2017-03-15 7 views

あなたのウェブパック設定にLaravel's Elixirを使用している場合、VueJsのユニットテストを書くことは可能ですか?Laravel + VueJs + Webpack + Karma =痛みの世界

VueJs 2Xは、コンポーネントのテストのための非常に簡単な例があります:Vue Guide Unit testing

    <span>{{ message }}</span> 
    export default { 
    data() { 
     return { 
     message: 'hello!' 
    created() { 
     this.message = 'bye!' 


// Import Vue and the component being tested 
import Vue from 'vue' 
import MyComponent from 'path/to/MyComponent.vue' 

describe('MyComponent',() => { 
    it('has a created hook',() => { 
    expect(typeof MyComponent.created).toBe('function') 
    it ...etc 



webpack: webpackConfig, 

唯一の問題は、Laravel's ElixirがWebpack構成を作成して、含まれないことです。



var path = require('path'); 
var webpack = require('webpack'); 

module.exports = { 
    entry: './src/main.js', 
    output: { 
     path: path.resolve(__dirname, './dist'), 
     publicPath: '/dist/', 
     filename: 'build.js' 
    module: { 
     rules: [ 
       test: /\.vue$/, 
       loader: 'vue-loader', 
       options: { 
        loaders: { 
         // Since sass-loader (weirdly) has SCSS as its default parse mode, we map 
         // the "scss" and "sass" values for the lang attribute to the right configs here. 
         // other preprocessors should work out of the box, no loader config like this necessary. 
         'scss': 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader', 
         'sass': 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader?indentedSyntax' 
        // other vue-loader options go here 
       test: /\.js$/, 
       loader: 'babel-loader', 
       exclude: /node_modules/ 
       test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/, 
       loader: 'file-loader', 
       options: { 
        name: '[name].[ext]?[hash]' 
    resolve: { 
     alias: { 
      'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js' 
    devServer: { 
     historyApiFallback: true, 
     noInfo: true 
    performance: { 
     hints: false 
    devtool: '#eval-source-map' 


// Karma configuration 
// Generated on Wed Mar 15 2017 09:47:48 GMT-0500 (CDT) 
var webpackConf = require('./karma.webpack.config.js'); 
delete webpackConf.entry; 

module.exports = function(config) { 

    webpack: webpackConf, // Pass your webpack.config.js file's content 

    webpackMiddleware: { 
     noInfo: true, 
     stats: 'errors-only' 



ウェブパックの設定をテストするために、Javascriptを最小限に抑えてみましたか?単体テストを含め、今必要なものはすべて取り除き、webpack設定ファイルを再確認してください。 –


私はそう信じています。単一のvueコンポーネントをロードするtest.spec.jsファイルが1つあります。そのファイルを読み込むtests/index.jsがあります。したがって、合計2つのjsファイル、1つのvueコンポーネント、次にkarma.conf、およびkarma.webpack.conf。 –


'laravel-elixir-webpack-official'または' laravel-elixir-webpack'を使いましたか? –









module.exports = function (config) { 
    // to run in additional browsers: 
    // 1. install corresponding karma launcher 
    // http://karma-runner.github.io/0.13/config/browsers.html 
    // 2. add it to the `browsers` array below. 
    browsers: ['Chrome'], 
    frameworks: ['jasmine'], 
    files: ['./index.js'], 
    preprocessors: { 
     './index.js': ['webpack'] 
    webpack: { 
     resolve: { 
     alias: { 
      vue: 'vue/dist/vue.common.js' 
     extensions: ['.js', '.vue'] 
     vue: { 
     buble: { 
      objectAssign: 'Object.assign' 
     module: { 
     loaders: [ 
      test: /\.vue$/, 
      loader: 'vue-loader' 
      test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/, 
      loader: 'file-loader', 
      query: { 
       limit: 10000, 
       name: '../img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]' 
      test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/, 
      loader: 'url-loader', 
      query: { 
       limit: 10000, 
       name: '../fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]' 
    webpackMiddleware: { 
     noInfo: true, 
    coverageReporter: { 
     dir: './coverage', 
     reporters: [ 
     { type: 'lcov', subdir: '.' }, 
     { type: 'text-summary' }, 

あなた自身の問題についてコメントをいただきありがとうございます。私は今日この痛み穴の中に深く入り込んでいました。私はあなたの設定を取って、修正しました。 – Simon



npm install --save-dev vue-loader file-loader url-loader

    1. はWebPACKのための関連ローダーをインストールします。受け入れられた答えは、webpack.config.jsファイルの無効な形式を引用してエラーを生成しました。少なくとも私と一緒でした。その後


    module.exports = { 
        module: { 
        rules: [ 
         test: /\.vue$/, 
         use: [ 
          { loader: 'vue-loader' } 
         test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/, 
         use: [ 
          loader: 'file-loader', 
          query: { 
           limit: 10000, 
           name: '../img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]' 
         test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/, 
         use: [ 
          loader: 'url-loader', 
          query: { 
           limit: 10000, 
           name: '../fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]' 


    // Karma configuration 
    var webpackConf = require('./webpack.config.js'); 
    delete webpackConf.entry 
    module.exports = function(config) { 
         frameworks: ['jasmine'], 
         port: 9876, // web server port 
         colors: true, 
         logLevel: config.LOG_INFO, 
         reporters: ['progress'], // dots, progress 
         autoWatch: true, // enable/disable watching files & then run tests 
         browsers: ['Chrome'], //'PhantomJS', 'Firefox', 
         singleRun: true, // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits 
         concurrency: Infinity, // how many browser should be started simultaneous 
         webpack: webpackConf, // Pass your webpack.config.js file's content 
         webpackMiddleware: { 
          noInfo: true, 
          stats: 'errors-only' 
         * base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude) 
         * This should be your JS Folder where all source javascript 
         * files are located. 
         basePath: './resources/assets/js/', 
         * list of files/patterns to load in the browser 
         * The pattern just says load all files within a 
         * tests directory including subdirectories 
         files: [ 
          {pattern: 'tests/*.js', watched: false}, 
          {pattern: 'tests/**/*.js', watched: false} 
         // list of files to exclude 
         exclude: [ 
         * pre-process matching files before serving them to the browser 
         * Add your App entry point as well as your Tests files which should be 
         * stored under the tests directory in your basePath also this expects 
         * you to save your tests with a .spec.js file extension. This assumes we 
         * are writing in ES6 and would run our file through babel before webpack. 
         preprocessors: { 
          'app.js': ['webpack', 'babel'], 
          'tests/**/*.spec.js': ['babel', 'webpack'] 

    karma startを実行し、すべてが動作するはずです。