; i < crossOverPoints.get(0); i++){
//get the first city from the parentOne
currentCity = parentOne.get(i);
//Check the cities
//If it does contain the city, give one the index from the exchange
arrayIndex = parentOneExchange.indexOf(currentCity);
// get the city where we have a repitition
newCity = parentTwo.get(arrayIndex);
//if the new city is also a duplicated one, do another check
// get the index of the city to replace the repeated city
arrayIndex = parentOneExchange.indexOf(newCity);
// get the city that is intended to replace the repeated city
newCity = parentTwo.get(arrayIndex);
//replace the duplicated city with the new city
currentCity = parentTwo.get(i);
//If it does contain the city, give one the index from the exchange
arrayIndex = parentTwoExchange.indexOf(currentCity);
// get the city where we have a repitition
newCity = parentOne.get(arrayIndex);
//if the new city is also a duplicated one, do another check
// get the index of the city to replace the repeated city
arrayIndex = parentTwoExchange.indexOf(newCity);
// get the city that is intended to replace the repeated city
newCity = parentOne.get(arrayIndex);
//replace the duplicated city with the new city
//loop the second crosschange
for(int i = crossOverPoints.get(1); i < SIZE; i++){
//get the first city from the parentOne
currentCity = parentOne.get(i);
//Check the cities
//If it does contain the city, give one the index from the exchange
arrayIndex = parentOneExchange.indexOf(currentCity);
// get the city where we have a repitition
newCity = parentTwo.get(arrayIndex);
//if the new city is also a duplicated one, do another check
// get the index of the city to replace the repeated city
arrayIndex = parentOneExchange.indexOf(newCity);
// get the city that is intended to replace the repeated city
newCity = parentTwo.get(arrayIndex);
//replace the duplicated city with the new city
currentCity = parentTwo.get(i);
//If it does contain the city, give one the index from the exchange
arrayIndex = parentTwoExchange.indexOf(currentCity);
// get the city where we have a repitition
newCity = parentOne.get(arrayIndex);
//if the new city is also a duplicated one, do another check
// get the index of the city to replace the repeated city
arrayIndex = parentTwoExchange.indexOf(newCity);
// get the city that is intended to replace the repeated city
newCity = parentOne.get(arrayIndex);
//replace the duplicated city with the new city
//Assign the new offspring to the temp array for return
for(int i = 0; i<SIZE; i++){
tempArray[0][i] = parentOne.get(i);
tempArray[1][i] = parentTwo.get(i);
//return the contents of my tempArray
return tempArray;
これは素晴らしいことですが、これは私のプログラミング能力を開発するために必要な建設的なフィードバックの正確なタイプです。 +1 – Coder1994UK