Ive created a class called "Apples" on a new Swife and called it Apples.
class Apples {
var points = points()
var appleName = String?
constructed a struct called points to define the apple parameters
struct points {
var taste = 0
var smell = 0
var texture = 0
var color = 0
and constructed a function to make new apples
func newApples(t:Int, s: Int, tex: Int, col: Int, appName = String)
let newApple = Apples()
newApple.points.taste = t
newApple.points.smell = s
newApple.points.texture = tex
newApple.points.color = col
newApple.appleName = appName
and then I got 2 ViewControllers, 1 is AppleViewController, and the 2nd is ChoiceViewController.
I called
let pinkLady = newApples(t: 5, s: 4, tex: 4, col: 5, appName = "Pink Lady")
on the AppleViewController
On the ChoiceViewController I got some UILabel Outlet(appleLabel) which I want to change according to the Apple the user picked on the 1st AppleViewController
the problem lies when I try to make a Prepare(for segue:) function
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let choiceVC = segue.destination as! ChoiceViewController
choiceVC.appleLabel.text = pinkLady.appleName
And in that last line of code lies the problem, When im running the app and click the button with no line of code in (prepare for segue) function it performs the segue just fine, but with it it calls "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value"
I tried all sort of syntax such as
choiceVC.appleLabel.text = ((pinkLady.appleName)!)
choiceVC.appleLabel.text = pinkLady.appleName?
choiceVC.appleLabel.text = ("\(pinkLady.appleName?)")
and then I tried to just put
inside the prepare(for segue) function and when it performed it printed out to the console Pink Lady with no problem. i really dont know what im missing here.
あなたの問題は「致命的なエラーです:予期せぬことに、オプション値をアンラッピングしている間に見つかりません」という意味です。 prepareForSegueにブレークポイントを設定し、nilを見つけるまで行単位で移動します。 – Multinerd
あなたのappleLabelがメモリにまだ割り当てられていないので、この問題が起こると思います。 choiseVCでvar srtingを宣言し、次にviewdidload funcでuilabelのテキスト – Asike
に割り当てます。私が言ったように、appleLabel.textをappleLabel.textを pinkLady.appleNameに変更する行を呼び出しますが、同じ値を印刷するとそれはゼロを返しません、それはピンクの女性を返す –