#1089 - Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys
CREATE TABLE `xyz`.`company_info` (`c_id` INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `cname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `ctitle` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `cestab` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `cfounder` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `caddress` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `ccontact` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `cemail` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `cweb` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `clogo` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `status` INT(10) NOT NULL , `created_on` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`c_id`(10))) ENGINE = InnoDB;
'query'関連の質問がある場合は、mysqlタグを使用してください。 – Virb