import java.awt.*;
public class GameController implements ActionListener {
private GameModel model;
private MyStack<DotInfo[][]> dots;
private int size;
* Constructor used for initializing the controller. It creates the game's view
* and the game's model instances
* @param size
* the size of the board on which the game will be played
public GameController(int size) {
this.size = size;
model = new GameModel(size);
dots = (MyStack<DotInfo[][]>) new DotInfo[size][size];
* resets the game
public void reset(){
* Callback used when the user clicks a button (reset or quit)
* @param e
* the ActionEvent
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
* <b>selectColor</b> is the method called when the user selects a new color.
* If that color is not the currently selected one, then it applies the logic
* of the game to capture possible locations. It then checks if the game
* is finished, and if so, congratulates the player, showing the number of
* moves, and gives two options: start a new game, or exit
* @param color
* the newly selected color
public void selectColor(int color){
Stack<DotInfo[][]> newStack = new DotInfo[size][size];
for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<size;j++) {
if (model.dots[i][j].isCaptured()) {
while (model.getCurrentSelectedColor()!=color) {
//for (int i=0;i<)
public class MyStack<T> implements Stack<T> {
private T[][] array;
private int size;
public MyStack(int size) {
this.size = size;
array = (T[][])new Object[size][size];
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size==0;
public T peek() {
return array[size][size];
public T pop() {
T popped = null;
popped = array[size][size];
return popped;
public void push(T element) {
コードはコンパイルされますか? 'dots'はStackとして定義されています。各要素はDotInfoオブジェクトの2次元配列です。コンストラクタ内の' dots'の初期化は、Java 8とJavaの 'dots = new MyStack <>();'古いJavaの実装では 'dots = new MyStack(); –