2017-03-05 21 views


    Image highlightEdge = new Image("assets/img/highlightEdge.png"); 
        if(angle == 90){ 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(highlightEdge.getWidth(), 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(testPoint.x - 56, testPoint.y); 
        } else if(angle == 210) { 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x - 72, lastSettlement.y - 32); 
        } else if(angle == 330){ 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x - 8, lastSettlement.y - 32); 
        } else if(angle == 30){ 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-8, lastSettlement.y); 
        } else if(angle == 150){ 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-72, lastSettlement.y); 
        } else { 
         highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0); 
         highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 
         highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-40, lastSettlement.y - 48); 






float positionX; 
float positionY; 

if (angle == 90) { 
    highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(highlightEdge.getWidth(), 0); 
    highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle)); 

    positionX = testPoint.x - 56; 
    positionY = testPoint.y; 

    highlightEdge.draw(positionX, positionY); 


// you can now use this Shape to use its method "contains" 
imageShape = shapeFromImage(highlightEdge, positionX, positionY); 

* Returns the Shape of an Image considering its rotation 
* @param image 
* @param x the x position of the Image 
* @param y the y position of the Image 
public static Shape shapeFromImage(Image image, float x, float y) { 

    // create a rectangle with same position and size of the image 
    Shape imageShape = new Rectangle(x, y, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); 

    // get the rotation angle of the image 
    float angle = image.getRotation(); 

    // if the image is rotated, we also need to rotate our shape 
    if (angle != 0.f) { 

     // convert the rotation angle in radians to use in Transform 
     float angleInRadians = (float) Math.toRadians(angle); 

     // get the point of rotation to use in Transform. 
     // image.getCenterOfRotation returns a point relative to the image. 
     // for Transform we need an absolute point, so we add the image position to it 
     float rotationX = image.getCenterOfRotationX() + x; 
     float rotationY = image.getCenterOfRotationY() + y; 

     // create the rotation Transform to match the image rotation 
     Transform rotationTransform = Transform.createRotateTransform(angleInRadians, rotationX, rotationY); 

     // apply the rotation Transform to our shape 
     imageShape = imageShape.transform(rotationTransform); 


    return imageShape; 

