2017-05-02 15 views


iterator erase(iterator pos) { 
      // TODO: Implement this function. 
      if (pos == end()) { 
       return end(); 
      T* newElems = new T[cap]; 
      for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != pos; iter++) { 
       newElems[*iter] = elems[*iter]; 
      for (iterator iter = pos + 1; iter != end()-1; iter++) { 
       newElems[*iter] = elems[*iter+1];  
      delete[] elems; 
      elems = newElems; 
      return pos; 


#include <cstdio> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <stdexcept> 

* @brief A templated sequence container that encapsulates dynamic size arrays. 
template<typename T> 
class Vector { 
    T *elems; // an array of the elements stored in the Vector 
    std::size_t cap; // the current capacity of the array 
    std::size_t length; // the number of elements inside the Vector 
    static const std::size_t initialCapacity = 2; 
    /* If you want to add methods, add them below this line */ 

    /* If you want to add methods, add them above this line */ 

    * @brief Default Constructor. 
    Vector() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     length = 0; 
     cap = initialCapacity; 
     elems = new T[cap]; 


    * @brief Copy Constructor. 
    * @param other The vector from which we should copy from. 
    Vector(const Vector &other) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     elems = new T[other.cap]; 
     cap = other.cap; 
     length = other.length; 
     for (int i = 0; i < other.length; i++) { 
      elems[i] = other.elems[i]; 

    * @brief Copy Assignment Operator. 
    * @param other The vector on the RHS of the assignment. 
    * @return A reference to the vector on the LHS. 
    Vector &operator=(const Vector &other) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     this->elems = &other.elems; 
     this->cap =other.cap; 
     this->length = other.length; 

    * @brief Destructor. 
    ~Vector() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     delete [] elems; 

    typedef T* iterator; 
    typedef const T* constIterator; 

    * @brief Begin iterator. 
    * @return An iterator to the first element. 
    iterator begin() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return elems; 

    * @brief End iterator. 
    * @return An iterator to one past the last element. 
    iterator end() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return elems + length; 

    * @brief Const begin iterator. This is a const overloaded function. 
    * @return A const iterator to the first element. 
    constIterator begin() const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return constIterator(elems); 

    * @brief Const end iterator. This is a const overloaded function. 
    * @return A const iterator to one past the last element. 
    constIterator end() const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return constIterator(elems+size()); 

    * @brief Gets the number of elements that the container has currently allocated space for. 
    * @return The number of elements that can be held in currently allocated storage. 
    std::size_t capacity() const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return this->cap; 

    * @brief Gets the number of elements. 
    * @return The number of elements in the container. 
    std::size_t size() const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return this->length; 

    * @brief Adds an element to the end. 
    *  If there is no space to add an element, then the capacity of the vector is doubled.. 
    * @param elem The element to be added. 
    void pushBack(T elem) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (size() >= capacity()) { 
     elems[size()] = elem; 

    * @brief Removes the last element of the container. 
    *  The capacity of the vector is unchanged. 
    *  If there are no elements in the container, then do nothing. 
    void popBack() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (size()!=0) { 

    * @brief Increases the capacity of the container to a value greater or equal to new_cap. 
    *  If new_cap is greater than the current capacity(), new storage is allocated, 
    *  otherwise the method does nothing. 
    * @param new_cap new capacity of the container. 
    void reserve(std::size_t new_cap) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     T* newElems = new T[new_cap]; 
     int newSize = new_cap < length ? new_cap : length; 
     for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) { 
      newElems[i] = elems[i]; 
     cap = new_cap; 
     delete[] elems; 
     elems = newElems; 

    * @brief Overloaded array subscripting operator. 
    * @param pos The position of the element to access. 
    * @return A reference to the element at specified location pos. 
    *   No bounds checking is performed. 
    T &operator[](std::size_t pos) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return elems[pos]; 


    * @brief Const overload of the overloaded array subscripting operator. 
    * @param pos The position of the element to access. 
    * @return A const reference to the element at specified location pos. 
    *   No bounds checking is performed. 
    const T &operator[](std::size_t pos) const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     return elems[pos]; 

    * @brief Access specified element with bounds checking. 
    * @param pos The position of the element to access. 
    * @return A reference to the element at specified location pos, with bounds checking. 
    * @throw std::out_of_range if pos >= the size of the vector. 
    T &at(std::size_t pos) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (pos >= size()) { 
      throw std::out_of_range; 
     return elems[pos]; 

    * @brief Const overload to access specified element with bounds checking. 
    * @param pos The position of the element to access. 
    * @return A const reference to the element at specified location pos, with bounds checking. 
    * @throw std::out_of_range if pos >= the size of the vector. 
    const T &at(std::size_t pos) const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (pos>=size()) { 
      throw std::out_of_range; 
     return const elems[pos]; 

    * @brief Checks whether the container is empty. 
    * @return true if the container is empty, false otherwise. 
    bool empty() const { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (size()==0) { 
      return true; 
     return false; 

    * @brief Removes all elements from the container. 
    *  Leaves the capacity of the vector unchanged. 
    void clear() { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     while (!empty()) { 

    * @brief Erases an element at pos. 
    * @param pos Iterator to the element to remove. 
    * @return Iterator following the last removed element. 
    *   If the iterator pos refers to the last element, the end() iterator is returned. 
    iterator erase(iterator pos) { 
     // TODO: Implement this function. 
     if (pos == end()) { 
      return end(); 
     T* newElems = new T[cap]; 
     for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != pos; iter++) { 
      newElems[*iter] = elems[*iter]; 
     for (iterator iter = pos + 1; iter != end()-1; iter++) { 
      newElems[*iter] = elems[*iter+1];  
     delete[] elems; 
     elems = newElems; 
     return pos; 


// a2 = {2,3,25,42} currently   
    Vector<int>::iterator it = a2.begin(); 




newElems[*iter] = elems[*iter];




pos = newElems + (pos - elems); 




std::copy(pos + 1, end(), pos); 


for (++pos; pos != end(); ++pos) { 
    pos[-1] = pos; 

は意味があります。 'for'ループで要素を正しく変更していないように見えます。特に、私は 'elems [i]'にアクセスし、それを 'elems [i + 1]'に置き換える方法については、繰り返しのためのイテレータを使用するだけではわかりません。 – dezdichado


私はちょうどコードが今働いている。ありがとう! – dezdichado




その配列を反復処理する正しい方法は何ですか'elems []'? '(int)* iter'をキャストしようとしましたが、うまく動作しませんでした。 – dezdichado
